The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2814: Go to Beimo City

Chapter 2814 goes to Bei Mocheng

When Xu Feng came out of the warehouse.

The hundreds of people who are free to help are almost the same.

Free to help such forces, are a group of scattered soldiers.

The big troubles are flying separately!

They don't want to fight for free, they just fight for it, just to find a support.

Huang Jian looked at Xu Feng for a few short hours, and let the free help perish, his look is awe.

Inside the dark road: "It's really more people than people, people are young, and their talents are so terrible."

Xu Feng did not know Huang Jian’s thoughts.

He spoke to Huang Jian: "The next force!"

"Xu Shaoxia, let's go to the sky to help!"

Huang Jian looked at Xu Feng and calmly eliminated the free help. He did not have any worry.

Happy to lead Xu Feng.


Xu Feng did not speak much and nodded to Huang Jian.

Mixing the sky, it is under the falcon gang, it is a relatively powerful force that does not flow.

Today's mixed-sky help is quite different.

Xu Feng appeared outside the gang.

His eyes flashed coldly, and said: "Do you have a help, can you have a deputy?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and both guards were full of anger, saying: “Where is the kid, hurry!”

"Let your deputy help out, I have something to look for."

Xu Feng stared at the two and emphasized again.

"Kid, what are you, are you qualified to see our deputy lord?"

A guard sighed at Xu Feng.

The kitten said with anger: "Hurry and let your deputy helper roll out and die. Otherwise, Grandpa will let you know that I am amazing."

"Ha ha ha..."

The two looked at the funny appearance of the kittens. They all laughed and looked disdainful. They said, "Where the kittens come, you can't find death!"

"You want to die, Grandpa will fulfill you!"

The kitten slammed out.

The guardian is a double-contemporary ambiguity. If he hasn’t had time to do it, he will be killed by the kitten and fall to the ground.


The rest of the people, both eyes are dignified, he looked at the kitten with jealousy and fear.

"Do not kill me……"

The kitten pointed at the other party and said: "If you don't want to die, you will go to the newspaper and tell the grandfather to find your assistant and let him come out and die."

"Okay, this is small, please report!"

The guard turned around and even went to the sky with the help of the roller.


About half an hour past.

A burst of footsteps came, surrounded by more than a dozen people, surrounded by Xu Feng and the kittens.

A gray-haired man with anger in his eyes, staring at Xu Feng, said: "Boy, are you looking for me?"

Xu Feng heard the words, nodded and said: "Yes, your helper, I have been killed by me."

"I don't like to kill people, etc. If you are a gangster, if you voluntarily disband, I will spare you from the dead."

"A big tone, your waste like this, also nicknamed to kill the helper, is it fun to be happy?"

A man with a vain five-fold peak, he stared at Xu Feng, and his look was disdainful.

Xu Feng looked at the man with gray hair and said: "You are the assistant to the gangster, I hope you make the decision."

"Hey, I don't need to make a decision. I can't help you!"

The man's face is sure.

He does not believe that Xu Feng looks so young and can kill the helper.

"You will invade me first, then I will pay back my teeth, but don't blame me."

Said, Xu Feng's body is full of the atmosphere of the nine peaks.

"Ha ha ha ... the peak of the nine spiritual peaks?"

The people around the sky are all laughing and laughing.

Accompanied by a sudden laughter.


The squadron of the Canglong Wang Quan smashed out and punched it out like a fist. The man who spoke oppositely fell to the ground.

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, they are all shining light, forming a strong momentum.

"Since you are a deputy lord, if you kill you, the gang will be dissolved naturally."

Xu Feng’s eyes fell on the vice gang.

"Damn, who are you?"

He didn't even know Xu Feng, but he did not expect that such a powerful young man appeared.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know, from now on, there will be no more help."

Xu Feng’s voice is decided.

This is before the mixed sky, I want to listen to Yang Zhao’s instructions and kill him Xu Feng, the price that needs to be paid.

"Kid, you are too arrogant, I am a six-powered imaginary, you want to kill me, to see if you are enough?"

The deputy lord thinks that although Xu Feng’s strength is good, it is impossible to kill him.

"Long Xiang Tiandi!"

The second move of Canglong Wang Quan came out, and the fierce fist shadow broke out, forming a fierce momentum.

The golden dragon on the fist emerges.


In the moment when the assistant's palm resisted, his bones shattered and he made a loud noise.

Blood spurted out of his mouth, his face was terrified, and his look was incredible.

He stared at Xu Feng and said, "How is it possible? Your body, why is the power so powerful?"

Xu Feng’s vain body has reached the later stage.

His current body is a strong man who is full of emptiness.


Xu Feng stepped out, and the third form of Cang Long Wang Quan came out, and the violent fists were suppressed.


The blood of the deputy lord spurted out from the mouth, and the whole person flew straight out and slammed on the ground.

"The deputy lord is dead!"

As the deputy lord was killed by Xu Feng, the people who had left the gang to help were also scattered.

Xu Feng followed Huang Jian and went to kill the Red Moon Gate.

He never imagined that he had not come to the Red Moon Gate yet.

The Red Moon Gate has collapsed.

He did not go back to the Astrology with Huang Jian, but let Huang Jian go back alone.

Today's astrology, there are no competitors in the square, and it is only a matter of time to grow up.

Moreover, after Xu Feng went back to Bi Tao, he only had to give Cao Zhen, just say it.

Cao Zhen’s status in Bitaomen is now different than before. At that time, the astrology was blessed by Bitaomen.

Not to mention that growth has become a ninth-order force, at least it is not too difficult to dominate.

Xu Feng also does not need to continue to go back to the Astrology, so as not to waste extra time.

He is now rushing to improve his strength.

The black iron city seven elders are invincible, and the threat to him is too great.

In any case, he must upgrade his strength as soon as possible. When facing Qiu invincible, he has the power of self-protection.

Moreover, as time goes by, the time agreed by Xu Feng and Chen Youran is getting closer and closer.

After he finished the work of Bitaomen, he could leave Bitaomen and go to Heitiecheng to detoxify Chen Youran's daughter.

Xu Feng did not hesitate to go to Beimo City in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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