The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2923: Silent suggestion

Silent advice in Chapter 2923

Qiu invincible face is gloomy.

He did not expect that Xu Feng’s talent was terrible to such a point.

The imaginary dilemma is rebuilt to the ninth floor of the nine-day road.

This means that Xu Feng's talent is very strong.

Qiu Hai’s biting teeth, his heart is not reconciled.

He believes that he is also a genius.

However, compared with Xu Feng, the gap is very large.

"Father, this Xu Feng talent is so bad, we are afraid to kill it as soon as possible, otherwise, it will endless trouble."

Qiu Cheng is the fifth guard of the Black Iron Guard.

However, his eyes are deep in jealousy.

He is very clear that he can climb to the ninth floor of the nine-ninth road, which means that Xu Feng's future growth is limitless.

Qiu Zhi stood on the side, and he nodded with incomparable approval: "So talent, do not squander the roots, I am afraid that raising tigers."

Qiu Zhi saw Xu Feng's power.

The triple ambiguity can kill the existence of the emptiness.

Such a leap-level battle.

Plus the ability to show up in nine days.

He has no doubt that if Xu Feng in the future grows up, Heicheng is too small for him.

Qiu’s invincible eyes were dignified and said: “As long as he is in Black Iron City and becomes a black iron guard, there is bound to be an opportunity to kill him.”

Qiu invincible believes.

Now Xu Feng, want to kill, is not difficult.


Not far from Wu Siyue.

The depths of his eyes are also cold and killing.

He is now a ten elder.

What's more, his only grandson was killed by Xu Feng, and he would never be willing to give up.

If it wasn’t for a sudden sudden appearance, he decided to kill Xu Feng in advance anyway.

Nowadays, sometimes silent here, he wants to kill Xu Feng, it is almost impossible.

However, in his heart, he was sneer.

As long as Xu Feng joins the Black Iron City.

His energy in the Black Iron City, it is not difficult to kill a young man with a virtual world.

He did not believe that the people of Heichengcheng would kill him for a dead genius.


Xu Feng stood on the ninth floor of the nine-ninth road. He felt the spiritual power flowing toward his body. It was a feeling of washing the marrow.

He sat cross-legged and his eyes were full of surprises.

He just broke through to the body of creation.

Now, I can get such a pure spiritual power to help him organize the meridians.

For him, it is better than letting his repair be a breakthrough.

Time is unknowingly past.

Gu Yaolu finally set foot on the sixth floor of the nine-ninth road.

His eyes are deep, but they are helpless.

He looked at the figure on the ninth floor.

The heart is roaring, he does not understand why Xu Feng's talent and strength, terror to such a point.


Gu Yao Green can only helplessly sigh.

Some people look at Gu Yao Green, both with pity, said: "Gu Yao Yao was originally the first place in this assessment, it should be eye-catching."

"Unfortunately, there was Xu Feng who was too arrogant, so that the aura that should have belonged to him was taken away by Xu Feng."

"Xu Feng's watch reality is too shocking, so many people have neglected the very good ancient Yao green."

"Gu Yao Liang is really bad luck."

Gu Yaolu had originally vowed to win the first place in this assessment, but did not expect to kill Xu Feng halfway.

"Hey, who is that guy?"

Seeing Yan Yan, unconsciously, he appeared on the fifth and fifth steps of the nine-ninth road.

Yan Yan was able to embark on the fifth floor, the ninth step, making many people with amazement.

"This person is called Yan Yan, and the relationship with Xu Feng is very good. I can't think of his perseverance."

"He seems to be from the Falcons, but rumors some time ago, the Falcons seem to have suffered a huge blow."

"Well, I also heard about it. It seems that this Yan Yan himself is leading."


Many people are waiting, Xu Feng returns from the glory of nine days and nine days.

The depths of the old eyes are silent, filled with a smile.

His body disappeared in place.

In the ninth floor of the nine-ninth road, Xu Feng, he just stood up, his face suddenly changed, as if a gust of wind whistling.

His body disappeared on the ninth floor of the nine-ninth road.


Everyone below is shocked.

They don't understand.

Xu Feng disappeared somewhere.

Qiu invincible is also full of strange faces.

"Father, what happened?"

Qiu Zhi asked with some curiosity.

Qiu invincible shook his head and said: "I don't know what's going on. It's hard to be the ninth floor of the nine-day road. Is there any danger, or is there any crisis?"

"It won't be a talented man. Is that kid kidnapped by nine days?"

"It shouldn't be."

Qiu Cheng said next to it.

"You didn't find out, the elders were silent and disappeared?"

Qiu Cheng’s eyes have been silent for a long time.

He said at the moment.

When Qiu Invincible also found it silently disappeared, the heart said: "What do you want to do when you are silent?"

Shi Yan’s eyes are deep in regret.

He has received a silent voice when he received it.

Xu Feng, did not participate in the assessment of the black iron guard assessment.

With the assessment of the black iron guard.

Xu Feng never appeared again.

Shi Yan announced that Gu Yaolv won the first place in the black iron guard assessment and successfully became the 98th guard of Hei Tiewei.

However, Yan Yan also became the black iron guard of the ninety-nine guards, and wished to become a black iron guard, making Yan Yan full of joy.

The third place is Ma Haisheng.

The rest of the people were assigned to the Black Iron Army.

No one thought of it.

The first place is actually not Xu Feng.

"What happened? Xu Feng was on the ninth floor of the nine-day road. He was not the first."

"Why didn't he become a black iron guard? Is it that his repair is too low to be a black iron guard."

"But it's not right, his strength is enough to become a black iron guard."

With the announcement of the results, the scene was an uproar.

They don't understand why Xu Feng can't be a black iron guard.

Shi Yan’s eyes are also deep in regret.

Xu Feng’s performance is really amazing.

If you become a black iron guard, you can get better resources and conditions.


In a quiet pavilion.

Xu Feng sat in front of the silent voice.

However, there is also a middle-aged man standing next to him.

When Xu Feng looked at each other, his look was awkward.

Wen Guhai stunned Xu Feng’s eyes.

There are resentments in the eyes.

Xu Feng obviously understands.

The last time the chaos was outside the secret.

Wen Guhai is not an invincible arrangement.

You suddenly found him silently, want to arrange to smell the lonely sea, take him to Heilongjiang.

When I silently looked at the opposite Xu Feng, said: "Xu Feng, do not let you become a black iron guard, you will not blame the old man?"

Xu Feng had a smile on his face. He could see that there was no maliciousness to himself when he was silent.

He said: "The elders, whether they can become black iron, for me, is not very important."

(End of this chapter)

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