The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2796: Starry Secrets Open

Chapter 2796, Stars and Secrets Open

Xu Feng came out of the passage.

In his eyes, there is a faint killing.

When he went outside.

"Hey... How did this young man look so familiar?"

Someone looked at Xu Feng, and both eyes were wrong.

"I remember, isn't he the young man brought by Qin Laohan?"

There is a guard staring at Xu Feng.


The kitten smashed out and rips the other's neck directly.

Blood ran down from their necks.


Xu Feng did not expect that the people of Qinghai helped the people of the Mozu.

He finished talking to the kitten.

The kittens smashed out one after another, and the people who helped the entire Qinghai were killed.

As for the rest of the children.

Xu Feng knows that there is no dependence on Qinghai.

They will not continue to do so.

Those who have been arrested are also saved.

Xu Feng left Qinghai to help.

Over time.

The destruction of the Qinghai gang has spread throughout the Wanzang Sea.

"You have heard that there is no such thing. It is said that a young man will kill the whole Qinghai."

"No, is there such a powerful young man?" Someone's face had an unbelievable look.

After all, the fact that young people can kill the Qinghai gang means that at least they are all imaginary.

Even stronger.

Such a strong young man can kill Qinghai.

That is really an incredible thing.

"No, one of my distant brothers was caught by the Qinghai gang, that is, the young man saved him."

Next to a middle-aged man, he vowed to the people around him.

Not far from the window.

Xu Feng sat there like this.

The opposite kitten stood.

This little guy has recently been obsessed with the taste of the wine.

Every time I come to the hotel to eat.

The little guys have to drink.

"Brother, you said that if they knew that the youth who passed on the gods, they were ahead of them."

"What do they think?"

The kitten has a smug smile on his face.

He sipped his jug with a big mouth and kept drinking.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "They spread that it is their business, I am too lazy to pay attention."

Xu Feng’s current cultivation has broken through the mid-term peak of the nine-weighted spirit.

What he thinks is how long it will take to break through the ten realm of the spiritual world.

He now gets black wood purple vines.

It can refine the medicinal herbs to enhance the space and gravity fields.


There is no suitable place for alchemy.

the most important is.

He now has a number of plants in his hand, and after refining, he can also improve his space field.

for the rest of the time.

Xu Feng did not walk around.

Instead, it began to refine the shape of the grass.

With the strain of a plant, the transformation into a pure field of power, toward his field integration.

Xu Feng’s space field has also been upgraded to the eighth realm.

The light is constantly erupting.

The field of gravity has also been upgraded to the eighth day.

Among the peaks of Xu Feng, all the flashes are light.

His mouth was raised and he was smiling.


Take a deep breath.

Xingyi Grass was refining and refining by Xu Feng.

He stood up and looked out the window.

Today's Wanzanghai has become extraordinarily lively.

The atmosphere has also become tense, making the whole void become a little shaken and turbulent.

"It seems that the chaotic secrets are about to open."

Xu Feng knows that after the opening of the chaotic star.

The entire Wanzang Sea will become more chaotic and lively.

All the martial arts who are below the seven levels of emptiness will choose to enter the chaotic secrets to practice.

As for the martial arts who are more than seventy in the virtual world, they will be strictly controlled by the three major forces.

Qing Shui Zong, Falcon Bang, Bi Tao Gate.

Three major forces.

It is one of the three most powerful nine-order forces under the Black Iron City.


The three forces joined forces to open the chaos of the stars.

Basically no one dares to come to the wild.

Child Frost stood there, and after the last time, he became much more secure.

Moreover, he is more diligent.

he knows.

There is not much time left for him.

If he can't be satisfied with the elders.

The doorkeeper of Bitaomen will become Cao Zhen.

Jitai and others looked at Xu Feng’s arrival and they were very happy.

As the deputy doorkeeper, Cao Zhen also came to Xu Feng.

He knows that everything he has is from Xu Feng.

"Cao Big Brother, congratulations!"

Xu Feng handed his third-grade medicinal herbs to Cao Zhen on the opposite side. He said: "Cao Da Ge, your cultivation has not lived up to my hopes and can successfully break through to the virtual world."

"This third-order medicinal herb is refining during this time. I hope that you will break through to the realm of creation as soon as possible."

Look at the third-order remedy that Xu Feng handed over.

Cao Zhen is stunned.

He felt very clear that the medicinal herbs in Xu Feng’s hand were the best medicine he had ever seen in his life.

"Xu brother, how do you tell me how to repay?"

Cao Zhen’s face is full of sorrow.

He felt that he was guilty of it.

However, for Xu Feng, it is just a little effort.

"Chu Da Ge, this third-order remedy is very common, you don't have to care too much."

This third-order medicinal herb was refining Xu Feng during this time.

Just use a little bit of black wood purple vine, as the main spiritual material of medicinal herbs.

Other spiritual materials are second-order spiritual materials, not very precious.

"Xu brothers, for you, it’s a good thing for me, but it is a kind of love that I can’t repay in my life."

Cao Zhen is a person who knows how to report.

He did not know how to repay Xu Feng's kindness.

"Cao Da Ge, you don't need to be so squeezed and break through the realm of creation, maybe I will ask you in the future!"

Xu Feng said to Cao Zhen.

"Thank you Xu brother!"

"Knife and sea, I will not leave."

Cao Zhen’s voice is majestic.

"Is the star chaos still not open?"

Xu Feng looked at the place not far away and asked Cao Zhen.

"It is estimated that it will open tomorrow morning."

Cao Zhen nodded to Xu Feng. He said with some concern: "Xu brothers, you have to be careful."

"The Falcons can help a lot of people who enter the chaotic secrets. They will definitely target you."

Cao Zhen is very clear.

With Yang Zhao’s character, it is impossible for Xu Feng to go smoothly and come out of the chaotic star.

Xu Feng’s current cultivation and strength are here.

Of course he will not be afraid of it.

As long as there is no strong person in the creation, he can confidently escape.

A night passed.

Early morning the next morning.

As the sun rises, the light shines on the peaks of the mountains not far away.

There, a portal suddenly emerged.

With the sunshine, it is golden light.

The peaks are constantly shaking.

"The chaotic star is open, and under the sinful circumstances, you can enter it!"

A loud voice sounded.

It is the momentum of the strong people who make the environment.

(End of this chapter)

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