The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2862: Black iron city

Chapter 2862 Black Iron City


The entire Bitao Gate was completely immersed in silence.

The silver-haired red ghost standing in the distance, above his old face, is the color of surprise.

The elders stood by him.

Nowadays, the elders are full of mistakes.

The silver-haired red ghost slowly said: "This kind of peerless genius rises up in my Bitao Gate. In the future, I don’t know Bitao. Even if you and me, the benefits are unparalleled. You know now, how short your own vision is. What?"

Silver hair red ghost knows.

The entire Bitao Gate is lacking in talent.

He is also impossible to kill the elders.

Moreover, the strength of the great elders is very strong, but it is the peak of the virtual world, but it can contribute to the Bitao door.

"Before the elders, I am wrong!"

The elders are all ashamed.

Silver hair red ghost road: "Yang Zhao is the traitor of the Falcon gang, Xu Feng kills him, it is also a very good thing."


The great elders were shocked.

Yang Zhao has been in Bitaomen for several decades. How could it be the traits of the Falcon gang? "

"Don't be surprised, we have a sneak peek at the falcon and the Qingshui sect."

"They are hiding in my Bi Tao door, thinking that the old man is really old, don't know?" The silver-haired red ghost's face was flashing with a smattering killing. "In fact, the old man is going to count."

The elders understand this.

Silver hair red ghosts have not managed the Bitao Gate in these years.

But for the situation of Bitaomen, and everything, I know it well.

His heart is a tribute.

"Before the elders, this matter is over. I personally went to Xu Feng to plead guilty." The elders said to the silver-haired red devil.


The silver-haired red ghost sighed helplessly and said: "You missed a good opportunity. You look at Cao Zhen’s kid. He is now a master of cultivation."

"Must you know that he broke through the repaired medicinal herbs, Xu Feng gave him?"

The elders heard the words, and the old faces were lost.

If he knew that Xu Feng had such a drug in his hand.

Why is he suffering and Xu Feng embarrassed?

Everything he did was to break through the repairs.


"I didn't read it wrong. Xu Feng didn't even work with his spiritual power. With the power of his body, he punched Yang Zhao with a punch?"

"The emptiness of the nine worlds, a fist to kill. Xu Feng's current strength, in the end what kind of horror?"

Seeing Xu Feng punching Yang Zhao.

You must know that it is a breakthrough to the virtual world of Yang Zhao.

Many people's faces are stunned.

They all felt stunned.

Originally, many people are full of expectations.

They feel that this is a lasting battle.

I did not expect it.

A trick to solve!

In the end, Yang Zhao is too weak, or is Xu Feng too strong?

I am afraid the latter.

"His body strength is enough to kill the emptiness of the nine worlds. The Holy Spirit technique that he has just displayed, I feel the power, it seems that even my body blood is reversed."

Some people recalled that Xu Feng was only able to display the "Invincible Claws", and they were all surprised.

It is really that the sensation brought by Xu Feng’s display of the Holy Spirit is really too big.

The powerful momentum makes people think.

"You said that Xu Feng went to Heitiecheng. Can you be a black iron guard?"

Someone looked at Xu Feng and began to imagine Xu Feng's next stop.

Punch Yang Zhao.

They all know.

Xu Feng continues to stay at Bitaomen, which is meaningless.

"Are you not nonsense? Xu Feng's horrible talent is bound to be able to grow up in Heidelberg, get enough resources."

"If Xu Feng can dominate Heidi Iron City, then we will follow the light, it is really good."

"Well, I really hope that he will grow up as soon as possible."

Many young talents at Bitaomen.

They looked at Xu Feng’s eyes and they were all in awe.

Xu Feng killed Yang Zhao, he did not have any mood swings.

to him.

It is too easy to kill Yang Zhao.

He didn't even look at Yang Zhao and walked toward the bottom of the ring.

Cao Zhen arranged for the body of Yang Zhao to be treated.

Xu Feng killed Yang Zhao.

Became a topic after many people in Bitaomen.

However, Xu Feng himself has already left Bitao.

"Xu Feng kid, you go to Heilongjiang, the old man can only wish you here, all the best!"

Silver hair red ghosts are very clear.

Black Iron City is too big and too strong.

He is a warrior of the realm of creation.

It can be seen everywhere in Black Iron City.

If you want to stand on the black iron city, you must at least break through the high-level creation.

"Predecessors, let's not say this, Bi Taomen's kindness, I Xu Feng must remember in my heart."

Xu Feng opened the way to the silver-haired red ghost.

Although Bi Taomen did not help him much.

However, Xu Feng knows that during the time of Bi Taomen, the improvement he received was huge.

However, all of this is based on the premise that he is safe and sound at the Bi Tao Gate.

The silver-haired red ghost smiled.

"Your boy can drink water and think about it. When you dominate Hei Tiecheng in the future, remember to take care of the Bitao Gate. I am satisfied."

The silver-haired red ghost knows the character of Xu Feng.

He is very clear, as long as Xu Feng grows up in Black Iron City.

The benefits of their Bi Tao door must be great.


Come out from the Bitao Gate.

Xu Feng looked at the map of the entire Black Iron City. He took a step and went in the direction of Hei Iron City.

He is really curious, how powerful is the black iron city of the eighth-order forces?

Xu Feng took the kitten and walked all the way.

Wasteland town.

Xu Feng and the kitten sat down to rest.

It’s not far from Black Iron City.

The town of the wilderness is a small town outside the Black Iron City. It is also very large in size and looks very lively.

Xu Feng found that there are many young people who are looking forward to face, and they are also moving toward Heilongjiang.

Even there are some strong people who have made a living, and there are more than a dozen young people around them, all of whom are going to Heilongjiang.

Xu Feng’s heart is full of surprises.

It seems that the nine-order forces like Bi Taomen really cannot attract more talents.

A true genius, or a subordinate to Heicheng.

A good family power will bring his own family to come to Hei Tiecheng and want to become a black iron guard.

"Hey, this brother, are you also going to Hei Tiecheng to participate in the black iron guard assessment?"

Just at this time.

A small, fat man, his body is not very tall.

But the whole body of meat is spectacular.

He sat opposite Xu Feng, and he was welcome. He grabbed the **** on the table and began to eat.

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

A few gimmicks, he did not care.

"Brother, why don't you talk?"

The fat man looked at Xu Feng and asked.

"What do you think I should say?"

Xu Feng asked.

The fat man touched his head and smiled: "Brother, self-introduction, I am called Zheng Xiaopeng."

(End of this chapter)

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