The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2596: Kowloon Refining

Chapter 2596 Kowloon Rehabilitation


The other side.

The long sword of Lian Yun directly wears the chest of Mao Qiu.

Mao Qiuyu has big eyes.

He looked at the opposite rhyme, and the voice was weak: "Why do you know that I don't hide?"

At the end of Mao Qiu, I felt that my general trend had gone. He wanted to go with the same.

I know that Lian Yun is not fooled at all, avoiding his attack, while the long sword pierces his heart.

"Because you are too wasteful."

Lian Yun directly imitated Xu Feng's tone and said.

Xu Feng, standing not far away, has a smile on his face.

Nodded gratified.

“Yue, it’s a good performance.”

Xu Feng said with respect to Lian Yun.

Lian Yun was very happy to receive Xu Feng’s appreciation.

Xu Feng began to sort out the resources of these killed people.

His face is strange, saying: "It is a disciple of the Shadowless Island. Sure enough, there are many resources."

Xu Feng found that the number of spirits of each person on the other side is several thousand.

Even in the storage ring of Teng Xin, the number of Lingjing reached more than 20,000, which is already a lot.

Xu Feng will give Ling some points to Qiao, and give some to the rhyme, he will accept some.

At this time, he looked at the four pillars around him. His face was changed. He said: "The four pillars seem to be very unusual."

Xu Feng found that the runes on each of the pillars are incomparably mysterious and seem strange.

He gained the inheritance of creation, and naturally he can see at a glance that the time of these pillars may be very long.

"It's weird!"

Xu Feng frowned slightly, his soul power directly sensed out to the four pillars.

He found that his soul power seemed to extend far and far, and there was no end.

"what happened?"

Xu Feng’s forehead is wrinkled.

Lian Yun and Qiao Xiyuan stood on one side, they did not bother Xu Feng.


I know.

It’s just a little while in the past.

The four pillars in this hall suddenly burst into violent vibrations, and the sound of the cymbals continued to come.

Joe was shocked by the face and said: "Miss, be careful!"

Lian Yun looked at Xu Feng's body and her face was worried.


In an instant, Xu Feng’s body disappeared there, and the four pillars disappeared at the same time.


Lian Yun and Qiao Xi Yuan are both big eyes, they are full of mistakes, face each other, do not know why Xu Feng suddenly disappeared.

You must know that the four pillars just mentioned are all real existence.

Xu Feng does not know what happened.

He stared at the confused void around him, only to see the four pillars appear around his body.

Each pillar exudes a golden glow at this moment, and the runes above the pillars are constantly beating.

The most important thing is that the pillars have become brilliant at the moment, and they are like a golden dragon.

"what happened?"

When Xu Feng looked at the four pillars, his face changed, and he did not understand why this happened.

Surrounded by an empty void.

There are no other things besides the four pillars.


Above the four pillars, there was a burst of horror, and the golden light became more fierce.


Subsequently, the four pillars turned into four golden dragons, all surrounded by Xu Feng's body.

The four pillars are surrounded by the golden light, which makes Xu Feng feel the blood of the whole body, and it is constantly surging.

The body of his spirit is actually working naturally.


Xu Feng himself is blind, and he is a little bit forced.

He only felt the blood in his body, and he followed the four pillars.

"What the **** is this?"

Xu Feng is full of anger.

The mysterious woman could not sit still.

Her beautiful face is accompanied by shocks and horror.

"Day, is it the legendary four major refining methods in the ancient times, is it a Kowloon refinery?"

If Xu Feng knows this mysterious woman, the expression that he shows at the moment, he will inevitably be shocked.

Xu Feng himself knows that the mysterious woman is not simple, can make her feel so wrong, what is the horror of the shocking method of refining the body?


Xu Feng has not responded yet.

The four pillars turned toward his body and suddenly entered.

He only felt the blood of the whole body, and it seemed to be completely integrated with the four pillars.

"What happened, how do I feel that these four pillars are connected to my blood?"

Xu Feng's heart is very strange.

The golden momentum above the four pillars seems to have some similarities with his Taikoo dragon.


Xu Feng felt that his spiritual strength was stirring, and his body of the Emperor continued to work.

Xu Feng only felt that there was an incomparable law in his mind.

"Kowloon Refining!"

Xu Feng felt the five words floating in his mind, all of which were golden light.

"The world is born, everything is beginning to appear, if you want to achieve immortality, the body is immortal, the body becomes a god, the supreme!"

Inside Xu Feng’s mind, there is a paragraph of esoteric text that seems to be an extraordinary place in the record of the Kowloon refinery.

Xu Feng felt the existence of four pillars, and his heart was shocked.

The Kowloon Refining Body is divided into nine floors.

"It turns out that these four pillars are necessary for the cultivation of the Kowloon Refining Body. It turned out to be a refining dragon."

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking.

How terrible is the power of the ancient times, the ability to refine the dragons directly, and then create a practice.

Nine pillars are nine dragons, and the dragon is a god-like existence, but it is also refining.

"Unfortunately, I only got four pillars, and I don't know the remaining five pillars. Where is it?"

Xu Feng’s heart is somewhat regrettable.

He found that the Kowloon refinery was really difficult to cultivate. When he began to study the first floor, he found that the meridians were completely out of shape.

"Sure enough, it is not a general refining law, it is really profound." Xu Feng's heart is shocking.

He continued the number of French martial arts martial arts, he began to try to let the four pillars run in the body.

The golden light of Xu Feng’s body is constantly changing.

His blood seems to have turned into gold.

The blood is in the body, constantly flowing, gathering, as if forming a river.

He found that his body of the Emperor had broken through.

Obviously, his current body strength has become stronger.

His face is a smile.

"Ha ha ha... I can’t think of this cave house, but I don’t know what a strong man’s house.”

Xu Feng’s heart is full of horror. During this time, he did not have the method of refining the body. He did not expect to find it.

(End of this chapter)

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