The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2841: Yan Yan’s shock

Chapter 2841, Yan Yan’s shock

Three flavors of fire crystal!

It is a second-order Chinese spirit.

It is hard to find.

This three-flavored fire crystal, also the time when Xu Feng helped the reconstruction of the Astrology, kills other small forces and obtains them in their warehouses.

Those who do not enter the stream, they do not know, the value of these spiritual materials.

Therefore, lost in the warehouse, have risen a layer of gray.

Such a spiritual material, in Xu Feng's hand, can burst into a big role.

"Brother, get it!"

The kitten jumped to Xu Feng's shoulder.

Xu Feng nodded and his face was slightly dignified.

This "mountain sea squad" is a third-order formation, and he does not dare to care.

At the moment, the soul power of the body extends out.

Accompanied by his hands raised.

In front of him, thirteen spiritual materials are constantly floating.

"Kitten, the layout method, the emphasis is on the unity of mind and heart."

"Give me the world!"

The moment Xu Feng screamed, the three-flavored fire crystal, flew over Xu Feng’s head and flew out.

When the void is merged, a sound of groaning is heard, as if a burst of flame is burning.

The rest of the spiritual materials, under the change of Xu Feng's gestures, are constantly converging toward the surrounding void.

The original clouds and the sea of ​​clouds have become spiritually fluctuating.

Yan Yan felt the change of the atmosphere outside.

He suddenly opened his eyes, and his face was full of sorrow.

"Array method?"

Yan Yan’s eyes stared at Xu Feng’s gesture change, and within a radius of more than ten meters, it was a strong fluctuation.

The spirits of the sea are as if they are wrapped up, forming a circle of spiritual power, rolling in madness.

"He will also arrange the formation, which is incredible?"

Yan Yan’s heart is shocking.

He thought that Xu Feng was enough to shock the soul master.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng will also arrange the array.

"The horrible array of law seems to be even more powerful than the Guardian's Guardian Guardian."

His face is changing.

The Falcon gang's formation is said to be a roller, which costs a lot of money.

Arranged from the masters of the formation who came from Black Iron City.


Yan Yan feels the power of Xu Feng's array of methods, which is much more powerful than the Falcon Guardian Mountain Guard.


The madness of the soul of the sea of ​​clouds, followed by the entire sky, filled with a horrible killing.

Xu Feng’s eyes were filled with satisfaction and nodded. “The power of Shan Haiyan’s killing is not bad. It’s enough to kill everyone.”

"Give me a receipt!"

Xu Feng put away the "mountain sea squad killing".

He is very clear that if everyone knows that there is a formation, they may not be willing to enter.

Xu Feng will take the battle and collect it. He looks at Yan Yan and said: "Hey brother, I want to come to the strong person of Qingshuizong. You have to improve your cultivation. When we use the method to kill the opponent, we leave Qingshui. The site of the sect."

Xu Feng is very clear.

If Hong Kun’s lord Hong Kun came to pursue it, they would really have a hard time escape.


Yan Yan did not hesitate, continued to sink his mind and began to practice hard.


Seven elders, such as the elders, came to the outside of the clouds.

The elders’ faces are killing.

He looked at the bodies on the ground and said: "These two boys are really daring, dare to insult me, Qing Shui, when you are!"

The other elders are also full of killing.

The gray-white clothes on the elders of the elders danced with the wind.

His old eyes stared at the living clouds and said: "We rushed to kill this son and went back to Qingshui."

He took a step and slightly browed his brow.

He is really familiar with the soul of Yunhai.

Just now, he felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong. He couldn't fully notice it.

"It’s weird, what is wrong with it?”

The elders of the elders hesitated while walking.

"Before the elders, you see they are there."

"The kid is still practicing in the soul of the sea."

"They know that we are coming, we dare to wait for us here, it is simply looking for death."

Seeing the elders and others waiting for you.

Xu Feng stood up and the smell of his body fluctuated.

"You are Xu Feng?"

The elders of the elders are a little surprised.

He can feel that Xu Feng's foundation is majestic and magnificent, and it is not like a martial art.

"Oh, no, he broke through to the virtual world."

The elders of the elders have big eyes.

When Xu Feng came to the soul of the sea for a long time, he broke through to the virtual world, which is also horrible.

No wonder Hong Kun, let him personally kill this son.

"Yes, I am Xu Feng."

Xu Feng nodded and the voice was calm.

"Kids, seeing the elders of Qingshui, we dare not ask for mercy?"

The elders pointed at Xu Feng and screamed.

Xu Feng heard the words, cold and cold: "You want to be a dog, but I don't want to, you want to be inflammatory, but I am not interested."

"In addition, his old and undead waste is really not qualified, so I beg for mercy."

"If I am like this age, or if I am doing this kind of cultivation, I should close my own life and not break through and throw my eyes away."

Xu Feng’s words can be described as words and words.

The faces of the elders of the elders are shaking, and his eyes are cold and killing.

"On the way, the old man thought that you can make a material. If you are willing to join Qing Shui, I can spare you a life."

"I didn't expect that you are so stubborn, you can't blame the old man."

Above the head of the elders, a burst of momentum broke out.

His spirits are densely popped up.

It is forty-six spirits.

"The old man has to look at it, a dead man, what qualifications do you accuse the old man?"

The elders of the elders are in a lofty position in Qingshui.

Xu Feng was insulted by so many people, and his face could not be hanged.

At the moment, I rushed out toward Xu Feng.

His claws became extremely sharp, and the second-order Holy Spirit was displayed.

"A dead person, I am afraid I have no chance to see me in the sky."

Xu Feng's tone is extremely calm.

A few elders and other people heard the words, one by one, all laughing.

"This kid is dead and still says that he wants to cross the world. Are you not ridiculous?"

"Ha ha ha..."

The words of the elders sounded, and the other five people were laughing, as if they were cooperating with the elders.

"I am afraid that this kid is not aware of it. It is too powerful for the elders. Otherwise, how dare he talk like this?"

"The second-order elder spirit of the elders of the elders has long been cultivated to the point where the fire is pure, and he can’t die."

"I really don't know how high the earth is. Is it too elder to be provocative? Can't you know what you are looking for?"

(End of this chapter)

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