The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 2999: You think too much!

Chapter 2999 is that you think too much!

"I really don't understand, where do you come from, confident that I should hand over the middle of the soul, or can you beat me?"

Xu Feng looked straight ahead, and he looked at Sun Zhong calmly, and the voice seemed very quiet.

His eyebrows revealed his self-confidence. He stared at Sun Zhong and said slowly: "Sometimes, it is better not to be too confident in life. After all, you don't know who the opponent is!"

Xu Feng’s words are very reasonable.

Unfortunately, Sun Zhong simply dismissed.

He laughed and said: "It’s really ridiculous. Isn’t it that you think that your own ambiguity is seven-fold cultivation, can you compete with the strength of my five-fold creation?"

"You have to understand that there is a big gap between the four and five."

Sun Zhong’s voice revealed that he was full of confidence.

The spiritual power in him is gathered.

The spirit of the whole body is fascinating.

"Kid, the previous battle, you get the chance, now I want you to take advantage of this, all spit it out."

Sun Zhong’s words made Xu Feng frown. He said: “You don’t forget, if I would break, you will all die in the passage. Do you have no gratitude?”


Sun heavy face disdain, said: "Hey, don't think I don't know, you still don't want to use everyone and you to break."

"Otherwise, how can you break through your strength alone?"

Speaking of this, Sun Zhong is impatient.

"Do not talk nonsense, then let me know, how big is the gap between you and me!"

Sun Zhong’s tone is extremely arrogant, and his spiritual power is striking toward his arm, forming a strong impact.

What he showed was the second-order superior spirit, and his palm seemed to be a tiger.

A tiger suddenly rushes out and can tear everything.

"The tiger rips the palm."

Sun screamed and the offensive of the palm became stronger.

The bursting of the golden light on Xu Feng is the early stage of his creation, and it contains powerful power.

The tears from the tigers are all squeaky, and his palm seems to be a tiger.

Xu Feng's face is very calm, and the spiritual power of his body seems to be really a virtual reality.

However, with the dense pulse of Xu Feng's head, Sun Zhong's face changed completely.

His face became extraoriously ugly, even iron.

"Sixty Spirits?"

Sun Zhong’s eyes were suddenly round and round, and he stared at the number of spirits at the top of Xu Feng’s head.

Xu Feng is only a revival of the seven worlds, and even condenses the spirit of sixty, which is too ridiculous.

In an instant.

"Burn the wind!"

Xu Feng showed his burning of the wind, and he felt that the flames of the whole body seemed to be sublimated.

His eyes are all surprises, and he can't think of the continuous battles, which makes him's cultivation of the hegemony hegemony reach the realm of getting better.

With the rise of the hegemony punch to the realm of getting better, his fist became more powerful.


The fist is facing the grand tiger of Sun and greets him.

A bang.

The tiger seems to have been shattered.

Spirituality blows around.

When you are living, Xu Feng will not stop.

The fist contains golden light, and the spirits are condensed on top of his fists. The impact of sixty spirits is quite scary.

Sun Zhong’s eyes are all condensed, and the whole person’s footsteps are continuously regressing. His eyes are full of fear.

"Kid, you are just a sham, and I don't believe that you can beat me with 60 spirits!"

When Sun Zhong’s words are spoken, it is obvious that he is not enough to make such a statement and cheer for himself.

After that, his feet suddenly hit the ground.

The whole person seems to be a cannonball and flies out.

The attack of his hands came toward Xu Feng’s chest, and his spirits overflowed and surged.

"is it?"

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly raised, and the golden light on his body floated.

"The dragon is invincible!"

What he showed was the sacred spirit of the refining body that appeared in the refining body of the Kowloon, and the claws became golden and holy.

In an instant, his claws became dragon claws, and it was terrible.


Sun Zhong’s chest was torn apart by his claws, and blood flowed from his body.

His whole body was squatting on the ground, and his face was unwilling and horrified.

He clearly succumbed to the five-fold cultivation of the realm of creation, and he was thus suppressed by a young man with a sinister situation.

How is his heart assured?


Xu Feng’s speed is extremely fast. He stepped on Sun’s chest and said: “I didn’t expect that your deeds were fivefold. It’s such a waste, it’s really disappointing!”

Sun Zhongwen said that there was almost no rush to attack the heart, and a blood spurted out.

It is obvious that Xu Feng is too abnormal.

How to become yourself too wasteful.

If he is a waste, he will not be able to survive for such a long time in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield.

"Do not kill me……"

Sun Zhong’s eyes flashed.

He said these three words, they all felt a bit ridiculous.

I have tried to set Xu Feng to death many times in succession. How can the other party spare myself?

"Do you think that's possible?"

Xu Feng’s face showed a calm smile.


Haven't waited for Sun to talk, his palms, the fierce spiritual power, toward Sun's neck, as if it were a sharp blade.

Sun Zhong’s eyes are round and round, and he seems to be dead.

Xu Feng put Sun Zhong’s storage ring together.

Sun Zhong these people, in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield for so many years, there are many good things in the storage ring.


Xu Feng looked up and looked at the place not far away. He said: "Have you been here for such a long time, have you not seen enough?"

"Ha ha ha..."

The laughter sounded.

This person is the one who let Xu Feng surrender the next soul.

Later, when he heard the Chinese soul, he gave up the confrontation with Xu Feng and wanted to go to the water to fish and capture the soul of the Chinese.

"Kid, this seems to be, whether it is the middle of the soul crystal, or the next product soul crystal, are destined to become my bag of things?"

The man stared at Xu Feng with his eyes.

He felt that Xu Feng and Sun Zhong had been fighting for so long, and the consumption was bound to be great.

His cultivation and strength are above Sun.

Therefore, he believes that it is a breeze to kill Xu Feng.

"I can you think too much?"

Xu Feng looked at the man and spread his hands, some helpless.

Why, he killed several people in succession.

Even if it is easy to kill Sun Zhong, the other side feels that he is very good at pinning it?

Is it really so good to be bullied?

Xu Feng, I really don’t understand.

(End of this chapter)

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