Chapter 2899 is noisy!

"Do you dare to marry me?"

In Zhang Yixiu's eyes, the cold and fierce killings emerged. When his mouth was raised, his body was full of strong spiritual fluctuations.

He was a sinister singer and he was repaired in the late stage. As the spirit of his head broke out, his eyes were cold and shining.

"Boy, I want to see, why do you marry me?"

Zhang Yixiu finished.

Spiritually moved toward his feet, his body rushed out instantly, his hands seemed to be claws, and he was tearing away toward Xu Feng's chest.

Obviously, Zhang Yixiu wants to tear Xu Feng's chest at the fastest speed and wants to kill Xu Feng in an instant.

Seeing that Zhang Yixiu is fierce, many people are full of dignity.

They looked at Xu Feng’s eyes with some pity.

"Hey, this young man dares to provoke Zhang Yixiu, I am afraid it will be dead."

"The fat man who followed him is now entangled by the three people."

"It is strange, you find that there is no, the young man seems to be not afraid from beginning to end."

"Isn't he thinking that he can really resist Zhang Yixiu's attack?"

Xu Feng stood there and looked calm.

When the spiritual power of the body flows, all the golden light is emitted.

Many people's eyes are a condensation.

The moment when Xu Feng’s golden light flickered, all the explosive waves were bursting out, and the power of terror broke out.

Just, the sharp claws are about to hit Xu Feng.

Many people's faces are changing.

I saw that Xu Feng’s fist became fierce.

"Cang Long Wang Quan."

The power of Xu Feng’s whole body came out, and above the fist, it seemed to be a golden dragon, constantly tumbling.

Throughout the void, there was a burst of noise.

“The first-order best spirit of the Holy Spirit?”

Some people looked at the boxing method that Xu Feng showed, and they all exclaimed.


Zhang Yixiu did not expect that Xu Feng could break out such a powerful boxing method, and the whole person went backwards one after another.


The power of Xu Feng’s whole body broke out. He did not hesitate any more, and every punch was slammed out.

His purpose is to use his fist to tear Zhang Yixiu.

The fist wrapped up Zhang Yixiu thoroughly.

Zhang Yixiu's face changed greatly.

"how is this possible……"


Before he could react, he felt that the majestic power and the power of terror had struck.

The whole person even flew straight out, and he slammed on the ground, and blood sprang from his mouth.

His chest is a large piece of depression, his face is very incomparable, he stared at Xu Feng, his face is incredible.


The people watching are also stunned.

Just a few tricks, Xu Feng will put Zhang Yixiu to the ground.

Everyone can see it.

Zhang Yixiu did not have the power to fight back.

Xu Feng appeared in front of Zhang Yixiu and stepped on Zhang Yixiu's chest.

Originally, Zhang Yixiu's chest was sunken.

I was stepped on by Xu Feng.

It seems that the bones are broken and squeaky, and the whole person is cheeky, and the blood is pinched with pieces of internal organs, spewing out from the corners of his mouth, and his face becomes extremely pale.

"You hurry to stop!"

Zhang Yixiu’s eyes are full of anger.

He is wronged in his heart.

He seems to have not exerted his strength, and he was completely crushed by Xu Feng.

This is a deep sense of powerlessness.


Xu Feng stared at Zhang Yixiu and said: "In the secret world, is it possible to kill others and get the points of the other party?"

Zhang Yixiu heard the words, his face changed a little, but he cracked his mouth and smiled: "Kid, don't look for a dead end."

"My big brother is the black iron guard ninety-three guards. I don't think you are coming to the assessment. Even the Black Iron Army does not dare to move me."

Zhang Yixiu’s voice is extremely arrogant.

He did not think that Xu Feng dared to kill him.


Xu Feng’s mouth was raised, and a pedal was stepping on Zhang’s head, and his blood burst.

When Zhang Yixiu was dying, he did not understand why Xu Feng dared to kill himself. Was he not afraid of Hei Tiewei?


The people around them all took a sip of cold air and looked at Xu Feng's eyes and became fearful.

"The strength of this kid is so good that he can actually kill Zhang Yixiu in the late eight-year-old?"

"If Zhang Yixiu died, he was known by his big brother of Hei Tiewei. What do you say about it?"

"As a black iron guard, the position in Hei Tiecheng is extremely high. Even if Zhang Yiben really kills this young man, I am afraid that no one dares to say anything?"

"Unless, this guy can become a black iron guard."

Everyone has talked about it.

They all felt that Xu Feng killed Zhang Yixiu.

It is very refreshing.

However, once the assessment of Hei Tiewei is over, it will definitely die.


Zheng Xiaopeng’s fat face shook, and he looked at the kitten that had come over, his eyes smashed into a slit.

"Fat, what are you laughing at, you are dead..."

A middle-aged man with a faint ambiguity, his head has not been said yet, and blood has flowed from his neck.

The kitten is extremely fast, as if it is a fusion with the void, he said: "Fat, Grandpa saved your life!"

"Thank you grandfather!"

Zheng Xiaopang is very suitable for kittens.

"Hey, we can deal with one person, just right!"

The kitten stared at the next one.


The remaining two middle-aged men with imaginary ambiguities, followed Zhang Yixiu, came to deal with Zheng Xiaopeng.

Today, Zhang Yixiu is killed, they must escape as soon as possible.

"My grandfather is going out, do you still want to go?"

Inside the kitten's eyes, all the buzzing light is fierce.


The speed of the kitten is extremely fast, and the sharp claws in an instant carry a few sharp shadows.


The eight-year-old middle-aged man who escaped from the vain situation, his wounds on the back, appeared to be bloody.

The whole person fell to the ground, wide-eyed, and died.

"A terrible kitten."

"This cat is also so powerful."

"His speed seems to be very fast. I feel that he and the void are in one, and they still have the feeling of the wind."

"Not going to be righteous?"

"Heaven, the beast can also feel the meaning of the righteousness?"


Zheng Xiaopeng’s stick is constantly dancing.

Every time, the opposite side of the virtual world is shaken back.


The middle-aged man was full of fear and said: "Don't kill me... I was threatened by Zhang Yixiu..."


Zheng Xiaopeng will not be merciful, and the stick will squat down.

Middle-aged man's shoulder, broken bones.

The whole person knees on his knees, his eyes wide open, and blood flows from his mouth and slowly flows out.

"Fat, your movements are really slow."

The kitten said to Zheng Xiaopeng, who was too disgusted.

Zheng Xiaopeng rolled his eyes and said: "Is this still slow?"

(Recommended a book, "The Strongest Emperor of the Ages", is said to be really nice, everyone will go and see it!)

(End of this chapter)

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