The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2955: Swallowing Intermediate Flames

Chapter 2955 devours the intermediate flames


With the fist of Xu Feng and the middle-level flame magic, the collision of the scorpion makes the air wave spread in all directions.

The strong force that erupted from Xu Feng’s body brought with them a horrible wind.

It seems to be an endless hurricane, swept out in all directions between Xu Feng and the intermediate flames.

Above the ground, it is dusty.

Layers of dust are continuously crushed out.

The towering trees around many people are smashing.


Xu Feng's whole person has repeatedly quit, and the whole person feels the blood rolling, his eyes are dignified.

“It’s not a middle-level flame!”

Xu Feng’s heart is full of surprises.

He feels very clear that if it is not a mid-level flame magic, it is impossible to explode such a powerful strength.

However, the intermediate flames are roaring, and the flames of the whole body are burning wildly.

As if in his eyes.

Xu Feng is a very weak person, but he can fight with him. It is actually something that makes him angry.


The huge body of the intermediate flames is shocked, and it seems that the flames are burning around and the waves are rolling.

In the immediate after that, the middle-level flame magic is a horrible momentum, and it contains violent waves.


The flames of the flames fluctuated very strongly, and the huge arms slammed down toward Xu Feng.

"The dragon is invincible!"

Xu Feng did not have any fear. His eyes were firm and his mind said: "I just use this intermediate flame magic to identify my strength and to refine my body to consolidate my strength."

If other people know Xu Feng’s inner thoughts, I am afraid it will really collapse.

After all, the intermediate flames.

That is comparable to the middle of the creation of the strong.

A young man with a virtual ambiguity, but dare to use the intermediate flames to temper his own strength, is really risky.

"The dragon's invincible claws" was displayed, and the golden dragon claws became extremely horrible, implying the momentum of Wu Feng's fifty-five spirits.

The intermediate flames also feel the dangerous atmosphere.

He became more crazy and violent.

When the arms were smashed down, the voids were screaming with a burning flame, and it seemed that the void was torn.

The violent waves of violent waves are moving in all directions, bringing with them fierce and incomparable momentum.


The two attacks collided again and the ground was sunken.

The crack of the cockroach, under the foot of Xu Feng, extends out like a spider web.

"Come back!"

However, when Xu Feng was shot and flew out, there was no sense of defeat in his eyes.

Instead, it was a majestic war, and he screamed, and the whole man erupted at a horrible speed, rushing out toward the mid-level flames.

"Canglong Wang Quan!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng continued to roll. He displayed the "Canglong Wang Quan" and broke out with fierce boxing.

The punching of each punch is unstoppable.

However, the intermediate flames are able to quit him.

His body's meridians trembled, and his spiritual power fluctuated drastically, but he still did not retreat.

The mid-level flame demon is extremely violent. He can't imagine that he is so powerful. Why is it that the young people in front of him are killed?


The mid-level flame magic came out, and the flame condensed into a huge fireball between his hands.

The violent winds and waves are generally shocked, as if they are an unstoppable attack, bringing with them the power to destroy everything.

The intermediate flames are completely mad, and when they are shocked, it seems to be a meteorite.

Xu Feng’s eyes were filled with strong fighting intentions. He screamed and his body spirits impulsively emerged.

"Burn the wind!"

The second-order supernatural spirit is displayed. Above his fist, the flame is burning constantly, and the intermediate flames on the opposite side are all violently whistling.


With this punch collide.

This time, Xu Feng finally did not quit.

Opposite the intermediate flame magic, but was shocked to fly out, heavily squatting on the ground, leaving a huge pit.

The intermediate flames are completely irritated and mad, from the huge pit, madly bounced.

The horrible momentum that erupted in an instant seemed to be horrible.


The body of Xu Feng’s body has erupted with powerful power, and his eyes are full of fighting.

Above his hands, when the golden light condenses, it forms a golden mark.

The golden imprint is like a golden Buddha statue, and it contains fierce waves.


Xu Feng constantly exerts his own spiritual skills, and successively fights against the intermediate flames of the opposite side.

The golden light is constantly erupting.

Xu Feng continued to swallow the drug, so that the body's spiritual power, after exhaustion, take the drug.

"The early stage of the creation!"

Xu Feng felt the change of his body. His eyes were full of light, and he stared at the opposite middle flame.

"Thank you for fighting me for so long, let this fight, let's end!"

After Xu Feng’s creation was promoted to the early stage, he could feel that the power had a huge improvement.


The continuous bombardment, the unstoppable impact on the flames, made the flames continue to regress.


In the end, the intermediate flames were born and consumed by Xu Feng, and he was not reconciled.

Xu Feng’s clothes were full of holes, and he went to the middle of the flames.

"It is not easy to beat you!"

Xu Feng said.

Inside his body, the moment that the sacred dynasty will swallow the middle-level flames, the pure spiritual power seems to be the wave, the crazy impact.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all flashing in the light, saying: “I’m not thinking about swallowing the middle-level flames, is it so great for my strength?”

“The five mid-peak peaks of the virtual world!”

Xu Feng hurryed to sit on his knees. When he completely refining the intermediate flames, he didn't even think of himself.

His cultivation is from the fivefold to the mid-peak peak.

"Ha ha ha... If this is the case, then I am in this flame valley, and I will cultivate myself!"

"Strive for my cultivation, and upgrade to the illusory peak of the virtual world!" Xu Feng's heart is firm.

He looked in the direction of the Black Iron City camp and whispered: "Qiu Zhi, you give me a wait!"

Said, Xu Feng is moving deeper into the Flame Valley and moving on.

When he meets the Flames, he kills and swallows insanely.

It is really scary to make Ding Ding.

Xu Feng’s body is more horrible, and his cultivation is more unstoppable.


Another intermediate flame is killed by Xu Feng.

This is already the tenth intermediate flame of Xu Feng.

His cultivation was also promoted to the late five-fold period of the virtual world.

(End of this chapter)

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