The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2859: Meet with Black Iron City

Chapter 2859 Meets with Black Iron City

Kill the road.

Yan Yan took a deep breath, and his eyes were open-minded.

He knew that killing the roller, he had no tie.

He can, unscrupulously go to his own life.

"Xu brother, thank you!"

In Yan Yan’s eyes, all of them are touched.

Although he knows that he owes Xu Feng's feelings, he may not be able to pay off in this life.

However, after all, he still has to say thank you two words.

Xu Feng smiled.

"Do you want to be a gang of falcons?"

Xu Feng's eyes swept around, and the Falcons helped everyone, looking at his eyes one by one, all feared.

Not far from a few people, they heard Xu Feng's words, all of them said to Yan Yan: "Yu Yan, you can become the gang of the Falcon gang, and we will continue to develop after the falcon gang."

"Yes, we are willing to offer you as a helper."

"if you are willing to."


Several people are talking to Yan Yan, and flattering seems to be their habit.

Xu Feng’s eyes swept over and said: “Shut up, when is it your turn to interrupt?”

"Give me a mouth!"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded.


Several people are afraid that Xu Feng will kill them, and one by one is crazy toward their cheeks, constantly opening their mouths.

Xu Feng was too lazy to pay attention, but looked at Yan Yan.

"Ha ha..."

Yan Yan haha ​​smiled. He looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Xiong, what is the meaning of this Falcon gang?"

"In my opinion, such a gang is nothing but the burden of becoming a strong man. I simply don't care."

Yan Yan’s voice is extremely firm.

His goal is to become a strong, his life, should go to the development of Black Iron City, not in this Falcon.

It is no good to be a landlord of one side.

Xu Feng understood the meaning of Yan Yan and said: "If so, how do they deal with it?"

After Yan Yan was a falcon gang.

These people are not good people, they are all bulls.

If you can kill, it must be a blessing.

This depends on the treatment of Yan Yan.

Yan Yan looked at the falcon's gang, and he said directly: "Do you want to live, or want to die?"

Yan Yan’s voice, without any feelings.

As a result, many people in the Falcon gang have a heartfelt sigh.

They think that Yan Yan is afraid that it will really kill them.

"Yan Yan, you are not kidding. Of course we want to live, who wants to die?"

Someone looked at Yan Yan, a slow way.

"Since I want to live, I hope that from then on, don't worry about it, don't bully."

"I want to wash my heart and be a good man. As for the eagle gang's helper, I think I can let Liu Changlao come."

The words of Yan Yan sounded, and many people looked far away.

It was a man in a light gray dress.

He stood in the crowd and looked very different.

His eyes are not afraid of others, and some are calm.

"Hey young master?"

Liu Chang is the elder of the Falcon gang. He is just a person, and he is a few of the few Falcons.

Moreover, his cultivation is a sinister peak, and it is enough to shock other people in the Falcon gang.

"Elder Liu, I know what you have done these years. You are a kind person. If you are a gang, I can be assured."

Yan Yan looked at Liu’s elder and said.


The elders of Liu’s eyes swept over some other people.

The strength of those people can be stronger than him, and may not heed his orders.

Yan Yan’s eyes were swept away with other people, and he said: “I want to let Liu’s elders be the helper. Do you have any opinions?”

Those few people are looking at each other.

"No comments!"

However, in the depths of their eyes, there is a sneer.

Obviously, they are not willing.


Xu Feng suddenly rushed out, punching one of the men with a sinister ambiguity, squatting on the other's chest.

The blood spurted out of the man's mouth, scaring the other few people, all of them were pale and trembling.

Xu Feng said coldly: "If you are unwilling, you will die here, and you will have to spend more time."

"We are willing, we are willing to..."

Several people, all of them rushed down toward Xu Feng, one by one scared their legs shaking.

Xu Feng is still very clear about the truth of killing chickens and monkeys.

Yan Yan said: "Hey, I will definitely be a black iron guard in the future. When I arrive, I will come to the Falcons from time to time. If you let me know, you guys, dare to play with any of Liu’s elders. Means, I must have him to die."

Yan Yan’s voice is also killing.

He and Xu Feng are both connected.

Xu Feng killed the chicken and the monkey, where Yan Yan was there, using the identity of the black iron guard to deter the Falcons.

These are a group of people who are greedy and fearful of death. Of course, they will not be right with Black Iron, and they will only be able to breathe.

Yan Yan looked at Liu Changlao and said: "Liu elder, after the Falcons are handed over to you, what is the problem, you can let people send letters to Heicheng."

"Thank you for your young master!"

Mrs. Liu is holding a fist at Yan Yan, and his face is grateful.

"Slow, there is another person who must die."

After Xu Feng’s words were finished, his eyes turned toward the crowd.

It was a white-haired old man who was crippling and facing the crowd, trying to escape quietly.

This white-haired old man is just a genius, constantly ridiculing Yan Yan, ridiculing Xu Feng, and giving the road to the sinister ambiguous situation.

"Are you not yelling at you very much? How come so fast, you want to escape?"

"I still want to teach and teach, what is your strength?"

Xu Feng's cold road.

"Ah... don't kill me... don't kill me... I'm wrong..."

The old man is kneeling on the ground.


The kitten rushed out and his paws ran off his neck.

The old man's eyes wide open and his face is full of regret.

It’s really a lot of death.

Many people are secretly glad that fortunately, when Xu Feng and Lu Yong were fighting, they only talked a little.

After processing all this.

Xu Feng got a lot of second-order spirits from the Falcons.

Yan Yan knows that Xu Feng is an alchemy teacher, he took him to the warehouse and randomly selected various spiritual materials.

The Falcon has saved a hundred years of time, and there are more than ten kinds of third-order spiritual materials, but Xu Feng is very satisfied.

Xu Feng and Yan Yan walked toward the bottom of the Falcon gang.

"Xu brother, don't you go with me to Black Iron City?"

Yan Yan looked at Xu Feng and was curious.

In his opinion.

The talent and strength that Xu Feng showed up, when he went to Hei Tiecheng, he became a black iron guard. It was a matter of darkness and iron, and it was a matter of morning and evening.

Today, Xu Feng still can't go.

"Oh brother, let's not do this. I have to go back to Bitaomen. There are still some things to deal with."

"At the time, we will be in dark iron city."

Xu Feng also wants to go back to Bitaomen and kill Yang Zhao.

This, almost killed his six elders Yang Zhao, he did not forget, about a year.

It’s only half a year now.

(Thank you for your support. Recently, there are really too many things. Anyone who chased more books knows that the previous updates are very powerful. Recently, there have been too many broken things. It’s a bit unlucky. These are unfortunate things. Thank you for your understanding! By the way, I would like to recommend a new book of the best friend, "The Strongest Emperor of the Ages." This book is very good-looking. Of course, compared with a lot, there is still a certain gap! (捂脸, Don't say anyone who reads books!))

(End of this chapter)

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