The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2766: Huayi Store

Chapter 2766 Huayi Shop

"Under Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng looked at Captain Chen and said slowly.

He did not say where he came from.

Captain Chen heard the words and said faintly: "It turned out to be the Xu brothers. I don't know if the Xu brothers have a place to stay. If you don't want to give up, I can recommend Xu brothers to go to our Daming Villa."

"With the eyes of the Xu brothers, I must go to Daming Villa, and it is bound to be the existence of the Yellow Tengda."

Captain Chen’s eyes are full of killing.

As long as Xu Feng leaves the Xunyang store with him, he has countless ways to let Xu Feng disappear.

Xu Feng heard the words, a faint saying: "Thank you for the kindness of Captain Chen, but I came to a place where I was not familiar with life."

"Don't just listen to strangers, otherwise, if you don't know how to die, it's really a tragedy."

Xu Feng’s words are very obvious.

That is the duty of Captain Chen, not necessarily a good intention.

"Xu brothers are really joking, can't you be in this Ming Juncheng, haven't you got a face?"

Captain Chen’s words came out.

Even if it is Xunyang, his face changes.

Captain Chen is to force Xu Feng's rhythm.

Many people look at Xu Feng with curiosity. Want to see how Xu Feng answers?

Xunyang also looked worried to Xu Feng.

He can see that Xu Feng's alchemy level is not bad.

If you can leave Xu Feng in the Xunyang store, the business will be better.

"Your face shuts me off!"

Xu Feng looked at Captain Chen. He didn't expect the other person to be a shameless face.

In the eyes of Xu Feng, there is really no face in his eyes.


As Xu Feng’s words rang, the whole scene was silent.

Even the Xunyang was almost scared.

He felt that Xu Feng’s courage was too big.

"Kid, you are looking for death!"

The members of several law enforcement teams around Captain Chen are full of anger, and they are rushing up.

The kitten on Xu Feng’s shoulder sat there proudly. He pointed to a few people and said, “How far you have to go, your brother’s temper is not good. Once he is angry, you will die very badly.”

The crisp sound of the kitten, with ridicule.

The law enforcement team can't stand it.

Only Captain Chen, his face is still a smile.

"Xu brothers really misunderstood, I am just kind and sincere, since you do not appreciate, then I feel very sorry."

When Captain Chen spoke, his heart was full of jealousy.

Mind: "Kid, I have to see how long you can be arrogant, I will let you die without a place to die."

He Chen has just received such humiliation.

A young man in the district dared to marry him like this.

"I am also very sorry that I can't let Captain Chen get what he wants."

Xu Feng spread his hands and said without hesitation.

Especially the middle-aged man who came with Xu Feng, he swallowed it at the moment.

"The courage of this kid is too fat!"

His heart couldn't help but say.

"Who is this kid? You said, how dare he offend Chen Yagang without fear?"

"There is a saying that I don't know who is not afraid, that is to say, he is like a girl."

"This is also true, dare to provoke Chen Yagang in Mingjun City, it is simply looking for death."

Many people think that Xu Feng is looking for a dead end.

If you dare to provoke Chen Yajun, you will die.

As the captain of the law enforcement team, Chen Yajun’s right in Mingjun City can be said to be a hand-to-hand.

Most importantly, Chen Yajun’s identity is not simple.

This person's brother-in-law is the deputy owner of Daming Mountain Villa.

This is also why, Chen Yajun can become the captain of the law enforcement team, the reason for this location.

"Xunyang, after this lesson, I hope you can do it yourself!"

After Chen Yajun finished, he left with the people around him.

Seeing Chen Yajun and others leave.

Xunyang is relieved, but he also knows.

This time I am afraid it is a complete offense to Chen Yajun.

"Thank you for the help of the Xu brothers to save the life, but it is only because the Xu brothers offended Chen Yagang, and they really did not want to go."

Xunyang expressed his gratitude to Xu Feng for his fist.

"If your Xunyang store wants to continue to open, you will tell the outsiders, and later in the Xunyang store, but if you find the shoddy drug, you can get a penalty of ten."

Xu Feng said to Xunyang.

He just came to Mingjun City, in order to find the black wood purple vine, he needs to find a place to settle.

This Xunyang store is a good choice.

Xunyang went outside and, according to Xu Feng’s instructions, directly notified this.

He quickly returned to the shop.

"Master Xu, I don't know if you can be an alchemy teacher at my Xunyang store?"

Xunyang looked at Xu Feng and asked with expectation.

Xu Feng heard the words, slightly indulged.

He knows that he can't let Xun Yang think that he is too easy.

Otherwise, with the character of Xunyang, there is a high possibility of suspicion.

Seeing Xu Feng hesitating.

Xunyang quickly said: "Master Xu, as long as you are willing to serve as our alchemy teacher, you want to soul crystal I can give you."

"And, if you want something, I can help you find it."

Xu Feng heard that he was smiling inside.

If this is the case, he does not need to expose Xunyang to his identity as Bitao.

"I just offended Chen Yagang, aren't you afraid?" Xu Feng asked directly to Xunyang.

Xunyang slowly said: "Master Xu, you are the one who sinned for my Xunyang store, Chen Yagang, I am not a ungrateful person."

"As long as you are the alchemy teacher of my Xunyang store, I can promise you any conditions."

"Since you are so kindly invited, I can't seem to refuse." Xu Feng hesitated for a long time and finally said.

"That's great!"

Xunyang's face is full of excitement.

He said to the clerk not far away: "Hurry to prepare the yard for Master Xu and arrange two servants to serve Master Xu."

“You don’t have to arrange a compression spring to prepare the yard directly.”

Xu Feng said to Xunyang.

"According to Master Xu’s instructions."

The clerk looked at Xunyang, and Xunyang said.

Xu Feng slowly said: "Xunyang, it seems that Chen Yagang is against you, it seems not so simple, what is going on?"

Xunyang heard the words, his face was admired.

"Master Xu, you are really like a torch."

Xunyang’s face was angry and said: “Master Xu, can you go with me to the yard, I will slowly tell you, how?”

"So great!"

Xu Feng followed Xunyang to the backyard of the shop.

The area is really big.

Xunyang treats Xu Feng very politely.

"Master Xu, this matter, we must start from half a year ago, there is a Huayi store in Mingjun City, which is rich and rich, and very powerful."

“The purchase of shops everywhere is to integrate the entire store in Mingjun City and achieve a unique effect.”

"A few days ago, someone from Huayi merchants came and wanted to buy my store. I refused it."

"I didn't expect it, it didn't take long before this happened." Xunyang was worried.

(End of this chapter)

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