The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2933: Go to the flame battlefield

Chapter 2933 goes to the flame battlefield

"Burn the wind!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are deep and dignified.

He has no more hands to stay.

The four imposing manners of the virtual world broke out, and the spiritual power of the whole body surged.

The golden light makes his body more powerful.

Most importantly, his fifty-three spirits are also condensed on his fists.

In the immediate moment, the heavens and the earth in his body made the fire of the second-order best of the world, and the power became stronger.

It seems to be a flame that can burn the void.

Between heaven and earth, it brings a very hot momentum.

The fierce burning of the flames formed a fierce impact.

The most important thing is that Xu Feng’s tenth-day gravity field also broke out from him.

The whole void is falling towards the bottom.

Many people feel that their bodies have become very heavy.

"Damn, why can't I move with the bullets?"

"It seems to be the gravitational field of the ninth peak, how can it be so terrible."

"I feel that my blood is very difficult to flow."

"It's incredible. How did he do it?"

"Who is this young man, why is he so strong?"

at dusk.

Many people's eyes are all gathered together in Xu Feng.

Their eyes are full of fear.

"But it's a pity that his repair is too weak and he wants to resist the autumn, fearing that it is impossible."

"The sword of Qiu Ming is really the essence of the sword he learned all his life, plus his spiritual pulse is too much."

"The young man can only survive if he can die. If you can survive, you can see if there is a miracle."

Although Xu Feng's body is very strong, the boxing method is also displayed, it is the second-order best holy spirit.

However, most people are still not optimistic about Xu Feng.

"Killing the righteousness!"

On Xu Feng’s body, the horrible killings spread out.

Above his fist, the whole void became distorted.

The autumn attack from the opposite side, his eyes are full of horror, the heart said: "This kid also realized another killing?"

Qiu Ming could not imagine how old Xu Feng was.

First is the gravity field of the ninth heaven.

Then, it is killing.

You know, it’s really hard to understand.

Even if he is, he only realizes that the sword is just the skin of the righteousness.


Two horrible momentums are like this collision.

The long sword hits and brings out the hurricane.

The earth is shaking.

On the streets of Heilongjiang, the paved bluestone slabs are smashed out and stretched out over ten meters.

In particular, some people close to Xu Feng and Qiu Ming were bound by Xu Feng's gravity field and wanted to break free.

But can't break free.

At this moment, they can only be violently waved, and they will fly out and hit the ground heavily.

Some people who are unlucky have been seriously injured.


Xu Feng’s body suddenly flew out, and the heavy squatting on the store next to the street, blood flowing from his mouth.

His internal organs are shaking.

"Is this the horror of the five peaks of the creation?"

Xu Feng’s heart is bitter.

Blood was in his mouth, but he was swallowed into his belly.

"do you died?"

Many people stare at the ruins.

They have guesses in their hearts.

Qiu Ming step by step, approaching the ruins.


Xu Feng’s body is full of blood. He stood up from the ruins and his eyes were full of madness.

He is ready to use his own killer, that is the fourth-order supernatural soul technique "five-line heart-breaking".

He knew very well that he had the opportunity to escape by using the soul skills of the soul master.

"Kid, die!"

Qiu Ming wants to kill Xu Feng as soon as possible, so as not to have a long night dream.


Just at this time.

A figure, a rapid impact from a distance.

I saw that his palms were lifted up and the huge handprints were condensed.

The handprints seem to be earthy.

"Smelling the sea?"

The eyes of Qiu Ming’s eyes suddenly contracted.

He raised his long sword in his hand and tore out to the palm print of Wenghai.

Smell the spiritual flow of the whole body, and the six-fold momentum of the creation of the environment broke out.

His steps moved.

Living up, hands in an instant, condensed into two silver-white imprints, heading out to Qiu Ming.

Qiu Ming’s long sword trembled, and the whole person was shaken out, and a blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Autumn, you are so bold, you dare to kill me in the Black Iron City, you are looking for death!"

There is no hesitation in Wenghai, and the palms are constantly waving and marching toward Qiu Ming.

Xu Feng looked at Wen Guhai, who was fighting against Qiu Ming, and his heart was shocked. He said: "I don't think the strength of Big Brother is so strong?"


Qiu Ming was once again attacked by the palm of his hand, and blood was squirted from the inside of his mouth with the fragments of the internal organs.

"Smelling the lonely sea, the old man and you are not finished!"

Qiu Ming is a killer. He is best at assassination.

Today, Wen Guhai fights with him, and he certainly does not have any advantage.

Even if he assassinated, the strength of Wenghai is stronger than him.


At the foot of Qiu Ming, the burst of spiritual flow, as if it were a gust of wind, disappeared into the darkness of the distance.

Smell the helplessness of a lonely sea, he knows that as the killer of the autumn, want to chase each other, it is almost impossible.

"Xu brother, is it okay?"

Wen Guhai eagerly came to Xu Feng's side.

He discovered that Xu Feng’s breath returned to normal.

He secretly whispered: "Pervert!"

"Thank you for hearing big brother!"

Xu Feng expressed his gratitude to Wen Guhai.

"Who is that young man, he actually knows the smell of the sea."

Wen Guhai is the ninth guard of Hei Tiewei.

Throughout the Black Iron City, there are many people who know him.

"Let's go back to the Black Iron City House."

It turns out that Wen Guhai has always paid attention to the trend of Xu Feng.

He looked at Yan Yan and Zheng Xiaopeng and went back. Xu Feng was single.

Under the inquiry, he suddenly understood.

Xu Feng wants to open two people.

He came at the fastest speed, but it was timely.


In this way, time passes silently.

When I silently looked at the opposite Xu Feng, and heard the lonely sea.

"Lonely sea, you take Xu Feng to the flames battlefield, be sure to settle him well, if someone is targeting him, you can help."

Silently reminded.

"Master is at ease."

Wen Guhai has a good impression on Xu Feng. I can even open Yan Yan and Zheng Xiaopeng in advance, which is enough to show that Xu Feng is a person who is passionate and righteous.

When I was silent, I didn’t continue to say anything more, but I handed it to Xu Feng and Wen Guhai, each of which had five Chinese characters.

"The number of Chinese products is very small, I will give you, you can improve faster when you arrive."

Silently, Xu Feng is really good, just like treating his own disciples.

"Xu Feng, when you arrive at the flame battlefield, you don't want to be arbitrarily deliberate, and be careful to kill you."

(End of this chapter)

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