The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3009: Play without your discussion!

Chapter 3009 playing you did not discuss!

Xu Feng’s eyes narrowed up and said: “Oh, if that’s the case, it’s not as good as playing a game!”

Xu Feng’s words rang.

The old man on the auction floor just started to auction a treasure, but it was a long sword.

Xu Feng’s mouth is raised.

"This sword, every time it comes out, will bring the breath of ice, which is really good for those who practice swordsmanship."

"The starting price, 30,000 Lingjing, the price increase must not be less than five thousand." The old man's words sounded.

This long sword is to attract a few warriors with swords, and they all have increased their prices.

"forty thousand!"

"Four thousand five!"


Several people are constantly increasing their fares. As the price comes to 90,000, it is clear that everyone is not prepared to increase the price.

After all, this kind of long sword is just a general third-order spirit, and it does not exert much power.

What's more, you need the sword of the ice attribute to display the power of the long sword.

"90,000, I am at most 90,000, if I increase the price, I will give up."

A man who made the five peaks in the world, his words are firm, and 90,000 is also the range he bears the most.

Xu Feng’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the heart said: “This man, I am really sorry for you, I can only lift the price!”

"This sword has a cold atmosphere, it is not simple, I need it very much, I am out 100,000!"

Xu Feng’s words resounded throughout the underground auction.

Wu Xin and Wan Ping are all eyes wide open.

Their eyes are puzzled.

In the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield, there are many such swords.

It is not worth 100,000 spiritual crystals at all.

The man who made the five peaks in the world, he was a little angry when he first saw Xu Feng.

Immediately, looking at Wu Xin and Wan Ping sitting next to Xu Feng, he forced the inner anger.

He thinks that Xu Feng is Wu Xin, or a relative of Wan Ping, and he has not continued to bid at the moment.

This long sword is not of much value to him.

"Since the little brother wants, then I will see the beauty of the adult in the face of Orange Heart Court!"

Xu Feng arched his hand and said: "Thank you!"

Qiu Yan’s eyes flashed, and the old man who had not waited for the auction continued to bid. He said: “Eleven thousand!”

The corner of Qiu’s mouth rises, that means, I have Lingjing, I have to see, what can you auction? "

Xu Feng looked at Qiu Yan and his eyes were angry.

"What are you doing, I am auctioning this thing, you have to increase the price!"

Qiu Xiao smiled and said: "I am a fare increase, and I am more spiritual!"

Xu Feng said: "Hey, this sword is a must, I have to see, how much you can add."

"One hundred and fifty thousand!"

Xu Feng’s eyes sparkled with light, and he directly increased the price by 40,000.

Even the old man of the auction was almost spurting blood.

This sword, he is determined by his own eyes.

The value is up to 100,000.


I heard Xu Feng’s firm voice, even if the old man was very surprised, he also looked at the sword several times.

There is nothing strange about finding out.

Many people have whispered in vain.

"Is there any strange place in the sword?"

"This young man actually offered 150,000."

“It seems very common!”

"What do you know, if this sword is a treasure, will he tell you?"

"If it is not a treasure, the pen will only bid 150,000."

Qiu Jun’s eyes are all a glimpse. He looks at the long sword. The eyebrows are all wrong. He immediately said: "This kid is eager to participate in the auction, and he must discover what treasures are."

"This sword is definitely not simple. Even if the last sword is auctioned by him, I have to raise the price!"

Qiu Yu bit his lip and said: "Hey, since this sword is a must, then I will be sure, I will give out 170,000!"

Qiu Yan is not to be outdone.

However, his words have just been finished.

Xu Feng laughed and said: "Haha, you are really rich, admire and admire!"

I know, in the eyes of countless people, Xu Feng simply sat down, where he was excited.

It’s just a sneer.

Many people seem to understand that.

Wu Xin and Wan Ping almost did not hold back, watching the murderous face of Qiu Yan, they all laughed out.

The old man at the auction, he looked at Qiu Yu, said: "Congratulations to Qiu, get this sword, 190,000 Ling Jing!"

The old man looked at Xu Feng’s expression, but he still didn’t understand what was going on.

It must be that Qiu Yu wants to raise the price of this youth auction.

Unexpectedly, the young man was set aside.

Qiu Yu’s biting teeth, his heart was angry, and he saw someone with a long sword coming to him.

His heart is about to spurt blood. This sword is worth 190,000 yuan, which can buy two handles.

The people who auctioned the sword were laughing and blossoming.

"That little brother is really a good person, and a wealthy person like Qiu Jun is a generous man!"

I don't know if Qiu Jun knows.

Auctioning the owner of the sword, will he vomit blood?


The auction continues.

The next six auction items are good spiritual materials, and Xu Feng has increased the price every time.

For example, this kind of third-order supernatural spirits, variegated flowers and grasses.

For the alchemists, the spotted flowers and plants can refine some third-order best spirits.

However, the medicinal herbs that can be used for refining are relatively partial.

However, the other medicinal value of the variegated flower is to rectify the meridians and eliminate the impurities of cultivation.

"I am out 60,000!"

Xu Feng continued to bid.

Many people have no fare increase, and they all look to the place where Qiu is located.

Today's Qiu Yan, his face is blue.

The competition between Xu Feng and Xu Feng has been won by him.

However, those auction items are completely beyond their own value.

For example, the most valuable spiritual material of 40,000 Lingjing is 90,000 in his hand.

Qiu Jun looked at Liu Kang, and said: "Master Liu Kang, this kind of colorful flowers, what is the value?"

Liu Kang heard the words, "The variegated flowers and plants are the third-order elite spirits, and they can refine some of the third-order best spirits of the partial door. But such medicinal herbs, Danfang is hard to find."

Qiu Yan heard the words and said: "This kid is definitely in need. I can't make him happy."

"However, as soon as he adds a price, I immediately stop increasing the price, and it is disgusting to him!"

Qiu Jun felt that she was really big.

"I am out 70,000!"

Qiu Jun is no longer like the previous, tens of thousands of tens of thousands of fare increases.

I know, Xu Feng continued to laugh: "The flowers are yours, I don't increase the price!"

Xu Feng continued to sit down.

"You... swindle!"

Qiu Yan’s eyes are round, and Xu Feng is not supposed to increase the price?

Qiu Jun felt that he was afraid of being pitted.

Only increase the price by 10,000.

"Damn boy!"

Inside the underground auction.

They looked at the face of Qiu Tieqing and they all looked funny.

(End of this chapter)

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