The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2792: Sick child

Chapter 2792, a child with a poisonous mind

Shock! stunned! Unbelievable!

All kinds of emotions are filled with the eyes of everyone around you.

They really can't imagine it.

Why is a young man so strong?

Xu Feng actually has no spiritual power to flow, so he has been able to defeat the imaginary situation so much, and it is a punch.

They really can't imagine, in the end, Xu Feng's punch, what kind of power is terrifying.

On the face of the bear and the old three, they are all fortunate.

He is fortunate that he did not do it.

Otherwise, it must be him who fell to the ground.

The strength of Xu Feng is there, and only by the strength of the body can it be a punch to kill the virtual world.

They are imaginary and ruthless, and they dare not say that they can do this.

Xu Feng’s strength is stronger than them.

The middle-aged man opposite the face changed.

His face was stunned and staring at Xu Feng coldly. "You kid, do you know who we are and dare to gossip?"

The words of the middle-aged man rang, and his tone revealed a hegemonic atmosphere.

As if they are the hegemons of Wanzanghai.


Xu Feng directly spit out a word, the killing in the eyes, looming, gradually emerged.

The other person next to the middle-aged man had some fear in his eyes and swept the middle-aged man.

"Boy, you are waiting for me, in Wanzanghai, you dare to provoke us, you are dead!"

The middle-aged man's face was full of confidence. He glanced at his sleeves and turned to the back. He turned and left.

The little boy around him, looking at the middle-aged man and others, left his eyes, his eyes narrowed slightly, his face was a simple and kind smile.

Xu Feng's face was very calm, and he did not have the mood swings from beginning to end.

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and grinned.

The little boy bowed directly to Xu Feng.

"Thank you for your help!"

The little boy's face is simple.

Xu Feng helped the little boy directly. He had a smile on his face and said, "Don't steal other people's things in the future."

Xu Feng warned the little boy.

"Benevolent, I have no way. My father is sick in bed now. I need Lingjing to save him."

The little boy’s face was pitiful, his tears were almost gone, and he was going to flow out of his eyes.

"What is your father's illness?"

Xu Feng asked the little boy directly.

The little boy's face was pitiful, shook his head and said: "Blessing, I don't know what my father is sick, he is afraid that life is not long... oh..."

Having said that, he shed tears.

"You don't need to be upset, where is your father, I will save you with you."

Xu Feng moved to the little boy.

He felt that this little boy was also very pitiful.

Actually, the other father is sick, and for him, it is just a matter of raising his hand.

"Bad, are you really willing to save my father?"

The little boy has to kneel down again.

However, he was dragged by Xu Feng and said: "Take the way, I don't have a lot of time to delay."

When Xu Feng turned around, he swept the bear third child not far away.

"Do not do evil in the future, otherwise you will receive retribution sooner or later."

Xu Feng warned against Xiong Laosan.

Xiong Laosan heard that he did not dare to have any dissatisfaction. He just pointed at Xu Feng and smiled and nodded.

Xu Feng knows that people like Xiong Laosan want to change their evils and correct them. It is very difficult.

He has always been innocent in his work.

Therefore, he is too lazy to care about the attitude of the bear third child.

The little boy walked in front and he walked with his Xu Feng toward his home.

As Xu Feng and the little boy walked, a burst of stench came.

It is simply the existence of a stinking ditch.

Xu Feng was slightly brows, and did not expect the little boy to live in such a place.

"Beth, we are in the Wanzang Sea, all for the sake of survival, living in such a place, is the safest."

The little boy said to Xu Feng.

He was afraid that Xu Feng felt uncomfortable.

Xu Feng smiled, what kind of environment, he has not experienced it?

He certainly doesn't feel too much disgusted with such a place.

Instead, he feels that the little boy is not simple.

Walking in such a place, but able to have no complaints.

"Benevolence, my family is not far from the front."

The little boy pointed at Xu Feng.

It was a somewhat dilapidated yard, and the gates of the yard looked old and old. It seemed that as the breeze blew, it would fall to the ground.


The little boy walked outside the yard with Xu Feng, and the stench of smell came out from the yard.

"Father... father..."

The little boy reached out and knocked on the door of the yard. He was squatting twice in the yard.

"Little black, are you back?"

There was an old voice in the yard, which seemed to be intermittent and the voice was very weak.

Xu Feng seems to be able to see through the door of the yard. It is an old man who may fall to the ground at any time.

"Well, father, I met a benefactor, he seems to be able to save your life!"

The little boy pushed the door of the yard.

He said to Xu Feng: "Blessed, please come in!"

Xu Feng walked to the yard with the little boy.

I saw a place not far away.

It was a man with wrinkles and gray hair. He was lying on a wicker chair and wanted to hold it up, but he couldn't move at all.

The little boy stepped forward and quickly lifted him up.

"Father, the benefactor saved my life, or I was killed."

Said the little boy.

"Thank you... saved my son..."

The old man is grateful to Xu Feng's face.

Xu Feng stepped forward and he said: "I will check it for you. What is happening in your body?"

Xu Feng said to the old man.

"Okay, thank you!"

The old man is lying on the wicker chair.

Xu Feng began to check the situation of the old man, his eyes slightly picked up.

The little boy walked to a place not far away.

After a short time, he carried a bowl of hot porridge and walked over to Xu Feng’s body. He said, “Blessing, this is a bowl of hot porridge, which is my greatest gratitude to you.”

Xu Feng looked at the porridge and smiled: "Thank you for your kindness, my heart is."

Deep in his eyes, they are all cold.

The little boy looked at Xu Feng's eyes. He was holding a porridge and walked back with some disappointment.

Xu Feng found that the boy’s hand was a light blue fragrance that gradually began to burn.

His eyes were deep in the killing, and his heart said: "A good poisonous child, I saved his life, actually want to poison me?"

"I have to see, what do you want to do?"

Xu Feng is very curious about the child's behavior.

He didn't know why the other party was poisoning himself?

Xu Feng will simply count.

He checked and found that the old man opposite, there was no problem with his body.

Although it is very weak, it is caused by deliberate use of medicinal herbs.

An alchemy teacher like Xu Feng can tell at a glance.


When Xu Feng checked, his face became pale.

(End of this chapter)

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