The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2991: Breaking the way

Chapter 2991

Xu Feng also followed a round, and his eyes were dignified.

Go on like this.

I am afraid that everyone will be killed by the formation of the law.

Xu Feng looked at everyone and said: "It is not too difficult to break the battle, just to see, do you want to cooperate?"


Many people have heard the words and have looked at Xu Feng.

When they looked at Xu Feng, they were mocked.

Especially the thin man.

He said directly: "Boy, don't say anything here, you are nothing but a virtual world. You know the formation? You mean, are we in the battle?"

"Since it is a battle, why can't we all see it, is it only you see it?"

The words of the thin man rang, and many people nodded.

They looked at Xu Feng.

"Do you mean that we are in the battle?"

A man who made a lot of money, he asked Xu Feng, his tone seemed to be high.

Xu Feng said: "Yes, we are in the formation of the law, this array is a magical array, but also aggressive."

Xu Feng’s words made everyone frown.

"Kid, since you know that it is a battle, why don't you say it earlier? We have run such a big circle!"

The five-man man, his eyes flashed with anger and killing.

Many other people have nodded.

They think that since Xu Feng knows that it is a formation, why not say it earlier?

However, Xu Feng heard the words, cold and cold: "What are you, I know it is a battle, do you want to tell you?"

"Not to mention, this method is so mysterious, without careful observation, how can you see it?"

Sun Zhongwen said that his face is extremely ugly.

He was so angry that Xu Feng was pointing at his nose and was angry.

However, he is also very clear.

Maybe this kid knows how to crack the formation.

After the cracking of the formation, I will slowly settle with this kid.

"Even if you are correct, there is a formation here, then how do we break it?"

Sun Zhong will suppress the anger of Xu Feng in his heart, and he will continue to question Xu Feng.

It seems to be a bit high.

Xu Feng said: "If you want to live, advise you not to talk to me in such a tone."

"Of course, if you don't want to live, don't be tired of other people. When I don't break the battle, everyone will die here."

Xu Feng hugged his hands.

Xu Feng’s words made other people’s faces angry.

"Sun is heavy, you should not ask others like this, the little brothers need to understand the formation, otherwise it is so easy to break, you have already broken."

A man who made a lot of money, he said.

"Not bad!"

Other people followed the echo, saying: "Your grandson is really powerful, but he doesn't understand."

"As the saying goes, the profession has a specialization. If the little brother can take us to break the law, then we will listen to his instructions. What about it?"

With one by one, they all spoke.

Sun Zhong’s face is very unsightly.

He knows that if he continues to confront Xu Feng now, he will offend everyone.

He naturally wouldn't be stupid to do this, saying: "Hey, if he can take us out of the way, I naturally thank him for his help."

"But if he dares to play with us, I will definitely want him to die without a place to die."

In Sun Zhong’s voice, there are threats.

Xu Feng looked at Sun Zhong and said: "If that, if I break the law, can I still want you to die without a place to die?"

"Hey, if you don't break the formation, you will die very badly!" Sun Zhong looked at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng sighed helplessly. He looked at other people and said: "You guys, this guy is so arrogant, I really can't make a calm break. If you can help him kill him, I can lead you to break. Array!"

Xu Feng’s words made Sun Zhong’s face change.

The people around them have turned to Sun and looked at them with ill will.

Sun’s angry face is full of fear.

If other people, they will be shot to him.

He will die.

"You must not be fooled, this kid is lying to you!"

Sun Zhong said.

Xu Feng said: "You look at it carefully. Did I lie to you?"

I saw Xu Feng walking to the edge of the passage, the moment when his palms extended, the spiritual power of his body flowed.

Immediately after the passage, the outside of the passage emerged as if it were a layer of barrier.

"It's really a battle, this guy can really break!" Many people looked at Xu Feng, all with surprise.

Sun Zhongyu swallowed swallowing water.

A man who made a lot of money, he looked at Xu Feng and said: "Little brother, Sun Zhong has been offended before, but his strength, if left behind, still has a lot of help."

"Yes, if you don't want to give you a apology, this thing will be revealed. How about it?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Apologizing is not impossible!"

Hearing Xu Feng’s words, Sun Zhong was a little relieved.

However, Xu Feng’s next words made his face change.

"Let me be in front of me, I will apologize to him!"

"Otherwise, everyone will die together here!"

After Xu Feng finished, he was too lazy to pay attention to Sun’s murderous eyes.

Xu Feng, but he wants to apologize.

This is a shameful shame.

Some people looked at Xu Feng, and they all secretly said: "This kid is a very good means. It seems that we have not provoked him. It is the right choice."

Xu Feng first used the break to threaten everyone, and everyone naturally wants to work on Sun.

Then, let Sun Zhongyi apologize.

Sun Zhong’s face is blue.

"Sun Zhong, you have provoked others before, now you apologize, don't let us bury you with you!"

"We don't want to kill you together, but you can't kill us all for yourself!"

Everyone said it all.

Sun Zhong’s biting his teeth, he said in his heart: "The kid, when the time is broken, it is my grandson, when you want to die without a place to die."

Sun Zhong went to Xu Feng's not far away and said: "I was wrong before, I apologize to you now!"

He bit his teeth, still squatting toward Xu Feng.

He has no doubts.

If you don't kneel down, other people will really kill him.

After all, everyone is going to live.

"What do you say, the voice is so small, do you tell yourself to listen?" Xu Feng said, pretending not to hear.

Sun Zhong’s biting teeth, his eyes are unwilling, but he still said: “I was wrong before, I apologize to you now!”

Xu Feng heard the words and nodded with satisfaction.

"How good is it, how good is it?" Xu Feng said: "Do not be too arrogant, or you don't know how to die. People like me are low-key, isn't it good?"

Many people have heard the words and have turned their eyes.

Is this still low-key?

So provoke Sun Zhong!

What should I do when I break?

(End of this chapter)

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