The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2855: Xu Feng shot

Chapter 2855 Xu Feng shot


Yan Yan and Lu Yan, constantly confronting each other. ,

The spiritual power of the two men is constantly surging in all directions.

The second-order sacred spirit of the second-order product exhibited by Lu Ling was also terrifying, and it continued to exert a fierce offensive.

However, after Yan Yan took the violent giant elephant Dan, his body was as hard as a giant elephant.

The two fight insanely, but they can't tell the difference.

Xu Feng stood not far away, but he frowned.

Just because, as the violent giant elephant Dan's medicinal power gradually declines, Yan Yan wants to defeat the roller, fearing it is very difficult.

What's more, Xu Feng can see that Lu Lu has come to the present, and certainly there is a more powerful Holy Spirit that is not used.

In other words, Lu Ling did not go all out.

"I don't think that Yan Yan's strength has become so strong. We are among the Falcons. I am afraid that only Zhao Cheng, who is a black iron guard, will be able to defeat him."

Seeing the strength of Yan Yan’s outbreak.

Many people's eyes are slightly picked up.

Zhao Cheng.

The first day of the Falcon gang, now it is Black Iron.

It is said that Zhao Cheng’s talent is also very strong. In the black iron guard, it is also a wind and water.

"Is this still used? Zhao Cheng has become a black iron guard. The resources and competitors are completely different. His strength will naturally increase greatly."

"This is also true."

The people next to them also nodded in agreement.

Black Iron is the most powerful team in Black Iron City and a concentration camp for geniuses.

The entire Black Iron City, for the Black Iron and Steel, has only awe.

"If Yan Yan can also become a black iron guard, his future strength may not be weaker than Zhao Cheng."

Some people still know very well about Yan Yan.

Now that Yan Yan is only in his twenties, he is able to compete with the road to create a peak, and the battle is difficult to understand.

This kind of talent does not need to be said at all.


Yan Yan and Lu Yan, the two people collided with each other and the two separated at the same time.

Yan Yan’s face became a bit ugly.

He has already felt that the violent giant elephant Dan's potency has gradually dissipated.

When he was fighting, he felt the pain of tearing the meridians.

If he continues to fight, he will only become more passive.

He is full of anger in his heart, and he said: "Don't I still be able to kill the road today?"

Yan Yan’s heart is unwilling. The purpose of killing the Falcon gang is to kill the roller.

If you can't solve it yourself, it will be his regret.

Xu Feng looked at the annoying Yan Yan, he was helpless and shook his head.

After all, the strength of the roller is there.

Is it so easy to kill?

Even if Xu Feng shot, I am afraid that I have to display some means, as well as the soul skills of the soul teacher, to have the opportunity to kill the road.

Of course, if Xu Feng takes the violent giant elephant Dan, he wants to kill the roller, but it is not difficult.

After all, Xu Feng’s cultivation has the second-order best of the Holy Spirit, “burning the wind and punching”.

"Yan Yan, have to say, you really let me this righteous father look at you, your endurance, your willpower, are very strong."

"If you are not such a ungrateful, honestly, be my son, and in the future you will become a black iron guard, and will definitely take it to the next level."

"Unfortunately, you have to choose such a dead end, which really makes me feel sorry and regret."

Lu Hao said, his hands were raised, the spiritual power of his body flowed, saying: "Road, let's end!"

He stepped out step by step, and on the body, there was a picture of the afterimage.


His palms slammed toward Yan Yan.

Yan Yan did not hesitate, and his face was cold and intense.

Thunder will continue to display.

His whole body's spiritual power gradually collapsed.

He bit his teeth and kept supporting.

Seeing that Yan Yan could not support it, even if Xu Feng had to prepare for the shot.

Yan Yan took out another violent giant elephant Dan.

Xu Feng stood not far away, all with a slight brow.

Taking two violent giant elephants in succession has brought great harm.

If Yan Yan can't support it, I am afraid that it will bring sequelae in the future.

"Xu Xiong, I don't kill the roller, I am not willing!"

Yan Yan seems to know that Xu Feng wants to stop him.

He screamed and the violent giant Dan swallowed.

The meridians of his body were suddenly torn.

The powerful momentum broke out again from Yan Yan’s body, and this time Yan Yan’s eyes became blood red.

Taking two violent giant elephants in succession is almost a devastating danger for Yan Yan.

Xu Feng still stood there after all, he did not shoot to block Yan Yan.

His feelings about Yan Yan are very clear.

His previous life was framed by Ling Bingrong, and he died.

When he saw Ling Bingrong, the only idea was to kill Ling Bingrong with his own hands and desperately kill.

More importantly, after he knew something about Ling Bingrong killing him, he even wanted to completely solve all of this.

This desire for revenge is stronger than that of Yan Yan.

"Small beast, do you really think that I can only kill you if I have a big crack?"

The road was full of faces, he did not expect.

Yan Yan is so desperate and wants to kill him.

"The second-order Chinese spirit of the Holy Spirit: Cang Yunzhentu!"

The momentum on Lulu suddenly changed and became very strong. The forty-six spirits on his head were completely violent.

Between his hands, a huge whirlpool, the impact, is the hurricane fluctuations.

The fierce picture, facing the thunder of the Yan Yan, covered it.


Yan Yan spurted out a blood, and the whole person flew out several dozens of feet. His body was heavily squatting on the ground.

His face was unwilling, and he wanted to stand up from the ground and stand up. The blood and the fragments of the internal organs were spewing out.

Xu Feng appeared at the side of Yan Yan and said: "Hey brother, quickly swallow the medicine I gave you, and leave everything to me."

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.

Everyone in the Falcon gang was stunned and looked at Xu Feng. They were all unclear. "I didn't get it wrong. This kid means that he wants to kill our falcon gang."

"He is too ignorant of the heights of the sky? Our lord is a peak in the creation of the realm, he is only a virtual reality."

"You didn't get it wrong. The meaning of his words seems to be like this. Is his strength stronger than Yan Yan?"

The Falcons are not known, so they feel that the road is strong.

Xu Feng’s ambiguous two-shot shot is tantamount to finding a dead end.

Yan Yan swallowed all the medicinal herbs that Xu Feng gave him.

The meridians that he had torn all over the body recovered.

Xu Feng said: "You can quickly refine the medicinal power of the violent giant elephant Dan, and the medicinal herbs that can only be swallowed. Maybe your cultivation can go further."

"I will fight with him first. If you can go further, you may not be able to kill him by hand."

I heard Xu Feng’s words.

Yan Yan did not hesitate, sitting cross-legged and began to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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