The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2927: Third-order Shangpin Shengling Dan

Chapter 2927 Third-order Shangpin Holy Spirit Dan

"Dr. Zhou, my grandfather is there. He and the Zheng family's Zheng Laozi have a good personal relationship. This is to give him a birthday!"

Zhengjiafu is at the gate, a pair of young men and women.

The man's long stature is short and his face is dry.

However, the woman beside him is long and slim and beautiful.

Her face was smiling, but the twilight was a bit cold.

"Linger, my centurion of the centurion, come to such a small family to celebrate the birthday, and really give them face."

Zhou Qing reached out and took the beautiful woman's arm around her. His eyes were deep and filled with ridicule.

"Look, you are not Chen Ling?"

"I don't think the man he found is actually the centurion of the Black Iron Army. It is really enviable."

"I thought it was ridiculous that the dead fat man of our Zheng family wanted to eat swan meat."

"The little fat man was also a bit miserable at the end. He was remarried in public, and he was also humiliated. He was expelled from the family."

"Looks like the little fat man, this time I will come to give my father a birthday, do you say that he will continue to be humiliated?"

Many people look at Chen Ling and Zhou Qing, and they are envious in the depths of their eyes.

Chen Ling looks so beautiful.

It is a man who wants to find a woman like her.

However, Zhou Qing is the centurion of the Black Iron Army, and his status is very high.

Today, Chen Ling took him to come to Zheng to worship.

It is also telling everyone.

The man he found Chen Ling is the real existence of the heavens.

She regrets that Zheng Xiaopeng is the most correct choice.

As the two came to the party.

Zheng Xiaopeng’s eyes are full of killings. He clenches his fists and his breath is getting more and more urgent.

Xu Feng said gently: "Little fat, with your talent and strength, what kind of woman do you want, why bother to waste your time and mood for a snobbery."

Xu Feng looked at Zheng Xiaopeng at the moment.

In his mind, he emerged in the Tianhua domain.

At the time he was at the Xu family scene.

The same is being looked down upon and being remarried.

Fortunately, Xu Wanshan is very good to him.

Zheng Xiaopeng is very sad.

Even his own grandfather, he looked down on him.


Zheng Xiaopeng took a deep breath and his eyes were full of anger.

When he thought of childhood, Chen Ling followed him behind him.

And, his father is still alive.

His position in the Zheng family is very high.

Chen Ling is always there.

Later, his father died.

Chen Ling immediately abandoned him.

Chen Ling’s eyes swept over the crowd, and her last sight stayed in the corner, and her eyes were deep in the eyes.

She never imagined that Zheng Xiaopeng would dare to come back to Zheng.

She is afraid of Zhou Qing around her to see the clues.

Turning around now, he smiled at Zhou Qing: "Dr. Zhou, my grandfather is over there, let's go."

"Linger, Zhou Qing, you are here, then hurry up, Zheng’s birthday party is about to begin!"

Chen Yusheng looked at Chen Ling with Zhou Qing, and his old face was full of pride.

He said to a few people around him: "This is my granddaughter, but the black iron army centurion."

Hearing the words of Chen Yusheng, the other people are all envious of the face, saying: "Chen Lao has such a powerful granddaughter, you can take good care of us in the future."

"Haha, let's talk about it!"

Chen Yusheng's face is proud.

The centurion of the Black Iron Army has a high status in the Black Iron City.

His arrival naturally attracted the respect of many people.

Even Zheng Zheng, also went to the front of Zhou Qing, said: "Captain Zhou, a husband's birthday banquet, how dare to trouble the adults personally come?"

Zhou Qing smiled and didn't care. "Linger said that you and her grandfather are good friends, and I will come to you with her birthday."

"This is a Sanshui Lingguo, and I will give it to my father as a gift, wishing my father a happy day."

Seeing that Zhou Qing handed it out is the Sanshui Lingguo, many people are envious of their faces.

What they are even more envious of is Chen Yusheng, who can find such a granddaughter, and the status of Heilongjiang will increase a lot in the future.

"Thank you for the heart of Captain Zhou, but the old ones are disrespectful and guilty."

Zheng’s old face is full of smiles.

Obviously, he thinks that Chen Yusheng is giving him enough face.

"Grandpa, this is my gift to you!"

"Father, this is my gift!"

"Zheng Father, this is my gift!"

Later, the people who came to attend the birthday banquet, one by one, sent gifts.

Only Xu Feng and Zheng Xiaopang three people, there is a lot of enthusiasm there, there is no determination to give gifts.

Zheng Hao looked at the direction of Zheng Xiaopeng and said: "Hey, I don't think anyone has such a thick face. Come to the birthday party, just to mix and drink, it's a shame!"

"Zheng Xiaopeng, since you came to the birthday party with your friends, are they also following you, come to eat white?"

Zheng Hao’s voice sounded.

Many people are looking at Zheng Xiaopeng.

Yan Yan’s face is a bit ugly.

Zheng Xiaopeng invited him to come to the birthday banquet. They are all looking for something. Who will prepare the gift?

Even Zheng Xiaopeng’s face changed slightly.

I saw Xu Feng stand up, he went to Zheng Zheng, and said: "Zheng Father, we have three rushes, and did not bring any decent gifts, this medicinal bottle should be given to you to commemorate."


Many people looked at the medicinal bottle that Xu Feng took out, and almost didn't smile.

They have only seen, sent medicinal herbs, sent spiritual materials, and sent Lingjing.

I never thought that someone would even send a medicinal bottle.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Send a medicinal bottle?"

Zhou Qing sat there, and he suddenly stood up, his face was mocking, saying: "Little brother, if you can't afford it, don't make it look shame!"

The anger of Zheng’s face, he stared at Xu Feng, saying: “If today is a good day for the old man, I will really throw you out of Zheng’s house.”

Said, he looked at Zheng Xiaopeng.

“Waste is waste. In the past three years, it’s still waste. What are the friends and friends?”

The evidence is full of disdain.

Xu Feng’s face is full of contempt, saying: “The snobbery eye is the snobbery eye, almost white one of my third-order holy spirits.”

After Xu Feng’s words are finished, many people look at Xu Feng.

I saw Xu Feng open the medicinal bottle.

A burst of scent of medicine spreads out.

Many people's eyes are staring at the medicinal herbs in Xu Feng's hand.

I saw that the medicinal drug was pure in color.

Most importantly, the scent of the drug is terrifying.

Zhou Qing’s eyes were wide-eyed, and his face was full of greed.

Xu Feng put the medicinal herbs together and said: "Oh, fortunately, this third-order Holy Spirit Dan did not send it out, or it would have been a big loss."

Xu Feng looked up and looked at the stunned Zheng.

"Original, I see that your body is empty, excessive desire, you want to send you a third-order Shangpin Shengling Dan, to give you a supplement to the body, who knows you do not want to."

Speaking of this, Xu Feng said: "It turns out that the third-order Shangpin Holy Spirit Dan can't enter the eyes of Zheng Laozi!"

(End of this chapter)

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