The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3016: Qiu Cheng arrived

Chapter 3016, Qiu Cheng arrives

"Wu Xin, today's things can not be you, the boy named Xu Feng, he must die!"

In the eyes of Qiu Jun, there are all the killings of Sen Ran. He orders the people around him and orders: "Everyone listens to the order, does whatever he can, kills Xu Feng!"

"Who can kill Xu Feng, you can get five thousand Chinese spirits."


Wu Xin took the lead in attacking Qiu Jun.

The people of Orange Heart Court have also started.

In the center of the streets of Orange Heart Court and Wang Dan Pavilion, everyone is a big hit.

Xu Feng broke into the Orange Heart Court.

Inside his eyes, it was cold and killing.

"Kid, die, your life is worth five thousand Chinese spirits?" A man who made a four-pointed peak, he felt that as long as he killed Xu Feng, he could get five thousand Chinese spirits, but it was very A good thing.

In particular, Xu Feng’s cultivation is only a virtual reality. ,

I don't know if this man knows.

When Xu Feng was in a state of sorrow, he would kill five people. He dared not come to chase Xu Feng? "

"you wanna die!"

Xu Feng is very clear that he wants to resist the attacks of Qiu and others, he must arrange the formation as soon as possible.

If Qiu Cheng came here when he came, he would not be a place to die.


At the moment, the gravity of Xu Feng’s body is filled, making the opposite man unable to move.

Xu Feng’s fist smashed out.

"How could this be?"

The man who made the four peaks in the world, his face is full of surprises, and the look is incredible.

A punch was shot above his chest, causing him to vomit blood, and the whole person flew out.

Falling to the ground, completely exhausted.

It’s really dead.

Outside the Orange Heart Pavilion, the battle continued.

There are a few people who have reached the Orange Heart Pavilion and want to kill Xu Feng.

Instead, Xu Feng was easily killed.

In Xu Feng’s hand, the continuous spirits are integrated into the surrounding void.

The polylite is flying out in a dense manner, causing the entire void to emit strong waves and waves.

"Bundle locks the sky!"

Inside Xu Feng’s eyes, they are all cold and killing. They say: "If you want to kill me, then let you pay a painful price!"

"The third-order best product method, bundled dragon locks the sky!"

Xu Feng's hands constantly change the fingerprints.

The formation of all the dragon shadows, the integration of the orange heart pavilion, bringing about dramatic fluctuations.

The whole void is constantly oscillating, filled with violent hurricanes.

Inside Xu Feng's eyes, the dragon shadow is constantly flashing, and his handprints are getting faster and faster.

Over the orange heart, the clouds of clouds continued to roll.

"What happened, what happened inside the Orange Heart Pavilion?"

"The horrible momentum, how do I feel that I seem to have been blocked."

"It’s strange that Orange Heart Court is so rich in spiritual power, where does it come from?”

Many people looked at the sky above the orange heart, and they all expressed amazement. They looked at the people in Wang Dange and Orange Heart Court and they were still shopping.

On the body of Wu Xin, the strong momentum continues to impact.

Qiu Jun and several others were besieging Wu Xin at the same time.

A bang!

Wu Xin spurted out a piece of blood, and was hit by the palm of his hand, and the smashing bombardment on the back.

However, several other people, facing Wuxin, are living on the ground, completely killing the rhythm of Wu Xin.

Just at this time.

Inside the Orange Heart Pavilion, a horrible wave of wind and waves fluctuated, and a series of dragon shadows continued to emerge.


A man who is a five-fruited man, born into a dragon shadow, tears into a split and complete death.

"Array method? Is this the formation?"

Many people are making exclamations.

Xu Feng screamed and said: "The people of Orange Heart Court come in immediately!"

As Xu Feng’s words rang.

Wu Xin and Wan Pingren, both toward the Orange Heart Court, quickly broke into it.


It is also a fierce dragon shadow, the spiritual power is constantly gathering, and the impact of the shackles is on the six men who make the environment.


The six men who made the situation, a blood mad squirting out, heavy flying out, when kneeling on the ground, the ground is full of cracks.

The strong turbulence in Qiu Jun’s body, said: “Hey, I still don’t believe, how powerful can you arrange?”

On the top of his hand, Qiu’s hands were like a beast. He made a loud snoring and swooped toward the door of the Orange Heart Pavilion.

What he showed was the third-order Holy Spirit.


Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed, saying: “Hey, don’t do it, then give you a painful lesson!”


Xu Feng stood in the Orange Heart Pavilion, his hands continued to dance, forming a number of dragon shadows.

A number of dragon shadows all impacted, forming an explosive impact, and hit the beast of the hills.

The power of "Bundled Dragon Locks" is thoroughly revealed.


"not good!"

Qiu Jun did not expect that the power of the formation was so horrible that the whole person wanted to retreat, but found that it was too late.


Qiu Yu made a miserable snoring, and his arm was so smashed by the dragon shadow.

Blood spurted out of his mouth, his face became pale, and his look was unwilling.

With a bang, he slammed on the ground.


Many people look at the mounds on the ground, and they all **** in a cold breath.

They did not expect it.

Qiu Jun was so badly injured.

The meridians of the whole body were broken, and both arms were completely shattered.

Some people are secretly glad in their hearts, and said: "Fortunately, I have endured the temptation to live in five thousand Chinese spirits, and I have not shot."

"It's no wonder that Qiu Cheng will spend five thousand yuan in the spirit of the crystal, to kill a young man who is a virtual world, and to dare to cultivate this guy is a virtual world, alchemy and formation are the absolute existence."

"This array of methods is definitely the third-order best-in-class method, and it can exert such powerful power."

Many people understand it.

The killing order of five thousand Zhongpin Lingjing is not available to everyone.

Qiu Cheng is not a fool. He can't give you five thousand Chinese spirits for no reason.


Orange Heart Court interior.

Wu Xin took Xu Feng's healing Dan, and his recovery was 7788. His eyes were awe.

"A good horror!"

The other members of the Orange Heart Court are also full of admiration.

"This young man is really abnormal. In a short period of time, he has arranged such a powerful array."

Their eyes are awe.

However, Wu Xin’s face is still worried, saying: “Master Xu, can you resist the Qiu Cheng?”

Wu Xin is very clear, there is a battle in Wang Dange, I am afraid that Qiu Cheng will not be long before it will come.

That is a member of the Flame List 16.

"Unable to resist!"

Xu Feng said very straightforwardly, but made everyone, his face difficult to look.

(End of this chapter)

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