The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2803: Luo Wanyin's ice artistic conception

Chapter 2803, Luo Wanyin's Ice Artistic Conception


The chills of the bursts stretched out from the young people who spoke.

He is the fourth day of the Falcons, Luo Wanyin.

Some people close to Luo Wanyin have all gone out.

They could not resist, the chill of Luo Wanyin attacked.

"I don't think of the fourth day of the Falcon gang, Luo Wanyin also came."

"It seems that the young man, I am afraid there is trouble."

"It is incredible. It is said that Luo Wanyin’s chill can kill the warrior."

"It seems that it is really not an exaggeration, a horrible chill."

"It is said that Luo Wanyin was abandoned by his parents in his early years and was thrown into the hail. He almost died."

"In the end, it will cause him to have such a cold air."

Looking at Luo Wanyin, everyone is making a voice of discussion.

Their words are ringing.

Luo Wanyin’s eyes, but staring at Xu Feng.

He said slowly: "I just let you stop, didn't you hear?"

In Luo Wanyin’s words, it is chill.

The horrible cold seems to be born from him.

"Which scallions do you want, let me stop, will I stop?"

Xu Feng’s voice is very calm.

He was very curious and surprised at the chill of Luo Wanyin.

However, the strength of the other side obviously cannot make him feel fearful.

He believes in his own strength.

If the other party feels that he is killing any blood seal, that is, all his strength, he will pay a painful price.

"Haha... I am the first time I have met someone who is so interesting to you. I don’t care about it sometimes, the price is very bad."

Among the two shackles of Luo Wanyin, the screams are all cold and murderous, forming a horrible atmosphere.

"I am very interested in the price you said, and I don't know who is going to pay the price?"

Xu Feng did not give in, he looked straight at the opposite Luo Wanyin.

It seems that he did not see Luo Wanyin in his eyes.

"Then talk nonsense, fight."

Luo Wanyin did not expect that Xu Feng was so ignorant, and his cold eyes filled the cold.

The coldness of his body erupted, and his cultivation was the realm of the six peaks of the virtual world, and the spirit of the head was also filled out.

His spirit is the number of thirty-five.

The most important thing is that the ice on his body is really terrifying.

The coldness naturally emerges.

The cold can make people feel guilty.

"It’s you who are talking nonsense, not me!"

Xu Feng stared at the opposite Luo Wanyin and said with sarcasm.

"You will die very badly!"

Luo Wanyin is almost, every word is paused, the tone seems to contain cold, you can freeze everything.

His footsteps moved, and the cold ice on his body suddenly spread out. Above his hands, he was a long sword.

The swordsman flickered and the cold gathered around the sword.


The chill out of his sword, infiltrated, brought a burst of bitter cold wind.

"Do you think Xu Feng is the opponent of Luo Wanyin?" Someone looked at Luo Wanyin and asked curiously.

"I think the strength of the two should be between the two, to see who can hold to the end."

An old man, he felt that Xu Feng's strength should not be underestimated.

After all, Xu Feng can kill what blood seal.

Although there is a big gap between He Xuefeng and Luo Wanyin.

However, Luo Wanyin may not be able to kill the blood seal like Xu Feng.

"You are not optimistic about Xu Feng, I think Xu Feng is very good, he may be able to defeat Luo Wanyin."

A middle-aged man with a confident smile on his face.

He had seen Xu Feng's power before.

Although I don't know, Xu Feng's ultimate combat power is in the realm of what.

However, he felt that Xu Feng revealed confidence everywhere.


Long sword from the hands of Luo Wanyin, suddenly stabbed out a sword, the formation of the sword of cold.

The moment when the Jianguang flickers, the swords that are condensed, are all cold ice, and they are stabbed toward Xu Feng.

When the long sword hits, all the sounds are embarrassing, which makes people feel shocked.

"Good swordsmanship, unfortunately, it is not enough to kill me."

Seeing Luo Wanyin’s sword attack came.

Xu Feng nodded as if he was in the sword of Luo Wanyin.

This kind of appearance makes Luo Wanyin really uncomfortable.

"What qualifications do you have for me?"

Luo Wanyin screamed.

Swordsman condenses, toward Xu Feng's chest, suddenly stabbed out, to wear Xu Feng's chest, all the same.

"Dragon is in the wild!"

The Canglong Wangquan burst out, the golden light, the fists above are the power of the vain body.

The fist turned into a dragon, and the cockroach went out.

The sounds that come out in the void are all swaying.


The fists and the swordsmanship, the impact of the shackles together, bring about a burst of spiritual fluctuations.

The wind blew away from the surroundings.

The qi, which is condensed by the cold air, is criss-crossed and smashed away.

Everyone is avoiding it.

Xu Feng stood there, I was not moving.

His eyes were contemptuous and said: "It seems that all of your falcons are a virtue."

"I don't know, what qualifications do you have, what are you arrogant here?"

The voice of Xu Feng is simply the face of Luo Wanyin.

You know, Luo Wanyin was just very arrogant.

Now, it is impossible to kill Xu Feng.

Of course, it is very shameful.

He bit his teeth, not talking nonsense, the spiritual flow of his body, the thirty-five veins above his head, instantly condensed.

The long sword spirits fluctuated, forming a fierce sword, and the crazy impact went out, making the voids squeaky.

"The first-order Shang Sheng spirit skills: the ice sword!"

The chill of Luo Wanyin was completely condensed, and the chilly chill was surging around the sword.

"Blasting the ice sword!"

The swordsman tore the void, the layer of ice, on the long sword, constantly condensed, bringing the horrible pressure.

Fierce momentum, unstoppable, cold and invincible.

"Are you still not dead?"

Luo Wanyin’s angry face, this sword, condenses his cold ice and the ice field.

The surrounding voids began to freeze.

Xu Feng, the whole person, was attacked by the cold, and it was all traces of freezing.

The void seems to be condensing.

"With you, you are not qualified to kill me!"

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised, and the moment of waving his hands, the golden light, gathered on his arm.

"Long Yue Tian Di!"

His body seemed to be a cannonball, and he flew directly. On the double fist, the roar broke out.

The sound of dragons shrouded in the void, bringing with them violent fluctuations, forming a fierce wave of surges.

A punch contains countless majesty.

The pressure field is oppressive, causing the ice to break in size.

(End of this chapter)

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