The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2986: Dongfu appeared

Chapter 2986, Dongfu appears

Xu Feng heard the words, but also agree with Yu Zhiqiang's point of view.

after all.

In the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, everyone is becoming stronger and more powerful.

Naturally, a lot of grudges will be put down. Everything depends on the cultivation of resources. It is not impossible to cooperate with each other.

"How? Follow me?"

Yu Zhiqiang is the four peaks of the creation of the realm.

Xu Feng thought of it inside.

Anyway, he just came to the Wen Valley, and he was not very familiar. He didn't even know the people in the Wen Valley.

With Yu Zhiqiang's side, at least I can learn a lot of people in Wen Valley, the so-called know ourselves and know each other.

"Thank you for your big brother!"

Xu Feng looked at Yu Zhiqiang and promised the other party's invitation.

"My name is Xu Feng!"

Xu Feng said to Yu Zhiqiang.

Yu Zhiqiang heard the words and did not think too much.

For the outer region of the small flame list.

In the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, there are really few people who care.

After all, many people in the internal area have the strength and easily defeat the top ten of the small flame list.

Therefore, he did not know the name of Xu Feng, nor did he know the identity of Xu Feng’s first flame list.

"Well, after you call me my big brother, then I will call you Xu brother!" Yu Zhiqiang laughed.

Xu Feng’s feelings for Yu Zhiqiang are not bad, and the other party has not looked down on himself because of his own ambiguity.

As for the contempt in Yu Zhiqiang's look.

Xu Feng did not care.

I am only a virtual shackle of the six peaks, the other is the peak of the four corners of the creation, a little despise, is also human nature.

"Come with me!"

Yu Zhiqiang said with a smile: "We are such a warrior, in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, it is the bottom of the existence."

"Therefore, we all like it, greet a few reliable people, and team up in it."

"When we meet some good fighters, we also have the ability to compete with each other."

Yu Zhiqiang’s words rang.

Xu Feng is not unexpected.

If the strength is not strong, then hold the group to warm up.

Yu Zhiqiang took Xu Feng and went to a flat place next to him.

I saw that there were five people standing there.

When they looked at Yu Zhiqiang's arrival, they were a little surprised.

The eyes of several people fell on Xu Feng.

"Zhiqiang, this little brother around you, is your relative?"

A man with a thin, pointed-eyed monkey, when he looked at Yu Zhiqiang, he smiled ironically.

Everyone can hear that the man is a young man who satirizes Yu Zhiqiang and is very weak.

Yu Zhiqiang said: "Zhang Yuanbo, your mouth should not be too vicious!"

"When I came, I saw this little brother alone, and it seemed dangerous. I wanted to bring him together."

"In any case, he didn't have much influence with us, as long as he is safe and self-sufficient."

The relationship between Yu Zhiqiang and Zhang Yuanbo is not very good.

Looking at Zhang Yuanbo and Yu Zhiqiang, the two have to bicker.

A woman next to me said: "Oh, you two don't want to meet each other, is it interesting?"

"If you are a man, if you have a man, you have a good job, and the old lady is looking at you!"

The woman’s words rang.

Yu Zhiqiang looked at Zhang Yuanbo and said: "How, Zhang Yuanbo, do we want to fight one?"

Zhang Yuanbo’s strength is slightly weaker than Yu Zhiqiang’s.

His eyes flashed slightly.


He snorted coldly and did not continue to provoke Yu Zhiqiang.

A man headed by him, his hair is gray, one eye is bigger and one eye is smaller.

The breath of his body is the strongest of the six, but it is the five restorations of the creation.

"Do not bother, now in the Wen Valley, the strong people gather, we want to fish in the water, we must unite!"

"Dongfu does not know when it will open." Chen Jie's two eyes, staring at the center of the Wen Valley.

Those who stand in the center are all six powerful people.

"Chen Boda, I think this time the Dongfu is open, we are afraid that there is not much chance. You look at the people in the center, but they are all members of the Flame List."

A person looked at the center of the Wen Valley, and some disappointed said.

Other people are also showing helplessness.

In the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield.

As long as there are people with flame lists.

Almost practicing resources will be taken away by them.

"That may not be the case, this cave is not simple, it is very likely to be very large, and a few of them can't just cover the sky."

Chen Jie said with a smile.

"There are at least a hundred people gathered in Wen Valley, even if they are members of the Flame List, they may not be able to rule inside."

"Now the Dongfu has not yet been opened. Everyone is safe and sound, and naturally they will not be desperate."

Chen Jie has been in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield for so many years.

He is more clear than anyone else.

Once the cave is open.

Everyone will choose to be desperate.

The people in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield are all trying to cultivate resources, all in order to improve their cultivation.

You know, as long as you walk out of the flames and battlefields, it is too difficult to get resources for cultivation in other places.

Time passes by one minute.

Wen Valley has also become more and more lively.

It seems to be a burst of hot wind, stirring around the valley, forming a wave of intense waves.


With the entire vast valley of the text, the peaks of the mountains are violently shaken, and the spiritual power is continuously derived from the valley in all directions.

"I can't think of Wen Valley, but there really is a Dongfu appearance. It's a terrible Dongfu spiritual power. I don't know how many years have been stored!"

"This kind of spiritual power, even if it is cultivated in the Wen Valley, is a rare place to meet."

"I am afraid that this cave is not simple. It is rare to be able to overflow so much of the heavens and the earth."

In the Wen Valley, many people are full of excitement and excitement.

They came to the purpose of Wen Valley.

All want to enter Dongfu, get treasures and cultivate resources.

Nowadays, when I look at the Dongfu, it is naturally very exciting.

Chen Jie’s face is full of smiles. “Sure enough, this cave is not simple. It’s not possible to divide the Dongfu by the members of several flames in their district.”

"We all have the opportunity. We will be able to fish in troubled waters as the Dong House emerges completely."

Chen Jie is very clear that these people, only the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, want to fight hard with others, it is to find death.

Yu Zhiqiang whispered to Xu Feng around him: "Xu brothers, you have to be careful when you are."

“Once the cave is opened, it will be very dangerous!”

Yu Zhiqiang is very clear.

When Dongfu opened, he didn't have much time to look after Xu Feng.

not to mention.

Even if he is, he does not control the overall strength. It is even more difficult to look after Xu Feng.

Yu Zhiqiang also reminded: "When you meet someone who is not an opponent, don't be hard, just the so-called hero does not eat the loss!"

(End of this chapter)

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