The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2910: Don't worry about nothing

Chapter 2910 Don't worry about nothing

"Who gave you the courage to attack me?"

Xu Feng said while waving his fist.

His words rang.

Many people are stunned.

"A horrible young man, his strength is so powerful."

"How do I feel that the power of his fists is as terrible as it is?"

"It’s terrible, and the realm of his boxing has at least reached the realm of getting better."

"His boxing method is endless, as if it were a big river, and the power is terrible."

Seeing the boxing method that Xu Feng displayed, thoroughly suppressing the opposite Jia Ken.

The momentum contained in the boxing method has made many people stunned.


"The strength of this guy seems to have improved again!" In the eyes of Qiu Zhi, they are all cold and killing.

He did not expect it at all, in less than a month.

Xu Feng’s boxing power has improved so much.


In the eyes of Shi Jie, there are flashes of light shining. He never imagined that Xu Feng’s boxing method was so terrible.

"Genius, the true peerless genius, if I am cultivating him, it will be a promising future."

Ishigaki is very clear that although Black Iron City is an eighth-order force.

However, among the eight-order forces, it is only in the inferior position.

Compared with some powerful eight-order forces.

The gap is still very large.

Just like the four eight-order forces of the lock collar, the Black Iron City is the weakest force.

Compared with other Wangfu Mountain Villa and the Mosquito Gate, there is no small gap.

The big difference is that young geniuses have no more than each other.

Not to mention, among the four major eight-order forces, the most powerful Gaoshizong.

The four major forces are in each competition.

Gai Sezong’s youth genius is the largest.

Maybe for many people.

The talent of Gu Yao Green is not bad.

However, Ishigaki is very clear, but Mo said that compared with other eight-order forces.

Even if it is compared with Black Iron City's Black Iron.

The talent of Gu Yao Green is also the top 50.

However, Xu Feng's talent is completely different.

Perhaps, his current strength is not as strong as Gu Yao Green and Ma Haisheng.

As long as the opportunity for Xu Feng, in time, his height of growth, beyond the two, is a fact of iron.




Jaken spurted out his blood, and his footsteps continued to fall back and forth, almost falling off the ladder.

He reached out his hand and made a gesture to Xu Feng, saying: "Slow... hurry up and stop..."

Jia Ken’s face was full of fear. He did not expect that Xu Feng’s strength was even worse than Zheng Xiaopeng’s.

He finally understood why Zheng Xiaopang, to call Xu Feng brother.

However, Yan Yan’s strength is so strong.

I also want to call Xiong Dao and Xu Feng.


Xu Feng looked at the opposite of Jia Ken, his eyes slightly picked up.

"Yes, your strength is very strong, I am willing to go down the drain."

Jia Ken said to Xu Feng.

"Ha ha……"

Xu Feng smiled uncontrollably and said: "Do you think that if I am not your opponent, will you stop?"

Jaken heard the words and his face changed.

Haven't waited for him to react.

Xu Feng’s golden light burst out, and the golden dragon above the fist slammed out.

Like a dragon, the fist is even more unstoppable, and a horrible wave of violent waves erupted toward Jiaken.


Jaken made a miserable snoring and was swept out by his fists. His eyes were filled with remorse.

I knew that Xu Feng’s strength was so powerful and gave him a hundred courage. He would not provoke the other party.

"Don't give you some lessons, do you really think that you can also force it?" Xu Feng's mouth raised.

When he turned around, there was a deafening voice behind him.

A bang!

Jaken was heavily squatting on the square, and blood was sprayed from his mouth. His face became pale.

He struggled to get up and his face was full of regret.

He knew that he could have won a good ranking on the nine-day road.

Today, it can only be reduced to an ordinary member of the Black Iron Army.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Feng did not look at Jia Ken.

Deep in his eyes, it is a majestic light.

He only wants to climb higher in the nine days and nine roads.

Just climbing to the third floor, his gravity field has risen to the ninth day, and he is looking forward to the next step.


Xu Feng’s footsteps moved and the terrorist pressure broke out.

The formation is a burst of huge waves rolling.

Gu Yaolu’s eyes are full of anger.

He did not expect that the glory that he had worked so hard for so many years, and now the aura was taken away by Xu Feng.

He found that many people's eyes were gathered on Xu Feng.

Xu Feng embarked on the ninth step of the third floor of the nine-ninth road. His eyes flashed lightly.

Not far from Yan Yan, the powerful momentum broke out.

It turns out that Yan Yan and Ma Haisheng are struggling.

Xu Feng simply stopped.

Zheng Xiaopeng followed Xu Feng, and opened his mouth and smiled: "Xu Big Brother, do you want to help?"

Xu Feng heard that he had not spoken yet.

Opposite Ma Hai is angry and arrogant, and he is condescending: "I advise you not to worry about anything, otherwise the cost is not affordable for you."

Ma Haisheng's face is full of pride.

"I really want to hear, how much do you say?"

Xu Feng did not want to be nosy.

Mainly, Yan Yan does not want them to do it.

After all, Yan Yan’s strength is not weak.

Who is winning and who is not known?

"Oh, the price is, if you dare to do anything, you will die very badly." Ma Haisheng said coldly.

Yan Yan looked at Ma Haisheng and said: "Ma Haisheng, this is your kindness and grievance. Why do you have to involve other people?"

"You want to do it, even if it is done, I don't want to come to Yan Yan." Yan Yan's eyes are all firm.

Xu Feng looked at Zheng Xiaopeng and smiled: "Little fat, you said that if we two people and Yan Yan join hands, and deal with the arrogant guy, what do you think will happen to him?"

Zheng Xiaopeng heard the words, smirked, the fat on his face, followed his smile, constantly shaking.

"Xu Big Brother, if the three of us join hands to deal with him, I think that we will not die very badly, I don't know, but I know that he will die very badly."

Zheng Xiaopeng’s words rang.

Many people look at where Xu Feng is.

In their eyes, the ones that emerged were all surprised.

"That Xu Feng is really a good thing. It is said that he killed Zhang Yiben’s younger brother before, and now he wants to be vivid to Ma Hai."

"I don't think they dare to be vivid about Ma Hai, his father Mullen, but the commander of the 7th Army."

"It is said that Mullen’s character is extremely violent. He once took the Seventh Army and crushed a hotel."

(End of this chapter)

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