The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2929: Xu Feng shot

Chapter 2929 Xu Feng shot

Zhou Qing’s words rang and Chen Ling was thundered.

Her face was pale and her eyes were unbelievable.

"No... I don't believe... you said it clearly, you will be good to me forever."

Chen Ling continued to retreat. In the depths of her eyes, her pupils were all contracted and her face was wrong.

Zhou Qing’s cold road: "It’s ridiculous, you are such a beggar! Is it qualified to make me good for you all my life?"

Xu Feng sat there, he didn't mean to get up.

However, Yan Yan and Zheng Xiaopeng stood.

"Black Iron Guardian, I am so satisfied with this treatment?"

Zhou Qing said to Yan Yan.

Yan Yan’s side to Zheng Xiaopeng said: “I’m not satisfied with my dissatisfaction. What’s important is that my brother is not satisfied.”

Zheng Xiaopeng stood there.

Zhou Qing’s eyes were slightly condensed, but he still went forward and said: "This brother, I don’t know that she used to be your woman. If you were a woman, give me a hundred courage, I don’t dare to play. she was."

"Of course, if the little brother doesn't mind, with her character, I believe that you want to play with her."


Zheng Xiaopeng suddenly raised his hand, and a slap in the face of Zhou Qing’s face, his eyes filled with killing.

"If you dare to say more than one word, do you believe that I have killed you!" Zheng Xiaopeng, the majestic momentum broke out.

The entire Zheng family is stunned.

They did not expect it at all.

Zheng Xiaopeng is actually a sinister retreat.

"How can this be?"

"When the little fat man was a waste, he was able to upgrade to a virtual situation."

"This is incredible. It's no wonder that he can know Black Iron, and his talent is good."

"You said that Zheng Xiaopang will not be a member of Heitiecheng. If this is the case, we Zhengjia, aren't we going to suffer big losses?"

Many people in Zheng’s family have become particularly ugly.

They feel the atmosphere of Zheng Xiaopeng, and the depths of their hearts are incredible.

Zhou Qing’s heart is wronged.

He was scorned by Zheng Xiaopeng, but he did not speak.

Yan Yan is a black iron guard, he can't dare to provoke.

Black Iron has a high status in Black Iron City.

Zheng Xiaopeng looked up and his eyes fell on Zheng. He said: "My father, my father gave Zheng Jiali a great contribution, and then my father died, but you treated me like a pig."

"I was expelled from Zheng. The purpose of my visit to Zheng this time is very simple. I hope that you will return the money that my father made and the contribution he made."

Zheng Xiaopeng’s voice is extremely firm.

From the beginning to the end, he did not look at Chen Ling.

"Small beast, you are so courageous, you dare to be so ignorant, you know that he is your grandfather."

Zheng Hao stood on one side, and he held out his finger at Zheng Xiaopeng, and the voice was reprimanded.


Zheng Xiaopeng laughed at himself.

He slowly said: "My grandfather, I personally expelled the Zheng family, and constantly humiliated me."

"What qualifications does he have to be my grandfather, he is not benevolent, I am naturally unjust, my request is not excessive, I only need my father's property."

Zheng Xiaopeng’s voice was powerful and he did not look at Zheng Hao’s insults.

Zheng was angry in the depths of his eyes. He did not expect Zheng Xiaopeng to talk to him in public.

Zheng looked at Zheng Xiaopeng and said: "Little fat, many things before, it is really wrong for me."

"Since you are back to the Zheng family today, it is the descendants of the Zheng family. The spiritual crystal that your father earned in the past, I will give it to you."

Zheng is not an old fox, he said to Zheng Xiaopeng.

Obviously, when Zheng was said to have said this sentence.

He obviously has compromised.

"Come back to Zheng family?"

Zheng Xiaopeng said coldly: "You humiliated me in the past, expelled me from Zheng, and now want me to come back, can't you laugh?"

"I just want to ask you, in the end, do you want to give my father a spiritual crystal?" Zheng Xiaopeng's voice was cold.

Zheng said that he said: "Zheng Xiaopeng, you don't think that your wings are hard, you can do whatever you want."

"What do you know about Hei Tiewei? Can he not succeed? Can he still kill us Zheng Jia inexplicably?"

Zheng immediately waved his hand and said: "Since you are not willing to return to Zheng, you should quickly roll from Zheng."

"The spiritual crystal that your father earned has long since disappeared."

Zheng apparently wants to lie.

Zheng Xiaopeng bit his teeth and wants to talk.

Xu Feng stood up again.

He appeared in front of Zheng Xiaopeng and said: "Little fat, I teach you a truth, that is, the villain who is inflammatory, you have reason with them, it makes no sense."

"Give it to me to help you."

Xu Feng patted Zheng Xiaopeng's shoulder.

Zheng was very proud of his chest and he didn't care about his face.

He does not think that Xu Feng and others dare to do anything?


I know, when Xu Feng stepped out, he lifted his palm toward Zheng’s cheek, which was a slap in the face.


The entire Zheng family is silent.

No one can think of it.

Xu Feng dared to fight Zheng Zheng.

Zheng is even more full of face, his eyes are cold and killing, cold and cold: "Boy, you dare to beat me, you are simply looking for death."

On the basis of Zheng’s body, the momentum of the peak of the creation of the environment broke out.

His old hands turned into claws.

It is the second-order sacred spirit that is displayed, and it is torn to the peak of Xu Feng.


However, the golden light of Xu Feng’s body broke out, and the power of the body of the creation came out, and a fist punched out.

The fists and the claws of Zheng’s scorpion, together with the collision of the scorpion, make the air waves diffuse toward the surroundings.

According to Zheng, the whole person has been regressing one after another, and blood has been madly sprayed from his mouth.

Xu Feng hit it up, and it was a fist punching on his shoulder, and the sound of the broken bones came out.

Zheng was directly on the ground and could not climb again.


He made a miserable snoring.

The entire Zheng family, once again, is silent.

No one thought that Xu Feng was so powerful.

You must know that he is only a virtual world.

Next to Yan Yan’s heart is a sigh, and the heart said: “Hey, I don’t think the gap with Xu’s brother is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that I have to work harder.”

Xu Feng stepped on the chest of Zheng.

His bones almost shattered.

"The little brother is forgiving, forgive!"

According to Zheng, there is still arrogance just now, and all of the old eyes are fear.

Next to Zhou Qing, the heart is even more shocked. "Which is this young man, how can it be so abnormal?"

Xu Feng looked at Zheng according to the law and said: "I will ask you, the property left by the chubby father, do you still give it?"

Xu Feng asked straightforwardly.

The other people next to them looked at Xu Feng, and they looked at Zheng Xiaopeng again, and all of them were sighing.

Zheng Zheng treated Zheng Xiaopang in this way, I am afraid that the intestines are now remorseful.

(End of this chapter)

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