The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2964: One month's covenant

Chapter 2964, the month of the month


Xu Feng opened his eyes and took a deep breath.

Seeing that the nine caves are not moving.

Chen Wuji smiled with a cold smile. He stared at the place where Xu Feng was. He said with aloud: "Ha ha ha, what kind of genius do I think? I can't think of it, even the Dongfu government can't sense it. It's waste."

Chen Wuji’s words rang, and he followed many people, and they all ridiculed.

"It seems that it is just that!"

"It's a waste of 10,000 points."

"It's too garbage."

When you say a word to me, they have no intention of avoiding it. One by one is mocking Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard that his eyes fell on the opposite side of Chen Wuji and others, and his mouth was sneer.

"Since you are so powerful, do you have the ability to come out and fight with me?"

Xu Feng stared at the people who had been screaming at them.

His voice is disdainful.

"A group of timid guys, what qualifications are here to mock me?" Xu Feng slowly said: "Why, how do you know that I have not been recognized by a cave house?"

"If you get the approval of Dongfu, how can every Dongfu respond?"

Someone looked at Xu Feng and said.

Xu Feng heard the words and said with a smile: "That is because I have been recognized by the nine cave houses. Which of these nine cave houses do I have to choose?"

Xu Feng’s words rang.

Chen Wuji and others are laughing.

"Hahaha... It’s really laughing..."

However, their words have not been finished yet.


The nine caves are filled with madness, and each cave is constantly shaking, and the inside is full of horror.


Chen Wuji and others, all of them are open mouths, and their faces are all wrong expressions.

They can't imagine how Xu Feng did it. Can you get the recognition of the nine cave houses?

"How can this be?"

They all feel incredible.

Qiu Shu’s face became gloomy, and he said ridiculously: “This is not going to be removed, and there is endless trouble!”

Qiu Shu did not think that Xu Feng was able to communicate with the nine cave houses, and that the nine cave houses wanted to summon him.

This is a naked face.

He only felt that Xu Feng could not get the approval of Dongfu.

Chen Wuji’s face has also become extremely gloomy.

He just vowed that Xu Feng could not get the approval of Dongfu, but he did not expect it.

Xu Feng won nine caves.

Xu Feng turned his head and glanced at Chen Wujii with disdain.

He didn't even have any expression changes. He looked at the nine caves and looked a little embarrassed.

Zhu Cheng stood in a place not far away, and the old eyes were looking forward to it.

"I don't think this kid is so powerful. I thought he didn't get the approval of Dongfu. I didn't expect it to be recognized by the nine caves."

Zhu Cheng is very clear.

It seems to be the breath that comes out of the nine caves.

Xu Feng entered the Dongfu, and the chances of getting it were absolutely not small.

After all, the nine caves are so eager to let Xu Feng enter.

Xu Feng was only able to feel the difference between the nine caves, his eyes flashing.

In fact, he actually wants to enter the third cave house and the fifth cave house.

However, he only has 10,000 points and cannot enter the fifth cave.

If you want to come, you should first enter the third cave house.

Flame Cave House!

Xu Feng has four kinds of heaven and earth fires, and he is an alchemy teacher. He is very coveted for the inheritance of the flame cave house.


Just when Xu Feng was ready to enter the flame cave house.

An outdated sound sounded.

Chen Wuji came out, his face was cold and killing, staring at Xu Feng, said: "Xu Feng, you only said that no one dares to fight with you? I Chen Haoji really wants to see and see you. Great!"

Chen Wuji’s words rang, and many people have secretly concealed Chen Wuji’s shamelessness.

How old is Chen Wuji, and so many years of dead skin is in the outer area.

He dominated the small flame list and often bullied others.

Now, I still want to challenge Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard that he stared at Chen Wuji.

"I don't have time to make trouble with you, so you don't dare to stand up. Why should you stand up and throw people away now?"

Xu Feng walked toward the flame cave house.

Chen Wuji coldly said: "Ha ha ha ... Xu Feng, do you dare to fight with me, you will clearly say, why do you say so grandiose, don't you feel very shameful?"

Chen Wuji wants to use the radical method to stimulate Xu Feng.

Zhu Cheng said: "Xu Feng, you don't accept his challenge and not shame. He is in the outer area of ​​the flame battlefield, almost twenty-five years!"

"The dead skin is in the outer area, not afraid to go to the inner area, you just entered the flame battlefield."

Zhu Cheng’s words made Chen Wuji’s face extremely incomparable.

However, he knew that Zhu Cheng was the elder of Black Iron City.

Moreover, Zhu Cheng’s strength is very strong, and he does not dare to provoke.

"Oh, don't dare to dare, where are there so many excuses?"

Xu Feng heard the words and suddenly understood.

Why is Heidelberg, someone else can be ranked second in the small flame list.

Dare, the other is an old fritter.

For Chen Wuji, who is so timid, only knows the bully, Xu Feng really does not have much interest.

However, since the other party is so screaming, he does not want to be polite.

"You want to fight me like this?"

Xu Feng did not pay attention to Zhu Cheng’s exhortation, but raised his head and looked at Chen Wuji.

Chen Wuji smiled and said: "Do you dare, or dare?"

"Why don't you dare?"

Xu Feng stared at Chen Wuji and said: "You want to fight with me, then wait for me to cultivate from the cave. It is better for us to set the time after one month. What do you think?"

Chen Wuji heard the words, and the brow suddenly picked up.

He is very clear about Xu Feng's strength and can kill Qiu Zhi, which is not easy.

Now, if he enters Dongfu cultivation, can he still beat the other side?

"Why not fight now?"

The power of Chen Wuji’s body is surging.

Zhu Cheng angered: "Chen Wuji, if you dare to do it in the camp of Hei Tiecheng, don't blame the old man."

The spiritual power of Chen Wuji suddenly converges.

Xu Feng walked toward the flame cave house, leaving a word.

"If you want to fight, you will fight again after a month. If you don't dare to fight, then don't fight, why bother to throw people away?"

Xu Feng’s voice sounded, he took a step, and even did not return, and looked at Chen Wuji.

"I don't think Xu Feng is so arrogant, choose to ignore Chen Wuji!"

Seeing Xu Feng walking towards Dongfu.

They are all surprised.

I don't understand, in the end, where Xu Feng came from, I dare to ignore Chen Wuji.

That is the second place in the small flame list.

Chen Wuji stared at Xu Feng's back. His eyes were all killing, and his heart said: "Xu Feng, all this is what you force me, don't kill you, how can I stand on Chen Wuji!"

(End of this chapter)

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