The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2836: Living clouds

Chapter 2836 Chapters of the Clouds

"Five lines of heart surgery: the killing of gold!"

With the development of this soul skill.

Xu Feng's time for practicing the five elements of the heart is not short, but unfortunately he just learned the first trick of killing gold.

As for the second layer of the five elements of the heart, he has not yet reached such a state, and it is difficult to understand.

"Damn, how is it possible?"

Among Liu Yubai’s eyes, he was surprised and surprised, and he suddenly turned back.

A golden light turned into a sharp edge.

Going into his mind, he went quickly.


Liu Yuanbai’s face became extraordinarily ugly, and he knew very well how powerful the Soul Master’s soul skills were.


Unfortunately, he is reacting too slowly after all.

The power of Xu Feng’s five-line heart-throat is too horrible.

Liu Yuanbai only felt that his soul was severely devastated.

He stared at Xu Feng with his eyes and said: "Who are you, why do you appear at the Bitao Gate?"

Liu Yuanbai’s voice became very difficult to hear, and his soul was hit hard.

It is really Xu Feng's five elements of the heart is too horrible.

He doesn't have any ability to escape now.

His soul was completely destroyed.

The killing of gold, tearing his soul, he is about to become a dead person.

"I am Xu Feng, you are the deputy gang of the Falcon gang, come to kill me, you still don't know who I am?"

Xu Feng’s eyes were calm, and he stared at Liu Yuanbai on the opposite side.

The heart is even more surprised by his father.

He did not expect that the "five-line heart-throat" that Xu Peng taught him was so terrible.

Although this soul skill is a fourth-order supernatural soul skill.

It can be difficult to cultivate.

His two-pronged Taikoo Dragon Soul, when the "Five Lines of Hearts" was displayed, the soul power was also consumed.

"Impossible, Bi Taomen can't have such a genius like you. Bitaomen can't have such a strong spiritual skill, just more impossible, such a terrible soul skill."

Liu Yuanbai screamed and exhausted, and his eyes were not reconciled.

The deputy lord of his falcon gang, so dead in the hands of a young man in a virtual world, he certainly is not willing.

"You said it is good. I went to Bitaomen. It took less than a year. Of course, it is impossible for Bitaomen to train me."

"Just, I have some fate with Bi Tao, so I became a disciple of Bi Taomen."

Xu Feng said slowly to Liu Yuanbai.

Liu Yuanbai listened to Xu Feng’s words. In his heart, he was remorse.

I knew that Xu Feng was so powerful, how could he come to provoke the other party?


The blood spurted out of Liu Yuanbai's mouth. His body was heavily squatting on the ground, and his face was unwilling.


Seeing that Liu Yuanbai died in the hands of Xu Feng, the people onlookers were really stunned.

They now forget each other's discussions, they can't understand how this young man did it.

The sinister martial art is one of the most important martial artists.

Today, he is still a second-order soul teacher, killing Liu Yuanbai, who is a sinister sin.

For Liu Yuanbai, many people are no strangers.

They are very clear about the strength of Liu Yuanbai, but it is the real imaginary and powerful.

Now, with unwillingness, with remorse, with a look of death, it falls to the ground.

They are all immersed in the shock of their hearts.

"Xu brother, really good!"

Yan Yan’s face is full of joy, watching Xu Feng kill Liu Yuanbai, his heart is shocking.

"Hey brother, other people handed it to me, you are trying to kill Tan Zhen." Xu Feng said to Yan Yan.

He shot at several other people in the Falcons.

Those few people dare to fight Xu Feng, they want to escape.

Although Tan Zhen is the second elder of the Falcon gang, his strength is not the opponent of Yan Yan.

Other people were pinned down by Xu Feng.

Tan Zhen gradually fell into the wind.


Xu Feng slammed one person, his eyes staring at the other three, without any mercy.

His fists are constantly attacking, and every fist contains all the power that shocks the world.


Yan Yan’s “Thunder and Thunder” was displayed, and Tan Zhen spurted out a blood, and the body smashed into the flame.

Yan Yan stared at Tan Zhen and said: "Tan Zhen, when you die, do you want to deceive me?"

Tan Zhen’s eyes are full of grievances and remorse. He feels that he should not obey the words of Lu Ling.

It is long ago to kill Yan Yan.

Today, it is really a tiger.

"Yan Yan, all these roads are the mastermind. It doesn't really mean to kill me. Let me kill my life."

Tan Zhen said to Yan Yan.

As long as they can survive, what can be said to them.

"is it?"

Yan Yan stepped out and stepped down against Tan Zhen’s head. He said: "The mastermind is going to die, you have to die."


The palm will kill Tan Zhen.

Yan Yan stood there, looking at the Falcon Guard in the distance, saying: "Road, I must pay for your blood debt."

Killing the Father's Revenge does not share the sky!

Xu Feng also killed other people.

Seeing Xu Feng and Yan Yan, killing the Quartet in the Thousand Fires, many people are full of blood.

Yan Yan bent down and grabbed the body of Tan Zhen and flew out to the distant Thunder Sea.

I can't always let Tan Zhen murder the wilderness.


Yan Yan’s eyes looked at Xu Feng with a radiance, saying: “Xu brother, since your strength is so strong, you have no interest, we both have to do a big vote.”

Yan Yan’s voice revealed all the excitement that could not be suppressed.

"What do you mean?"

Xu Feng did not understand what it was like to say that Yan Yan said that he had a big vote.

"Xu Xiong, you can know that there is a very strange place on the site of Qing Shui Zong, which is called the soul of the sea."

As a genius disciple of the Falcon gang, Yan Yan is very familiar with the forces under the Black Iron City.

"Spiritual clouds?"

Xu Feng’s eyes were picked up, and he really was the first to hear about the place name.

Yan Yan nodded.

"The soul of the sea, is a sanctuary of Qingshui, practicing in the soul of the sea, doing more with less."

"It is said that Qing Shui Zong is very strict in controlling the living and the sea of ​​clouds. If you want to enter it, you must make a great contribution."

"Of course, we don't need to make great contributions. We only need to forcibly kill the caretaker of the souls of the sea, and we can sway the cultivation."

Yan Yan’s words are crazy.

A place like the sea of ​​clouds.

Qing Shui Zong must have a strong guard, want to really kill the caretaker, break into the soul of the sea to practice, how difficult?

Seeing Xu Feng hesitating, Yan Yan said: "You and me are trying to improve, and the soul is a good place."

Xu Feng knows that Yan Yan is eager to break through the cultivation, so that he can kill the Falcons and avenge his parents.

"Since the brothers have proposed this, if I don't agree, wouldn't it seem very unfamiliar?"

Xu Feng’s impression of Yan Yan is still very good.

(End of this chapter)

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