The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2622: Second disciple Chen Jinshan

Chapter 2262, the second disciple, Chen Jinshan

"Haha, I am Baiyang Island and you are away from the Soul Island, and I will never die."

Zhang Tianyou was very angry at this moment.

The power of his body is stirring.

The sixteen spiritual veins above the head are even successive bombardments.

He constantly attacked the elders of the Essence Island opposite.


With the addition of Xu Feng, it is really a manpower to turn the tide.

He completely crushed all the warriors.

The warrior from Soul Island is really a ghost.

Xu Feng, who is afraid of one by one, kills them.

Even some people, who have not had time to fight, have begun to flee in the distance.


The victory of Baiyang Island is simply at your fingertips.

Xu Feng’s eyes fell on the elders of Soul Island.

He lives directly on his body, his eyes are cold and killing.

"If you are away from the soul island, people like to bully too much. We don't mind Baiyang Island. Two hits."


The twenty threads of Xu Feng’s body went out.

You don't want to think about it.

Even without Zhang Tianyou, Xu Feng was able to defeat the elders from the opposite island.

Now, Xu Feng and Zhang Tianyou shot together.

Between a few strokes.

Xu Feng’s fist was bombarded on the back of the other side, and he smashed his blood directly.

Xu Feng is moving in the footsteps, and the body rushes out toward the front, continuing to entangle only.


Xu Feng’s savage like a swallowing fist is completely continuous.

In this way, one punch and one punch, and constantly bombarded.

Make the opposite elder, full of grief.

He has no power to fight back.

In this way, two people, Xu Feng and Zhang Tianyou, were killed together. ,

His eyes widened and he was completely dead.

No one thought of it.

The appearance of Xu Feng alone is really to turn the tide.

Dozens of people from Soul Island are almost all lying on the ground.

Of course, there are also a few people who escaped.

Everyone has not chased.

After all, whose purpose is not far from the medicinal garden.

"Xu Feng kid, I don't think you are really our Baiyang Island, the biggest surprise."

Zhang Tianyou looked at Xu Feng and said sincerely.

"Tong Ling Jing three repairs, condensed 20 spirits, I heard that you will still alchemy, what is it you will not?"

Zhang Tianyou’s words rang.

Xu Feng’s face was a faint smile, but he didn’t care too much about Zhang Tianyou’s compliment.

"Good luck."

Xu Feng said undecidedly.

Looking at the humble but not proud Xu Feng, Zhang Tianyou's heart is gratifying.

He knows that Xu Feng is definitely not a dish in the nine wilderness areas.

Morning and evening.

Xu Feng will leave the nine seas and go to the spiritual gods to pursue his own world.

"Elder Zhang, we have to go to see the medicine garden and pick up those spiritual materials, which will be useful later."

Xu Feng said to Zhang Tianyou.


Later, everyone went to the medicine garden.

Xu Feng said: "Don't blindly pick these spirits to avoid unnecessary waste."

"It's better than this. Everyone listens to my command. Let me arrange for you to pick the spirits and then distribute them. How?"

Zhang Tianyou heard the words.

"Since you are an alchemy teacher, we don't understand alchemy. Naturally, we obey your command."

Zhang Tianyou, the elder, took the lead in supporting Xu Feng, let alone other people?

Moreover, everyone knows that Xu Feng’s strength is very strong and not weaker than Zhang Tianyou.

Of course, they are not doing anything with Xu Feng.

Not much time.

Under the guidance of Xu Feng, among the large medicinal gardens, all the spiritual materials were harvested in an orderly manner.

Xu Feng looked at the neatly sorted spiritual materials and said to everyone, "Some of these spiritual materials are a waste for you."

"It's better to do this. I will give you the spiritual materials that can be improved. The rest of the spiritual materials, I will exchange them with Red Moon Spirit."

Said, Xu Feng took out the red moon spirit liquid.

Many people feel the purity of the Red Moon Spirit, which is a big surprise.

"Xu Feng Xiaozi, in my opinion, these spiritual materials, in addition to improving the repair of several, the other you all put it up."

Zhang Tianyou said.

"Xu Shixiong, Zhang Changla is right, these spiritual materials are for us, but also for the Lingjing."

"If it weren't for your appearance, we wouldn't have to say that it is difficult to survive."

More than a dozen people agreed.

Xu Feng is also welcome, and will close most of the spiritual materials. ,

His heart is very satisfied.

The spiritual material of this, although not very advanced, can be used when refining the first-order Holy Spirit.

Xu Feng took out the red moon spirit liquid and distributed it to more than ten people.

He said: "Everyone can rest assured that the people here today, I have written down, and later I will return to Baiyang Island. If I prepare the Red Moon Spirit Liquid, I will give it to everyone and will not let everyone suffer."

Everyone has obtained some red moon spirit liquid, and they all feel the unusualness of the red moon spirit liquid.

"Thank you, Master Xu!"

One by one is a grateful face.

Xu Feng followed Zhang Tianyou and others, but he went a lot.

At last.

He didn't like the actions of a group of people like this, and he greeted him alone, leaving alone.



Xu Feng's body flowed spiritually, and he came directly from a cliff and slammed it down.

He looked at the white flower in his hand, his face was smiling, saying: "This flower can refine the Yan Dan, very good."

Xu Feng wants to refine some Yan Yan Dan to give a good rhyme.

He knew that he was getting closer and closer to the deserted sea.

"Ha ha ha..."

Just at the moment.

A laugh sounded.

I saw a young man wearing a blue robes and his clothes dancing in the wind.

Xu Feng looked at this place, and there are still many people around.

Someone looked at Xu Feng’s eyes and they were all afraid.

"Isn't that the core disciple of the Shadowless Island, Chen Jinshan?"

When some people looked at Chen Jinshan, their faces were awe.

Chen Jinshan is famous in the shadowless island.

Among them, there are people without a shadow island.

Here is an abandoned square.

Nobody has ever fought.

As Chen Jinshan walked toward Xu Feng, they all opened their eyes and waited for a good show.

Chen Jinshan looked at the opposite Xu Feng and smiled and said: "Haha, I can't think of breaking the iron shoes. It doesn't take much time."

As the second disciple of Ji Zeteng, Chen Jinshan cannot be underestimated.

He entered the Jiuhuangmen site.

Always wanted to find the whereabouts of Xu Feng.

If you can kill Xu Feng, you will inevitably get a big reward for Ji Zeteng.

At that time, it is not impossible for him to break through to the seven souls.

Xu Feng stared at the opposite Chen Jinshan. He did not speak, but he knew that the visitor was not good.

"Xu Feng, are you committing suicide, or do you want me to take it?"

Chen Jinshan’s voice is very arrogant.

He is a warrior in the late six seasons of the spiritual world. In his view, a young man with a three-pronged spirit is not worth mentioning.

(Blessing everyone happy New Year's Day, new year and new weather!)

(End of this chapter)

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