The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2820: Blackwood Yuanyangdan

Chapter 2820 Blackwood Yuanyang Dan

Butene constantly nodded, said: "The Xu brothers said that it makes sense. If I have only this single seedling under my knees, I have already killed him by hand!"

Butene is a look that hates iron and does not become steel.


Xu Feng nodded and could not do too much.

"Since what I said makes sense, you are so aggressive and bullying the captain of the king. Would you like to give some compensation?"

Xu Feng’s words rang, and butene almost did not vomit blood.

The entire Ding family is full of anger.

To be butene to compensate Wang Bihai, this is too bullying.

They seem to forget that when they were bullying, they were too much.

Xu Feng is now, but he is also the body of his people.

"Ding Tao, give the captain of the king and his brothers, 100,000 Lingjing as compensation, don't do anything in the future, you know?"

Butene has long known that Xu Feng is not good.

Before the Bitaomen, the elders and Yang Zhao and others provoked him, and finally did not get a good end.

The identity of the elders was deprived, and since then, there has been no right to speak at Bitaomen.

When he appeared before, he threatened Wang Bihai.

He just guessed that Xu Feng may not be willing to give up.

Ding Tao did not know why his father was so afraid of Xu Feng.

But they dare not violate the words of butene.

He took out 100,000 Ling Jing and handed it to Wang Bihai. He said: "Captain Wang, the child has troubled your guards, please take more care."

"Then I will be disrespected!"

Wang Bihai's smile on his face filled the 100,000 spirits.

Their guards are comparable to each other.

Although the **** is a fat man in Bei Mocheng, for the military, cultivation requires a lot of spiritual crystals.

Butene turned his head and looked at Xu Feng. "Xu brothers, my grandson is more offended, and I hope you Haihan."

Immediately, he went forward.

What is taken out is a dark green spar, which contains pure spiritual power and emits a horrible atmosphere.

Xu Feng's eyes are full of smiles, he did not expect that there are such treasures in the hands of butene.

"Basket amber!"

The basket of green amber contains pure spiritual power, which is formed in the depths of the millennium, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon.

There is a great benefit to improving the repair.

Xu Feng can see that when the butene was handed over to the basket, the obvious face was pumped.

Butene itself is also very clear, if you give Xu Feng some Lingjing, it is difficult to meet Xu Feng.

Simply ask for a generous, simply take out the basket amber.

Xu Feng is also embarrassed to continue the opening of the lion.

"Oh, eight elders, you are so polite, how am I so good?"

Xu Feng’s mouth said, but he had already collected the basket.

Xu Feng does not have any embarrassment.

He is very clear, if it is not his strength and status.

For other people, butene is bound to kill.

This is the world that the strong is respected.

The butene skin is shaking.

"Getting baskets and amber, my grasp of the virtual world is even bigger." Xu Feng's heart is full of joy.

He really didn't expect that the harvest at Beimocheng was really good.

An old fritter like butene.

If you are in Bitaomen, you want to get baskets of amber from his hand, I am afraid it is difficult to go to heaven.

The eight elders did not continue to entangle with Xu Feng and spoke to Ding Tao: "Don't hurry to carry him back. Don't let him do anything in Beimo City in the future. Otherwise, don't blame me."

Butene is finished.

Ding Tao and others, quickly carried Ding Yu back.

"Xu brothers, if you have time, come to my house to be a guest, the old man must be entertained by fine wine."

Butene turned around and bowed to Xu Feng.

"Let's say something!"

Xu Feng's smile on his face.

Seeing that butene is gone.

Wang Bihai and others walked up to Xu Feng and said, "Xu brother, what you are doing is really beautiful."

"Ding's family these years, taking advantage of the old guy of butene, in the North Mexico City levy seduce, barely bullying, do not know how many Lingjing search."

"Your behavior today is a bad smell for many people, and it also makes Ding's family dare not arrogant."

Wang Bihai’s voice is full of excitement.

He is the captain of the **** team in Beimocheng. He is often oppressed by the Ding family in Beimocheng. He has hardships.

Now, watching the Ding family eat, he is of course happy.

"Captain Wang, you are doing it well. I will tell Cao Big Brother to let him give you more rights and manpower."

Xu Feng said to Wang Bihai.

Wang Bihai heard the words, all the excitement.

Other people may not know the identity of Xu Feng, but Wang Bihai knows.

If Xu Feng speaks, Cao Zhen will definitely agree.

"Xu brothers, thank you for your kindness."

Wang Bihai expressed his thanks.

"If it's okay, I will go back to the restaurant first."

Xu Feng said to Wang Bihai.

"Oh, Xu brothers, aren't you burying me? Come to Beimo City, I am the host, can you still let you live in the restaurant?"

"Brothers, let's have a drink and celebrate!"

It’s hard to be full of love.

Xu Feng was only able to follow Wang Bihai, to celebrate, until late at night to return to Wang Bihai's yard.

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, they are all spiritually radiant. He must improve his strength as soon as possible.


"Father, why are you so respectful to that Xu Feng?"

Ding Tao's face is puzzled.

Butene shakes his head and says: "This is a long story. You should go to the aunt to heal the wound and let him not do evil in the future."

"Don't think about revenge, this person is not what we provoke."


Training room.

It was Wang Bihai who arranged for Xu Feng.

He felt the strong spiritual power, nodded with satisfaction, and when he took out the Xuan Ming Wang Ding, he was ready to refine the black wood Yuan Yang Dan.

Heimu Yuanyang Dan is the third-order product of the Holy Spirit.

Such a third-order product, the Holy Spirit, is used to impact the cultivation of the virtual world, and only Xu Feng can afford it.

You must know that the second-order Holy Spirit Dan is a precious enough.

Xu Feng has to refine the third-order Holy Spirit.

The heavens and the earth are burning with fire, and the hot temperature is permeated in the cultivation room.

Xuan Ming Wang Ding constantly rotates, exuding the majestic momentum.

Black wood purple vine!

Xu Feng took out the third-order spiritual material, and the black wood purple pole vine is the most important spiritual material of the black wood Yuanyang Dan. He immediately sent the black wood purple pole vine into the Xuan Ming Wang Ding.

The flame burned, he did not hesitate, and other second-order spiritual materials were sent to Xuan Ming Wang Ding.

"Flowers are scattered!"

The small-flowered plum-like nineteen-style display, the blossoming plum blossoms.

Xu Feng discovered that with the continuous fusion of the alchemy memory.

His understanding of the small-flowered nine-style is even more profound.

Many unfamiliar places have also become smooth.

Moreover, the alchemy technique of the 19th-style folding of the plum blossoms can still refine the Holy Spirit, and it will not be outdated.

He systematically manipulated Xuan Ming Wang Ding, slowly melting the spirits inside, without any panic.

(End of this chapter)

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