The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2577: Sweep all the way

Chapter 2577 sweeping all the way

Xu Feng stood there, he looked at the elder.

The face became a bit ugly.

He stepped forward and said: "Elder, are you sure you will not let me sign up?"

Xu Feng’s face showed a smile.

Inside the smile, there is a threat.

The people of Baiyang Island, who do not know Xu Feng and Lian Yun are very close.

Don't let Xu Feng sign up now.

If he really wants to find a clean war, it is not difficult.

At that time, it is very likely to be punished by clean war.

The elder's face has also become very ugly. He obviously does not know what to do at the moment, and it is obviously a dilemma.

A young man not far away, but ridiculed, said: "Hey, can't think of the elders in the classroom, is it still afraid that a disciple's threat will not be achieved?"

The words of the youth sounded. ,

Many people are smiling on their faces.

This young man is called Pu Chenxiang. He is the third peak of the spiritual world. It is regarded as the most powerful competitor of this foreign disciple assessment.

Of course, the most important thing is that many people know.

Pu Chenxiang is a proud disciple of the deputy island owner Zuo Lengchan. He obviously wants to get deep sea red ginseng.

The elder was said by Pu Chenxiang, and suddenly looked at Xu Feng and said: "You missed the time of registration, and now it is so daring to threaten me, you are too arrogant?"

Xu Feng spread his hands.

He stared at the elders and said: "Since you think I am arrogant, then don't sign up for me."

After that, Xu Feng is facing Lu Xuan Tiandao: "Let's go!"

However, the direction in which Xu Feng left was the direction of the inner courtyard of Baiyang Island.

The elder's face became extraordinarily ugly.

He still stood there, biting his teeth.

that's it.

A farce seems to be dead.

No one knows, in the end, Xu Feng signed up successfully.

In a blink of an eye.

Ten days, quietly passed away.

this day.

The entire Baiyang Island is extremely lively.

In the center of the city of Baiyang Island, the most prosperous place, there is a huge square, standing full of the warriors of the entire Baiyang Island.

They are all staring at the huge collapse of the central government.

everybody knows.

There will be very lively things today.

That is the outside disciple of Baiyang Island, that is, will participate in the assessment.

Such an assessment is a feast of battle.

"Who do you think this is the first place in the assessment?"

To watch the assessment, of course, it is inevitable to guess who can get the first place.

Since ancient times.

Those who get the first place are the most dazzling presence.

"I heard that Pu Chenxiang's strength is very good. It is already a three-pronged peak in the spiritual world. It is also a proud disciple of Zuo Lengchan. His chance of winning the first time is really great."

Someone looked at the youth standing on the platform, and his eyes fell on Pu Chenxiang's body, with appreciation.

"While Pu Chenxiang said that you are very powerful, I know the other one, called Cao Yu, who is also a foreign disciple, the existence of the prostitute."

"I think Cao Yu and Pu Chenxiang are half a catty, and they see two people who have more experience in combat."

Just when they all talked about it.

Someone said: "I don't think the two people you said can get the first place."

A middle-aged man, he vowed to say.

His voice sounded, and everyone around him looked at him and said: "You are talking about who can get the first place?"

Middle-aged man's face full of confidence.

"That is of course Xu Feng."

"Who is Xu Feng?"

There are some people next to them. They are not the people of Baiyang Island. They have never heard of Xu Feng’s name.

As someone asked, the person next to me immediately said: "I know a lot about this Xu Feng rumor."

"It is said that this Xu Feng is not easy to come. The president of the Soulist Guild, An Hang, is extremely polite to him."

"No, An Hang is very polite to him. Anhang is our top alchemy teacher in Baiyang Island."

"Not only that, I heard that some time ago, he also killed a person who is a double-minded person, and he is only half-step through the spiritual realm."

All sorts of rumors are spoken in the crowd.

Some people even say that Xu Feng is an illegitimate child of a clean war.

Zuo Lengchan appeared on the ring.

His face is not very good looking.

However, at this time, a figure along with Zuo Leng Chan appeared among many outside disciples who participated in the assessment.

Lu Xuantian looked at Xu Feng, who was around him. His face was full of smiles.

The face of Pu Chenxiang and others is not very good-looking.

Zuo Leng Chan is certainly not happy.

He did not want Xu Feng to participate in this assessment.

After all, he himself is not sure. In the end, Pu Chenxiang’s strength is really crushing Xu Feng.

Xu Feng does not participate in this is the best choice.

However, the Cold War has been opened in person, and he cannot violate the meaning of a clean war.

"Welcome everyone to participate in this outside disciple assessment, our next assessment is very simple."

"According to the above names, assign to people, fight separately, and then contest the five people with the most wins to fight for the final battle."

There is no extra words in Zuo Leng Zen.

Next to an elder, take out a list.

The situation has been arranged on the battle.

Xu Feng stood on the side, he wanted to see, what kind of people are left to arrange for himself?

Lu Xuantian is only a heavy cultivation of the spiritual world. His first battle was undoubtedly lost.

Xu Feng looked at his first opponent, only a glimpse of the peak of the spiritual world.

His heart is secretly funny.

Zuo Leng Chan clearly wants to deal with himself, but still has to do superficial work.

"You are not my opponent, let me lose."

Xu Feng looked at the opposite youth and said.

"Hey, even if it's not an opponent, I won't admit defeat, fight."


When his words were finished, he was flying out by Xu Fengyi.

It was easy and Xu Feng won the first battle.

Lu Xuantian looked at this scene and was wrong.

His heart is shocking and his heart said: "Hey, it seems that the gap with him is really getting bigger and bigger."

Xu Feng’s second opponent.

It is a warrior who is rebuilt as a spiritual environment.

This person also wants to fight Xu Feng.

Still being defeated by Xu Feng in a second.

Xu Feng did not squat, and everyone who fought with him did not let the other party suffer a serious injury.

Xu Feng’s battle can be described as smooth sailing.

Under the triple of spirituality, Xu Feng is an invincible existence.

In the four consecutive battles, Xu Feng won all the victories.

The eyes of Zuo Lengchan squinted slightly, and his heart was shocked. "Is Zheng Zheng killed by this kid?"

When he thought of it, he even couldn’t imagine it.

After all, half-step through the peak of the spiritual world, able to kill the four warriors in the spiritual world, this is really shocking.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, he will never believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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