The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2757: Strength is king

Chapter 2757 is the kingdom of strength.

"Good horror!"

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking.

His spiritual power is stirring to the extreme.

He knows that he can only escape if he has a chance.

Above his head, all the veins broke out.

Thirty-eight spirits directly impacted.

The formation of the violent waves.

The fierce wind is blowing.

The thirty-eight spirits above Xu Feng’s head all gathered together to form fierce spiritual fluctuations.

"how is this possible?"

Child cream and other people are wide-eyed.

They originally thought that Xu Feng’s top 30 threads were already the limit.

I know that the spirit that is revealed at the moment is thirty-eight.

The incomparable momentum erupted from him.

"The Stories of the River!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body has emerged.

The momentum on him became awkward.

"Second-level Holy Spirit?"

Yang Zhao’s eyes are shocking, he really can’t imagine.

Young people like Xu Feng can also display second-order holy spirit skills.

The whole void is oscillating.

It seems as if the earth is tearing.

Opposite Xu Feng, it seems to be a picture, directly diffused.

The momentum of the Styx catalogue is thoroughly revealed.

Tongshuang stood up and his face changed.

"Who is this Xu Feng in the end, how can he display the second-order holy spirit skills!" Tongshuang is very clear.

In the Bitao Gate, there are only a few second-order holy spirits.

Moreover, only the elders can cultivate.

Other people who want to practice second-order holy spirits are almost impossible.

Unless it is a credit.

It is conceivable how precious the second-order Holy Spirit is.

The depths of the elders' old eyes are shocked at the moment.

He really can't imagine how many secrets there are in this young man.


With Xu Feng's gaze catalogue, and Yang Zhao's palm, the collision of the shackles together in an instant.

The entire platform was swaying wildly, and all the cracks on the platform were torn apart.

A strong atmosphere is filled with it.

However, Xu Feng, the whole person, only felt the whole body meridians tremble.

He spurted out a blood.

Both eyes are not reconciled.

He flew out of the crowd.

His body was squatting on the ground, and his spiritual power flowed instantly.

The dark crow's feathers are displayed.

"Kid, do you really think that you can escape?"

In the depths of Yang Zhao’s eyes, they are all killing.

The spirit of his whole body is surging.

Just at the moment when Xu Feng is ready to escape.

Spirituality floats.

The claws above the palms are condensed in an instant.

The huge claws, toward the top of Xu Feng, smashed down.


The blood of Xu Feng's body is surging, the blood of his mouth is sprayed out, and the meridians are trembled in madness.

Xu Feng did not expect that the strength gap between himself and the youths with ambiguous peaks is so great.

Feeling the spiritual power of the whole body, it seems that they are all banned.

"Is it really going to die?"

Xu Feng’s eyes are unwilling.

The kitten screamed.


The body of the kitten instantly became bigger, the horrible momentum broke out, and the kitten caught out to Yang Zhaoxuan.

His claws became very large, sharp as if they were swords, and seemed to be able to tear the void directly.

"Bee, you are looking for death!"

Yang Zhao did not expect that the kitten on Xu Feng’s shoulders was so powerful and so fast.


His shoulders were suddenly bloody.


However, the kitten was directly shot by Yang Zhao, a slap in the palm of his hand, and blood was sprayed from the mouth of the kitten.

The kitten struggled to get up from the ground.

"No... kitten... run fast..."

The huge body of the kitten, his eyes are red.

He stared angrily at the opposite Yang Zhao, and the sharp teeth filled it.


The kitten went out again toward Yang Zhao.

"I don't think you are a very loyal little animal, it really makes me unexpected!" Yang Zhao's eyes are full of killing.

Above his palm, the spirits condense into a whip.

To the back of the kitten, the whip of the dragonfly went down.

The kitten's body slammed down and blood spurted out of his mouth.

However, the kitten still stood up.

The entire square of Bitao Gate is silent at this moment.

They did not expect that the feelings of the beast and the human being could be so deep.

Xu Feng's eyes are red, and his face at the moment is awkward.

The blood in his body is boiling wildly.


"If I don't die today, you will die all day!"

Xu Feng’s voice is stirring.

His face is crazy, he looks at the child cream, watching the elders.

At this moment, Cao Zhen was entangled by Yang Zhao’s people. He could not get away from it, and his eyes were absolutely deep.



Nangong Xue’s eyes are deep in the depths of her eyes. Her eyes and two lines of tears flow directly down.

She rushed to Xu Pang’s side and said, “Pang, hurry to save our son and save him...”

"Son... my son..."

"Hurry up to him..."

Nangong Snow is very sensitive.

A few times before, when she was inductive, Xu Feng was on the verge of death.

When she was in the southern continent, she was able to save Xu Feng with desperation.

However, she is in the mainland of the Spirit, but she can't do anything.

Xu Pang’s face was astonished and said: “Snow, what is the situation?”

Nangong snow tears keep flowing.

"Son... son, the peak is dangerous..."

The sound of Nangong Snow is very miserable.

Xu Pang urged his brow and said: "Snow, here is the mainland of Lingshen, even if it is me... there is no way!"

Xu Pang is very clear that his current strength and want to rescue Xu Feng is almost impossible.

"No... the peak can't die..."

Nangong Xue looked at Xu Pang desperately.

Xu Pang bit his teeth, he looked at the desperate Nangong Snow.

"Snow, I try to be!"

Xu Pang has no other choice. He does not want his wife to despair.

"Alo, prepare a soul sacrifice!"

Xu Pang’s words rang.

Alu’s worried face, said: “Yifu, can’t...”

Alu knew that the soul sacrifice not only caused the soul sorcerer to be seriously injured.

The now ancient hall.

It was even stared at by the fifth-order force Ziyange.

If Xu Pang’s soul is damaged, the entire ancient temple is probably about to face bad luck.

"Alo, get ready for the altar!"

Xu Peng screamed.

Alu has a deep worry in his eyes, or he is going to prepare the altar.

Everything is too fast!


Yang Zhao’s eyes are all ironic.

All with ridicule.

He controlled Xu Feng in this way, cold and cold: "You kid, are you not very arrogant? Are you not a genius?"

"You still have to die in my hands. You can now know, what is regret?" Yang Zhao’s voice sounded.

Xu Feng bit his teeth and said: "Hey, you kill me, you will die very badly!"

(End of this chapter)

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