The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2892: Sadly reminded Zhang Yixiu

Chapter 2892, Zhang Yixiu

Zheng Xiaopeng put his stick away.

He resumed the embarrassing look.

Before I saw it, Zheng Xiaopeng was very powerful.

It’s really hard for everyone to unite Zheng Xiaopang and the appearance of the battle.

Xu Feng nodded with a smile on his face and said: "Yes, the environment of this yard looks very good."

Since Zheng Xiaopeng defeated Jia Ken.

Naturally, the yard that belonged to Jiaken now belongs to Zheng Xiaopang.


Not far from Jiaken, he stood up from the ground, and a cough of sound rang out, and blood spouted from his mouth.

His face is full of grievances, staring at Zheng Xiaopeng, saying: "His hiding is really good."

"So powerful, but not to fight for the yard, are you deliberately trying to humiliate me?"

Jia Ken didn't want to think about it. It was obvious that he took the initiative to send the door to find trouble.

It’s hard to be Zheng Xiaopeng, they should sit here and wait.

"Haha... Your face is really thick." Zheng Xiaopeng laughed happily. In his eyes, the twinkling eyes were all cold and killing. "You take the initiative to send your face to face, it’s hard that I still don't." Call it?"

Zheng Xiaopeng’s words rang.

Many people are secretly nodding.

This is the trouble for you to take the initiative to find someone else.

Can't it be, Zheng Xiaopeng should sit still?

Jaken’s face was particularly ugly, he didn’t continue to talk, but he stunned his head and waited for a look.


Jia Ken walked to the front of the bald head, and slapped his face on the bald head and said: "The eyes will polish me later, don't give me a shame."

Jia Ken felt that it would not be a bald waiter.

He is also unlikely to find the troubles of Zheng Xiaopeng and Xu Feng.

Immediately, his eyes swept across the opposite Xu Feng with a cold and murderous intention.

He just remembered it.

The person who looks like a punch and shakes back is Xu Feng, not the little fat man who just did it with himself.

His face was cold and he said: "The lord has been so screaming so hard, is it just a coward who hides behind others?"

Jia Ken stared at Xu Feng, with mockery.

He wants to use the radical method to let Xu Feng and him do it.

Zheng Xiaopeng almost did not laugh out.

I dare to love this Jakan.

He called Xu Feng Xu Big Brother, but he still doesn't understand that Xu Feng's strength is much stronger than him.

If Xu Feng shot, only one trick is needed. If Jaken died, I am afraid no one knows.

Xu Feng’s heart is wrong.

Zheng Xiaopeng said coldly: "If you don't want to die, I advise you to shut up quickly."

Zheng Xiaopeng’s speech is to remind Jia Ken.

I know, Jia Ken thought that Zheng Xiaopeng was threatening him.

He said at the moment: "Hey, if you dare to marry me, don't you dare to take it? Is it glory to hide behind others?"

Jacques looked at Zheng Xiaopeng’s eyes, and he thought it was a threat to himself.

Hurry and said: "Look at the face of this fat man, today I will not find you trouble, you give me waiting."

Jia Ken took the bald head and other people around him and went to the side.

He found the place, sat down on his knees and began to heal.

Zheng Xiaopeng walked over to Xu Feng’s body. He rolled his eyes and said: “Xu Big Brother, others think you are a soft persimmon, this is not to blame me.”

Xu Feng smiled.

He is too lazy to care about people like Jaken.

"Let's go to the yard to practice, so that outside the air, the air is really stinking."

Xu Feng said to Zheng Xiaopeng.

Seeing Xu Feng and Zheng Xiaopeng walked to the yard.

Many people whisper.

"You said who the young man is, why is that fat man so powerful, but still called his older brother?"

Someone has a puzzled look.

They think Xu Feng is very mysterious.

Zheng Xiaopeng can defeat Jia Ken, why is he called his big brother?


Early the next morning.

Jaken shot and took away twelve yards.

His eleventh yard was taken away by Xu Feng and Zheng Xiaopeng. After he was cured, he directly challenged Zhang Yixiu.

Zhang Yixiu’s angry face.

He looked at Jakan, who was swaying and swaying toward his yard. His eyes were filled with anger.

"Hey, Zhang Yixiu is also unlucky. Jiaken’s strength is a little stronger than him, that is, he is strong."

"Now his yard has been taken away. I don't think he has such a day. Like all of us, I endure the dirty air and the bites of mosquitoes."

"It’s really awesome. Outside of his yard, can you not cultivate?"

"There are such a day for such a hegemonic person."

Seeing that Zhang Yixiu’s yard was taken away, many people’s hearts were very excited.

Zhang Yixiu is clearly the twelfth yard.

However, outside his yard, it is an open space, the environment is very good, and it is also far from the sewage pool.

I know, Zhang Yixiu does not let people practice outside his yard, seeing one fight.

Moreover, it is hot.

Looking at the situation of Zhang Yixiu, they feel that they are very popular.

Zhang Yixiu looked around.

His eyes fell not far away.

I saw, above the open space, sitting Xu Feng and Zheng Xiaopeng.

His eyes burned in anger.

He had prescribed it before Zhang Yixiu.

This open space does not allow people to cultivate.

He did not expect that some people dared not to obey his orders.

He was defeated by Jia Ken, and he was of course angry.

Immediately rushed toward Xu Feng and Zheng Xiaopeng.

Many people watched Zhang Yixiu rushing past, one by one are stunned: "This guy will not be crazy?"

"He seems to be looking for Zheng Xiaopeng and Xu Feng trouble, but Zheng Xiaopeng and even Jia Ken have defeated."

"He Zhang Yixiu, it seems that it is not the opponent of those two people."

Zhang Yixiu really went to Xu Feng and Zheng Xiaopeng.

"Does this guy not know, who is Jiaken defeated?"

"You said this, as if he really didn't know."

"He was retiring in the yard yesterday?"

Everyone is picking up.

"Xu Big Brother, it seems that someone is going to take me out."

Zheng Xiaopeng laughed haha.

He looked at Zhang Yixiu with his own eyes and was defeated by Jia Ken.

Jaken stepped forward and said: "You two are new here?"

"um, yes!"

Zheng Xiaopeng has a thick and honest appearance.

Xu Feng, next to him, turned his eyes.

Zheng Xiaopeng’s acting is really perfect.

"Don't you know, what rules have I made before?"

Zhang Yixiu's cold road.

"Rules?" Zheng Xiaopeng obviously did not know, said: "What rules?"

"This open space is just outside my yard. You will practice here and take away my spiritual power."

"So, I don't allow people to practice here." Zhang Yixiu said with great enthusiasm that he had just been defeated by Jiaken, just to find his face from here.

"It looks like the yard is not yours now?"

Zheng Xiaopeng said.

This sentence just happens to say the pain of Zhang Yixiu.

His face was suddenly furious.

(Recommended a book "The Strongest Emperor of the Ages", this book is very bloody, the emperor of the hegemony class, written quite well!)

(End of this chapter)

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