The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2826: Gentleman

Chapter 2826, a gentleman is frank

"A group of waste, I also want to kill me, are you looking down on Xu?"

Xu Feng’s eyes swept over those who were in the distance.

In his voice, it is a disdainful color.

The elders of Wu heard the words, and his face was embarrassed.

The elders of his falcon gangs, the imaginary eight-strong powerhouse, were so small by a young man.

He looked at Zhao Wei and others around him, and said coldly: "Everyone is ready for me. As long as the challenges of Xu Feng and Yan Yan are over, we will immediately kill Xu Feng and must be unprepared for him."

"I have to look at it. Since he is so arrogant, there are a few pounds in the end. At that time, he and Yan Yan must be both losers."

The voice of the elders of Uzbekistan is full of anger.

A imaginary eight-strong powerhouse, so small by the opponent.

Especially the humiliation of the other party is only a youth.

To know.

The elders of Wu are among the falcon gangs, and they are considered to be the top powerhouses. Who dares to disrespect him?

Yan Yan did not obey his command and had already made him feel angry enough.

I did not expect it.

Being surrounded by Xu Feng in such a small way, if he does not kill Xu Feng, then he will pass it out, which is a joke.


Yan Yan still has no smile on his face, but his look is very wary.

"It seems that I challenge you, there is no wrong object."

Yan Yan’s powerful momentum broke out, and his atmosphere of integration was born.

He was able to become the second day of the Falcon gang, and he has reached a total of forty.

With forty threads appearing on top of his head, he looked at Xu Feng and said: "Your cultivation is just a real world of illusory world. I am fighting you with reason. I take a lot of money."

Yan Yan is facing Xu Feng without any hesitation. What he said is the fact.

Can speak out so openly.

"not necessarily!"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite Yan Yan and said: "You have forty threads, and I can't find any advantage here."


Said, Xu Feng's head, a line of spirituality emerged.

"Forty Spirits?"

With the pulse of Xu Feng’s head showing it, the people around the Thunder Sea are stunned.

"How is it possible that this kid is nothing more than a sham, and how to condense forty threads?"

Wu Chang’s boss was shocked and suddenly stood up. His eyes were suddenly shrinking.

The illusory world is rebuilt, and it is a gift of forty spirits.

Do not say Falcons help.

Even in Black Iron City, it is definitely a peerless genius.

"This child can't stay!"

Wu Chang’s face was stunned. He looked at a man not far away and said, “You go back to the Falcon to ask for support.”

"Tell the help, Xu Feng has a forty thread, and we need the martial arts to support."

"If you don't kill, keep Xu Feng, you will end up suffering!"

The elders of Wu took the initiative.

The man did not hesitate, turned to the Thousand Fires and thundered overseas, and quickly left.


"I don't think there is such a genius in Bitaomen. Is this not a good thing for us?"

Not far from a training platform.

A middle-aged man with a gray hair, his breath is terrible.

It is the strongest person in the virtual world.

He is the second elder of Qing Shuizong, Yang.

The strength is extremely powerful.

This time, thousands of fires and thunder seas came because of the thousands of fires and thunder seas in the site of Qingshuizong. He also came to join in the fun.

Otherwise, thousands of fires and thunder seas are not very attractive to him.

"Two elders, there is something, I think it is necessary to talk to you."

Just at this time.

A man came to Yang Qiang’s body and he reported to Yang.

"Oh, what, let me hear."

Yang Xie looked at each other with interest.

"The two elders, the falcon gang, seems to be mobilizing, do not know what to do?"

The man’s words rang, and Yang’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then stared at the confrontation between Xu Feng and Yan Yan.

There was a smile on his face.

"Ha ha ha..."

He suddenly laughed and made the man around him a little confused.

"Two dogs fight, play off!"

Yang Qian said to the man: "You also go to call us Qing Shui, the people in the Thousand Fires, and when the time comes, the Bitao Gate and the Falcon will be both hurt. We can collect the profits."

Men are not fools.

He understood the meaning of Yang Ji, apparently wanting to destroy the rest of the thousands of fires and thunder seas in the Thunder Sea.

The battle between the three forces is your life and death.

Yang Ji, of course, will not let such a good opportunity.


Seeing the forty threads of Xu Feng’s head.

Switch to other opponents, maybe the look is awkward.

Yan Yan is completely different.

Among his gaze, he is awe.

At the same time, a strong war was erupted.

"Ha ha ha... In this case, I am fighting with you, then there is no baggage, we completely let go of our hands and feet, fight for one!"

In Yan Yan’s eyes, there is a strong light filled with strong momentum, and a strong momentum erupts.

He laughed and stepped out, and the thunder around him followed, causing dramatic fluctuations.

A strong attack, condensed on top of his palm.

"The first-order Shang Sheng spirit skills, and the hegemony."

What he showed was the first-order superiority of the Holy Spirit, the palm of his hand, and the spiritual power constantly gathered.

The forty threads of the top of the head were all gathered together and went towards the bombardment of Xu Fengyu.

Seeing Yan Yan finally started.

Xu Feng's face is full of war.

"Dragon is in the wild."

The first-order supernatural spirit is displayed, and the first move of Canglong Wangquan, the virtual shadow of the dragon, makes a roar.

Among Yan Yan’s eyes, they are both surprised and shocked.

The heart is admirable.

"A horrible young man, his boxing realm, horror."

However, his palm did not hesitate.

Shaking the hegemony is still a crazy bombardment.


The fist and the palm of the hand collided.


The violent raging waves surged around, and the eighty spirits were mixed together, forming a strong wind.

The Thunder is spreading out as if it were a sharp wave.

"Haha... It’s so cool, I haven’t had such a happy fight for a long time.”

Yan Yan felt the arm tremble, he did not have any disappointment, but was extremely excited.

He stepped out and said: "Come on, let's fight and fight, let this group of waste see, what is the real battle!"

Yan Yan’s tone is extremely embarrassing.

However, his arrogance, his arrogance, is also very consistent with Xu Feng's appetite.

"It’s really a few thousand cups of wine, and the more people want to fight."

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, the same thing that broke out was war.

"Come back!"


Xu Feng’s Canglong Wang Quan showed up and his fists became more fierce.

Nothing to keep in hand, squatting out.

(End of this chapter)

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