The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3013: Third-order upper treatment

Chapter 3013, third-order upper treatment, injury

"This **** guy!"

Yan Yuting looked at the paper in the hand and the dragon and the phoenix dance, neatly written down, are all kinds of spiritual materials needed.

She looked down and looked at her dress, deep in her eyes, and for the first time she showed a lack of self-confidence.

She whispered a little and said, "Is it really not beautiful?"


Yan Yuting directly denied such an idea.

If she is not beautiful, how can there be so many people in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield to pursue her.

We must know that there are more young talents pursued by her side.

She has never met a man who is not tempted by her beauty and talent.

"What a detestable guy!"

Yan Yuting slammed her feet and she walked outside the room.


Zhou Zhen looked at the woman who appeared in front of her. His old eyes were deep and strange.

Mind: "I haven’t seen such a smile on my face for a long time. Is it something happy to meet?"

"Zhou Lao, the spiritual material on this piece of paper, you will go to me as soon as possible." Yan Yuting told Zhou Zhen.

She handed the note to Zhou Zhen.

Zhou Zhen looked at the dozens of spiritual materials above, it is not difficult to find.

After all, there is help from an underground auction house.

"Miss, do you need so many spiritual materials, is it useful for your injury?"

Zhou Zhen looked at Yan Yuting, and asked with some excitement.

Yan Yuting nodded and said: "The young man, he said that he can treat my injury."

"These spiritual materials that I need are given to me, let me go to Orange Heart Court to find him."

Yan Yuting's voice is crisp, she still has some expectations, as soon as possible to get the materials, went to find Xu Feng.

Zhou Zhenwen said that his face changed greatly and said: "Miss, that kid looks so young, how could he still know how to heal."

"You must not be fooled, he will not be an attempt to the lady, deliberately say it?"

Zhou Zhen felt that Xu Feng was somewhat unreliable.

Too young, how can you know how to detoxify?

Liu Kang of Wang Dange is in a state of helplessness. How can a hairy boy know how to heal?

If Yan Yuting had not seen Xu Feng with her own eyes, she would also think that Xu Feng had an attempt to misbehave.

However, after seeing Xu Feng’s attitude towards her, she understood that Xu Feng was not the person who glared at her beauty.

"We are not worried, you can get together these spirits as soon as possible!" Yan Yuting urged.

Zhou Zhen also nodded. He felt that even if Xu Feng had an attempt, he could not afford the big waves.

"Oh... yes!" Yan Yuting looked at Zhou Zhen and turned to make up the materials. He asked: "Zhou Lao, what is the name of the young man, I don't know?"

Zhou Zhen is also a glimpse, said: "Miss, I don't know what his name is. I only know that his relationship with Orange Heart Court is good. Wu Xin and Wan Ping seem to have some respect for him."


Yan Yuting's eyes are deep, and some disappointment.

Xu Feng went so fast that she didn't have time to ask for her name.

Zhou Zhen looked at the loss of Yan Yuting's eyes, and his heart was shocked.

Mind: "It's incredible. Is this really the arrogant woman of the Yan family, the object of countless young talents?"


Orange Heart Court.

Xu Feng took out a Danfang. He handed it to Wu Xin, who was opposite. He said: "Wu Xin, as long as you can get together the several spiritual materials on the Danfang, I can refine the fourth-order Holy Spirit Dan to help you. Break through to the seven realities of creation!"

Wu Xin's face was full of excitement. He took the Dan Fang in Xu Feng's hand and his face changed.

"Four-order spiritual materials?"

Wu Xin's face is bitter, three kinds of fourth-order spiritual materials, he as the elder of the Orange Heart Court, have not heard of it.

Wan Ping looked at Xu Feng and said: "Xu Feng brothers, can I see the Danfang you gave?"

Wan Ping knows that some fourth-order Danfangs are worthless.

Xu Feng did not mind: "You see you!"

Wan Ping took Dan from the hands of Wu Xin, and both eyes were surprised. He said: "Sure enough, the fourth-order product is the Holy Spirit."

"It’s just that the potency of the fourth-order product, the Holy Spirit, has surpassed some fourth-order Chinese spirits."

Wan Ping’s voice is full of excitement.

"Wu Xin, these three kinds of fourth-order subliminal materials, it is not difficult to find, I have obtained half of the fourth-order lower spirits, purple roots, enough to refine Huanglong refining the pulse."

Wanping took out a tree root of the size of the thumb, and it was all purple, and it was full of energy.

Xu Feng looked at the root of the purple rosewood and smiled: "Yes, you still have two kinds of fourth-order products."

"As for the other three-level spiritual materials, it is not difficult to find the elders of your Orange Heart.

Xu Feng slowly said.

"Thank you Xu Feng brothers! I will definitely get together these spirits as soon as possible, and I will have trouble with Xu Feng brothers!"

When Wu Xin thought that he had broken through the sevenfold creations, his heart was extremely excited.

"Wu elders... Wu elders... the big things are not good..."

Just at this time.

Outside the yard, an eager voice came.

A middle-aged man, he is a five-fold cultivation of the realm of creation, and quickly came to Wuxin's front, his face is ugly.

"What big thing is wrong?"

Wu Xin frowned.

"Five elders, Wang Dange suddenly launched two kinds of third-order treatments, and the price is quiet, only four thousand five crystal."

"With the launch of the two third-order healing dan, the business of our Orange Heart Court has become bleak."

The person who reported the news said.

Wu Xin’s eyes brows up and said: “Have you ever explored, what are the two kinds of medicinal herbs?”

The person who reported the news took out two medicinal herbs and said: "These two are the ones that I bought from the Wangdan Pavilion."

Wan Ping looked at the two kinds of medicinal herbs, and his face was dignified.

"A good mysterious medicinal herb, we hit the healing Dan before Orange Heart Court, can't compete with Wang Dange!"

Wan Ping’s face became ugly.

He is very clear about the level of the third-order treatment he can refine.

However, next to Xu Feng is full of disdain.

"It turned out to be Samsung Qing Dan, and Tengxue Dan." Xu Feng said, his words sounded.

Wan Ping and Wu Xin both eyes are bright, and both of them understand.

"Yes, this young man is able to refine the existence of the fourth-order Holy Spirit."

Wu Xin looked at Xu Feng, his face full of respect, said: "Xu Feng brothers, if you can help us through the Orange Heart Court, we will surely repay your great grace."

"There is still some middle-class soul crystals in the cabinet. You can also give the little brothers a reward when you get there."

"The benefits of our Orange Heart Club can also be divided into 20% for the younger brother."

The person reporting the news looked at Wu Xin and his attitude towards Xu Feng.

He is stunned.

This young man, he has seen in Orange Heart Court.

(Nothing to say, thank you for your support, I will start to burst into the air in the early hours of the night, guarantee more than ten, rewards and subscriptions are added, when there is no more limit, tomorrow everyone will be crazy together, flying together!)

(End of this chapter)

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