The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2849: Thirty-two striped road

Chapter 2849 thirty-two stripes road


Immediately afterwards, he only felt the broken bones of his arms.

His whole person suddenly quits.

The footsteps continue to retreat.

The internal organs are shaking.

With a bang, a blood spurted out of his mouth, and his eyes were full of horror.

"how is this possible?"

Wu Jinrong’s face is incredible. He doesn’t understand why the power of the virtual world is so terrible.

"On the basis of your garbage, you want to **** my things. I really don't want to die."

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Many people around are stunned.

"Which is this young man, his strength is terrible."

Seeing Xu Feng’s fist, Wu Jinrong vomited blood, his face was pale, his eyes were ignorant, and many people were shocked.

They were surprised in both eyes. Someone pointed to Xu Feng and said: "I remembered that he was the young man who killed Jia Wei in Changyongge three days ago."

"Ah... It was him who had been clamoring for Changyongge three days ago. It’s no wonder that he dared to be so confident, and he took the third-order spirits and walked out of Changyongge."

Someone was three days ago, watching Xu Feng killing Jia Wei.

They suddenly exclaimed.

In the past few days, many people have been circulating and have been clamoring for Changyongge.

Some people are even more addicted, and Xu Feng said it is a god.

"A horrible young man, I am not his opponent."

Wu Jinrong’s heart is full of fear.

He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Small heroes are spared, I know it is wrong, I will leave!"

People like Wu Jinrong are themselves bullying and hard.

Seeing that Xu Feng’s strength is stronger than himself, he was suddenly scared.

"Provocate my people, be embarrassed!"

Xu Feng screamed, and the golden light on his body was fierce. Step by step, Canglong Wangquan showed out.


Xu Feng’s fist and Wu Jinrong’s palm, after a few strokes.

Wu Jinrong was so soft that he fell to the ground, and his face was unwilling.

Unfortunately, there is no regret in the world.

After Xu Feng killed Wu Jinrong, he took Wu Jinrong's storage ring and looked at the Yu Ling Tong Dan, who couldn't help but laugh.

Some people looked at the Yu Ling Tong Dan Dan in Xu Feng’s hand, all of them blinking.

They know.

This Yu Ling Tong Mai Dan was auctioned by Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at the crowd and said: "This Yuling Tongmai Dan is of no use to me."

"If any of you can come up with the spiritual materials that satisfy me, whether it is a first-order spiritual material, a second-order spiritual material, or a third-order spiritual material, I can exchange this Yuling Tongmai with you."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, and many people’s breathing became rushed, and their eyes were mad.

"This brother, I have a second-order Shangpin spirit here. It is the blood of the second-order monsters and blood-blooded wolves. I don't know if I can redeem it?"

"I have a second-order best spirit, amethyst."

"I have a second-order Chinese spirit, and the abyss black stone, it is a spiritual material that is hard to find."


With the words of Xu Feng’s acquisition, all the warriors have come up to Xu Feng.

They don't dare to have the mind of killing people.

Just kidding.

Wu Jinrong's ambiguous ambiguous peaks were all easily killed by Xu Feng.

Even if it is a sinister situation, I am afraid that I will not dare to play Xu Feng’s idea.

Some of them are secretly glad.

Fortunately, Wu Jinrong took the lead.

Otherwise, they also want to kill Xu Feng and seize the Ling Jing and the medicinal herbs on Xu Feng.

Xu Feng used Yu Ling Tong Mai Dan to convert to a second-order best spiritual material.

Purple star meteorite.

This kind of spiritual material can be used to arrange the third-order array method.

And it is the main spiritual material needed for the eye.

Most importantly, this third-order array can be laid out very quickly.

Moreover, this third-order array method is the defensive array method.

Xu Feng killed the Falcons this time.

If the refinement of the violent giant elephant Dan, is the biggest card.

Then, getting the purple star meteorite now is his greatest guarantee.

He believes that as long as he arranges the third-order array.

Purple star 罡 array.

This kind of formation, even if it is a military martial art, may not be able to break open.

Xu Feng also used some other medicinal herbs to exchange a lot of spiritual materials.

These warriors are also very happy.

They get these spiritual materials and put them in their hands, and they have no value at all.

Xu Feng is also able to exchange medicinal herbs.


Quiet courtyard.

Yan Yan’s eyes are all curious. He wants to see how Xu Feng refines the drug.

Xu Feng took a deep breath, and when he took out the Xuan Ming Wang Ding, the eyes that appeared in his eyes all had the charm of the chest.

Looking at Xu Feng's look.

Yan Yan is admired inside.

Promise flames and smoldering fires, burning at the same time.

Xu Feng took out the giant elephant star flower, and between the white flowers, there are thunder and lightning.

The violent momentum is terrible.

Xu Feng will send the giant elephant star flower directly into the Xuan Ming Wang Ding.

The power of the soul in his body extends toward the mysterious king.

He took out the other spiritual materials needed to refine the violent giant elephant Dan.

Sent into the Xuan Ming Wang Ding.


Xu Feng exhibited the "Tianhua Fen Mei Nine Style", his hands are beautiful, as if it is a blossoming plum.

Yan Yan also saw other people refining the medicinal herbs. He was amazing in his eyes at the moment.

“Can alchemy be so beautiful?”

Yan Yan looked at Xu Feng's movements, like a plum blossomed in a cold, it was beautiful.

Even him, his heart is born, an impulse to refine the medicinal herbs with Xu Feng.


Xuan Ming Wang Ding constantly rotates.

The power of the soul of Xu Feng constantly controls the spirits inside, so that they can be integrated into a drug.

With the fusion of various spirits, a burst of violent scent broke out from Xuan Ming Wang Ding.

Xu Feng slammed his hands on the Xuan Ming Wang Ding, bursting with thunder, overflowing from Xuan Ming Wang Ding.


Four silver-white medicinal herbs, flying out from Xuan Ming Wang Ding, a strong breath, let Yan Yan feel guilty.

"The third-order product is the Holy Spirit Dan, the violent giant elephant Dan."

Xu Feng stared at the violent giant elephant Dan.

This is his first successful refining of the third-order remedy.

He looked at the violent giant elephant Dan surrounded by lightning.

"80% quality!"

Although Xu Feng has some regrets in his heart, he also knows.

Can refine 80% of the violent giant elephant Dan.

It is the reason that his smallpox folds the plum nineteen, and the inheritance of the medicinal herbs.

Otherwise, study with his own.

It is not a simple matter to want to refine the successful third-order remedy.

Not to mention, refining 80% quality.

Xu Feng is now standing on the shoulders of giants. What he has to do is to constantly surpass the inheritance of creation and get out of his own path of alchemy.


Xu Feng suddenly found that his own Taikoo Dragon Soul, once again emerged two stripes.

That is to say, when he refining the violent giant elephant Dan, the power of the Holy Spirit broke through unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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