The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2746: Nine elders are suspected?

Chapter 2746, the nine elders are suspected?

"Four, the array I want to arrange is to kill the ring!"

"This array of methods is about interlocking."

"You four people, starting with Fan Hongzhong, then Hao Kun, then Ting sister, then Ji Da Ge."

"The four of you, in this order, will use the killing and squadron to start fighting with Zhao Ku."

"You can rest assured that with the formation of the battle, the battle begins, and your strength will be greatly improved."

"Next, I will begin to arrange the array. I will teach you how to mobilize the power of the formation to confront the enemy."

Xu Feng said to the four people.

Jitai and others are full of expectations, they also want to try to try, in the end what it feels like to control the formation.

The polystones in Xu Feng’s hand, as well as other spiritual materials, appeared in his hands.

The pure spiritual power flows toward the surroundings.

The moment when his hands were constantly waving, the space around him was bursting with bursts of slaps.


The ability of Xu Feng to arrange the array is really more and more skillful.

Xu Feng himself is also very clear, as he continues to digest and give him various forms of formation, his later rumors are absolutely more horrible.

Therefore, in his heart, he is looking forward to it.

He expected that one day, he stood at the peak of the spiritual **** continent.

He wants to overlook the entire spiritual **** continent, he is the supreme king of the spiritual **** continent.


Jitai’s eyes are full of awe. He looks at the array of Xu Feng’s arrangement at the moment, which is obviously more powerful and more horrible than the previous “Blind Eyes”.

"I really can't imagine how old the Xu brothers are, what is his origin?"

Jitai guessed that the origin of Xu Feng is not simple.

I am afraid that only those more powerful forces can cultivate such a peerless genius.


As the array moves gradually.

Xu Feng stood in the middle of the killing of the ring, his eyes swept over Jitai and other four people.

He slowly said: "You four, now into the law, I will teach you how to control the law."

"At that time, when you face the battle of Zhao Ku, you can communicate the power of the formation."

Xu Feng finished.

All four people can't wait to enter the battle.

"Fan Hongzhong, you are the first person to fight Zhao Ku, you need to stand at the forefront of the formation."

"The power you want to mobilize the formation is very simple. You pay attention to communicating with your heart, so that the spirit of heaven and earth will obey your command."

As Xu Feng began to point to four people.

Although they don't understand the array.

However, I followed a peerless master like Xu Feng.

Unless they are pig-like teammates.

Otherwise, you can master the control of your own.

The links they control are not too difficult.

The real difficulty of this killing is that the people who are in control of the formation in the end will completely interlock and merge.

Xu Feng stood in the center of the formation and felt the four people around him, and they began to take control of the formation.

He looked at the four people and said: "Next, I will unravel the blind eye and attract Zhao Ku to come here."

Xu Feng said to Jitai.

"Xu brother, you are careful."

They know the strength of Xu Feng and naturally will not continue to smash Xu Feng.

If even Xu Feng can't attract Zhao Ku, they will go to attract Zhao Ku, that is, to die.

Xu Feng took the kitten.

In the place where the blind eye is in the illusion, his eyes are full of smiles.

"Kitten, you go quietly to break the lineup. When I am pretending to be very scared, I will start to escape, and you will hide and then come out."

Xu Feng said to the kitten.

"Hey, rest assured!"

The kitten patted his chest and his eyes were confident.


The kitten slammed out.


The moment when the blind eye bursts open.

Xu Feng stood there, his eyes wide open, staring at the opposite Zhao Ku and others.


Xu Feng made a scream and screamed: "Jig Brother, hurry up..."

The flow of spiritual power in Xu Feng’s body is really a fleeing escape.

Zhao Ku is angry at the moment.

Although the formation is very embarrassing, he does not care so much.

His purpose is to kill Xu Feng and others.

"Kid, you give me a stop!"


Zhao Ku and others are crazy to chase after Xu Feng.

"Hey, a group of idiots!"

The kitten stood in the place where Zhao Ku left, his two smart eyes, all that came out were mocking.

"Jig Brother, hurry up!"

Jitai and others heard the sound coming, and each one was waiting.

Zhao Ku looked at the moment to catch up with Xu Feng.


Xu Feng suddenly disappeared from his eyes.

Zhao Ku stared at Fan Hongzhong not far away. His face was cold and killing. He said: "Sure enough, you are deceiving. In the face of absolute strength, you are all a group of slag!"

Zhao Ku’s voice sounded and his hands attacked Fan Hongzhong.


Fan Hongzhong is nervous, but he still moves the array.


He felt that the heaven and earth spirits were moving toward his attack and quickly gathered.

Zhao Ku suddenly quit, and he widened his eyes and said: "How is it possible? You are only imaginary?"

Fan Hongzhong himself is stunned.

"Ha ha ha... come on!"

Fan Hongzhong did not expect the formation to be so happy, and now desperately attacked Zhaocu.


With Fan Hongzhong fighting for half an hour.

Other people are also entering the battle.

Then it was the turn of Hao Kun.

In this way, when Zhao Ku and Ji Tai fought, his whole body's spiritual power had already consumed almost the same.


He spurted out a stream of blood, and his eyes were filled with sorrow.

He didn't understand what was wrong.


Xu Feng spit out two words directly.

The killing of the ring array is fully operational.

Zhao Ku suddenly understood.

He grinned and stared at Xu Feng, saying: "The kid, the original method is arranged by you, are you playing me?"

Zhao Ku’s voice is very miserable.

"What about playing with you?"

Xu Feng's hands became fists, and the cohesiveness was all about killing.


The fist was suppressed on the head of Zhao Ku, and the whole person fell to the ground, and his eyes were unwilling.

Xu Feng appeared in the side of Zhao Ku and said: "Is it true, Bi Tao, who is it, what news is it for you?"

"Ha ha ha... You guys want me to say traitors... dreaming!"

The blood in Zhaoku’s mouth is constantly blowing.

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "Hey, you are just a waste now. I have countless means to let you talk."

"Say, who is it?"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, a burst of faint light filled it.

That is the blessing of his soul power.

Jitai, next to him, felt extremely terrified.

"I don't know... I only know that it must be one of the nine elders of Bi Tao."


Zhao Ku was seriously injured, and the soul could not be supported at this moment. The whole person spurted out a stream of blood and died directly.

(End of this chapter)

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