The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2810: Temperamental Zhao Elder

Chapter 2810, the temperament of Zhao Elder


When I nodded silently, among the old eyes, there was a dignified light.

Hearing the shock of the face of the lonely sea, he knows the character of Master, and will never be untargeted.

Yes, this is too ridiculous!

Such a genius, do not say that Black Iron City, even if the scope of the entire lock collar, fear is also the existence of the top.

It is said that the hundred-day arrogance of the lock heart collar is amazing, and within the scope of the lock collar, it is a shocking existence.

There are a lot of eight-order forces in the lock of the subordinates, and the power of Tianjiao can be born, and it is possible to win the seventh-order power.


When the silent palm is silent, waving for an instant.

What emerged was Xu Feng’s figure.

Wen Guhai stared at Xu Feng's figure. His face was shocked. "Master, you said that he has the possibility. It is the one hundred days of arrogance that is famous in the world. I deliberately come to our Black Iron City." ?"

Wen Guhai knows.

For these Tianjiao, it is an experience to experience places like Heicheng.

Some of them, even in order to temper their own Tao, also chose to go to the adventure of nine deaths.

Even some people, in order to experience life, choose to make themselves a blockade, become an ordinary person, spend a lifetime.

When he shook his head silently, he said: "Impossible, the hundred-day arrogance of the lock heart is the pride of the sky."

"The most important thing is that these people are the strongest people in the realm of development, and their strength is at its peak."

"Even if it is a hundred days of arrogance, the number one person in the rankings is not the enemy of his three moves."

When the voice of the old voice is silent, the heart of the lonely sea is shocked, and the heart is full of infinite emotion.

He smells the lonely sea in a place like Heilongjiang, but it is a respectable strongman.

Yes, out of Black Iron City, what is he?

How big is the heaven and earth?

Only by constantly winning the peak, can we break through.

"This sub-repair is nothing but a nine-point peak in the spiritual world. His means and strength are slightly immature."

"Therefore, he can't be a hundred days of arrogance."

Silent analysis said.

"Master, if this child can join the Black Iron Guardian, it will not be the first strongest in Black Iron City."

Wen Guhai’s face is a frank look. He is not afraid. Xu Feng’s participation has threatened his identity.

"ten years?"

Among the silent old eyes, all the flashing smiles, said: "With his talent and strength, no less than three years, Black Iron City is invincible!"


Smell the big eyes of the sea, he felt that Master’s words were somewhat overstated.

Three years.

It is only the peak of the nine spirits, even if it is the talent of the other party, it is just a breakthrough to the creation of the realm.

After breaking through to the realm of creation, can he still cross seven or eight realms to defeat the opponent?

He is deeply aware of the powerful people who have made a strong sense of the world, and he is deeply aware of the huge gap brought about by every small realm in the creation of the country.

How difficult is it to fight in leapfrogship?

"Lonely sea, giving the teacher a task for you, is also a chance for you, are you willing to accept?"

I looked at my disciples silently.

The only disciple of his life.

He is very satisfied with the achievements of Wen Guhai, but he also knows.

If you don't have a big chance to hear the lonely sea, perhaps in this life, you will be stronger than yourself. You can win the peak of the creation and even the half-step life. If you want to go further, it is hard to go to heaven.

However, if you can find a noble person in the sea, you will become a strong man in the future, and even higher, it is not impossible.

"Master, but it does not matter!"

Wen Guhai’s life has long been treated as a father.

For the silent feelings, he will never forget this life.

"Lonely sea, go find this young man, and strongly invite him to help him unconditionally, even if he wants to give him some power to kill his subordinates, as long as he can become a black iron guard, you can pay for all the costs, can No?"

The voice of the old voice is silent, and it is slowly coming out.

Wenghai nodded and his face was dignified.

"Master, if he can become a black iron guard, it is really the blessing of our black iron city!"

It is clear that Wenghai is the most powerful presence in Heicheng.

However, compared with the eleventh-order forces in the surrounding area, the black iron guards are much weaker.

Hei Tiecheng and the surrounding eleventh-order forces are collectively referred to as the Quartet territory.

The scope of the entire territory of the Quartet is even more infinite.

Above the territory of the Quartet, it is the lock collar.

The area of ​​the lock collar is even more vast.

It is said that it takes a hundred years for the warrior who created the territory to take the lock.

However, these twelve eight-order forces are not calm.

The battle between each other will be even more fierce.

In the battlefield of the Red Flame, the struggle for resources and cultivation is simply an endless situation.

For many years, Black Iron City has been at a disadvantage in the battle of the Red Flame battlefield, and there is no advantage.

But the more you get, the less resources you get.

Over time, the weaker Black Iron City will be weaker, and the powerful forces will become stronger.

"You can go outside the chaotic star and wait for it. When this child comes out, you can express your heartfelt invitation!"

Silently said.

"Okay, Master, disciple, go!"

Wenghai did not hesitate and turned and left.


"Zhao Shengming, there is a road to heaven, you don't go, there is no door to hell, you come in!" Wu Hao's face is killing.

At his side, they are all other members of the free gang.

They are all forces that do not enter the stream.

There are also several members of the mixed sky gang, the Red Moon Gate and others.

Seeing more than a dozen people, surrounded themselves.

Zhao Shengming knows that he can't escape.

"I am resting!"

Zhao Shengming’s face is not reconciled. He shoulders the task of rebuilding the astrology.

This time he came to the chaos of the stars, in order to gain opportunities and improve his own strength, in order to kill the free help, Chiyuemen, mixed-race and other forces.

Unexpectedly, they were stared at by these people.

"Zhao Shengming, your astrology has been extinct for so long, the sovereign has also been killed, you are an elder, or you can do it with your hands!"

Wu Hao stared at the opposite Zhao Shengming, his body, the six-fold atmosphere of the virtual world emerged.

"Hey, you guys, this group of despicable villains, have the ability to single-handedly with me!"

Zhao Shengming’s temper is still very explosive.

He didn't hesitate, his hands clenched into fists, and he slammed into Wu Hao, a punch.

"Zhao Shengming, you are not my opponent at all."


Wu Hao’s hands violently flew out the vibration of Zhao Shengming’s life, and the blood spilled from the corner of Zhao Shengming’s mouth.

"Mom, die when you die, but if you are dead, you have to pull a back." Zhao Shengming's face of anger, directly rushed.

(End of this chapter)

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