The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2812: Tianda’s “misunderstanding”

Chapter 2812 "The Misunderstanding" of Tianda

Xu Feng looked at Zhao Mingsheng and said: "Zhao Elder, you will go back to the site of the Star Xiangzong for the time being. After the chaos is closed, I will go to the Astrology to find you. Whenever you go with everything, destroy the surrounding forces."

The Star Trek will not be closed for the time being.

Xu Feng also wants to walk inside the chaotic star. He wants to see it, but he still can't meet some chances.


Zhao Mingsheng knows Xu Feng’s character. Since the other party promised to go down, of course, there will be no regrets.

Moreover, Xu Feng is clearly in the secret of chaos, but also needs to find some opportunities.


Xu Feng and Zhao Mingsheng are separated.

In a blink of an eye.

In this way, he walked constantly in the mystery of the stars, but found that there was no good opportunity.

With the closure of the chaotic star.

Xu Feng appeared outside the Wanzang Sea.

Xu Feng just fell to the ground, his eyes looked around, his face suddenly changed slightly.

There are a few figures around, staring at Xu Feng with no good intentions.

"Kid, just out of the chaotic secret, don't you give a toll?"

Several people are imaginary and ruthless.

They can see that Xu Feng is a warrior who was randomly sent out from the secret of the chaotic star.

Xu Feng slightly brows and brows, said: "I am in the chaos of the stars, nothing has been obtained."

"If you want to pay a toll, you can go find someone else to ask for it, you don't need to entangle me here."

Xu Feng is not interested in this group of people.

In his view, there are a few martial arts with five imaginary dilemmas. He wants to kill this group of people. It is a breeze.

"Boy, you really are when we are idiots, in the secret world of chaos, more or less will get Lingjing."

"You want to slip away like this. Do you think we will agree?"

Several people stared at Xu Feng and looked bad.

"What do you want?"

Xu Feng is facing a few people, and both eyes are cold and intense.

He didn't want to kill a few people.

No matter how many people want to find him trouble, then he may not be polite.


One of them stared at Xu Feng, and said with a good intention: "Hand over the storage ring in your hand, we can spare you a life."

Xu Feng heard that the brow was a pick.

"When I haven't killed my heart, I will disappear from my eyes. Otherwise, it will be your death."

Xu Feng did not expect that these people did not know how to be good, but also wanted to seize his storage ring.

Really thought that Xu Feng is a soft persimmon?

"Kid, what are you, dare to be so arrogant to us, are you looking for death?"

One person stared at Xu Feng, and all the revealed in the eyebrows were suffocating, and all the faces were killing.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

The voice of Xu Feng fell, the spiritual power of the body flowed, and the realm of the spiritual environment was ten, and the momentum broke out from the body.

Above his head, the spirits emerged, and every vein contained a horrible atmosphere.

"Ha ha ha ... the spiritual peak of the nine peaks, but also dare ... arrogant!"

One person laughed loudly, but suddenly stopped abruptly.

Especially his eyes, staring at Xu Feng's head.

That is forty threads.

"how is this possible?"

His voice became trembling.

"Dragon is in the wild."

Xu Feng’s body suddenly moved, and Canglong Wangquan showed up and formed a strong momentum.

A fist with a golden light, slammed out, the waves rolled, and the whole void made a squeaky voice.


In a moment, a shot was killed.


Since it hasn't reacted yet, Xu Feng's fists are waving, causing several people to fall to the ground.

They haven’t figured out that they are so dead. Why is Xu Feng so powerful?

What kind of existence did they provoke?

Xu Feng looked at the bodies lying on the ground and raised his mouth. He said: "Sometimes, killing people is more risky."

A few people are obviously the masters who want to kill people.

Unexpectedly, I met a strong person like Xu Feng.


Just at this time……

In the middle of the forest, a burst of breeze blew, and Xu Feng’s eyes were all condensed, feeling a dangerous atmosphere close.

In his body, the mysterious woman said: "Hurry and go, there are strong people close, you will die."

The woman’s words rang.

Xu Feng did not have any hesitation. On the back, the dark crow Ling Yu emerged as if it were two wings.

The condensed light above the wings is the light, his spiritual power, flowing toward the dark crows.


Xu Feng fled quickly toward the distance.


The middle-aged man, his footsteps fell, and appeared in the place where Xu Feng disappeared. His eyes were a glimpse.

"What happened, this kid seems to be fleeing?"

The middle-aged man is the smell of the sea.

When he was closed in the chaotic secret, he paid special attention to Xu Feng and found that the other party was in this position.

He quickly chased it over.

Unexpectedly, he just came, Xu Feng just left.

"No, this kid is very fast. The forests of Wanzanghai are extremely dense. I want to find him. It is very difficult."

The spirit of the whole body of the lonely sea, the madness of the surging, the momentum of the powerful people, is undoubtedly obvious.

He rushed out quickly, and the void made a groaning sound.

"Catch up!"

The mysterious woman reminded Xu Feng.

Xu Feng was miserable and said: "Damn, why should this person chase me? Is it the Black Iron City... Are the seven elders invincible arranged to kill me?"

Xu Feng knows that he was offended by the seven elders of Black Iron City.

The strength of the other party is terrible.

He did not know the strong man who made the situation.

The only possibility is to kill him.

His dark crow's feathers are fast, but they are not as good as the land.

Feel the constant proximity of Wenghai.

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed and slammed out in the jungle not far away. Above his hands, a piece of poly-stone, fell wildly.

It is a simple array of hidden atmosphere.

He is betting!

The gambling person does not know the formation, can not find the existence of the hidden atmosphere, he is likely to survive.


As the array moves, Xu Feng stands in the jungle like this.

Just a few breaths, the smell of the sea is not far away.

His eyes stared at the surroundings, and his breath was still terrifying.

"Damn, the smell of this kid, obviously disappeared here?"

He continually swept around and found no traces.

Wen Guhai’s heart is helpless, and his heart is: “I’m a peerless genius. I’m a strong man, and the Black Guardian Seventh Guard is actually smashed by the other side.”


Wen Guhai reluctantly sighed, he once again inspected, still did not find Xu Feng's existence.

He was only able to get a little frustrated, turned and turned to the distant mountain, and quickly disappeared.

He is going to give Master a silent life!

(Seeking a recommendation ticket, I haven’t asked for a ticket for a long time. It seems that I have to update more, you are willing to vote more!)

(End of this chapter)

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