The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3020: Is it magic? (seven more)

Chapter 3020 is another magic? (seven more)

Xu Feng walked to the front of the bed, he could clearly feel that Yan Yuting was tight.

Xu Feng took a deep breath and said: "Smoke girl, you don't have to be so nervous, doing things under the hood!"

"I really don't mean to offend the girl. Otherwise, I really don't have to blindfold. How can a smoke girl want to heal?"

As Xu Feng’s words rang.

Yan Yuting’s inner vigilance gradually relaxed.

For the first time in her history, she has doubts about her face.

Xu Feng's palm, gently covered on the belly of Yan Yuting.

Yan Yuting's body is a shock.

The spiritual power of her body is flowing.

When she saw that Xu Feng’s face was dignified, and her eyes were covered with cloth, her heart was complicated.

Mind: "Smoke Yuting, Yan Yuting, you are so sensitive, others just want to heal you!"

An inexplicable sense of loss, poured into my heart.

Xu Feng's soul power constantly extended, and above the palm of his hand, a burst of hot flames burned.

Yan Yuting felt a feeling of pain in the lower abdomen, and a flame suddenly appeared in her body.

"Heaven and earth fire?"

Yan Yuting’s heart is full of surprises, and the heart said: “This guy is only a virtual reality, how can he conquer the heavens and the earth?”

Yan Yuting is very clear, even if it is the best of the world, it is very difficult to conquer.

"Sure enough, it is a poison!"

Xu Feng felt the toxins in the body of Yan Yuting, which seemed to be a shadow.

"Where to run?"

Xu Feng’s heaven and earth are raging, and suddenly rushed up, directly enveloping the shadow poison, the blazing flame, burning constantly.

"A strong momentum, what is going on?",

Xu Feng's eyes are all condensed, and the heavens and the earth are burning wildly, making the shadow poisons smelt.

Among the distant sky, a splendid palace, a young man, he looks handsome.

His eyes are cold and killing, and his heart said: "Hey, want to destroy the mark I left, look for death?"

"you wanna die!"

The deep eyes of the young men, the strange eyes, constantly bursting out.

Xu Feng’s eyes were all condensed. His face was shocked and suddenly felt a fierce shock and struck towards his own soul.



Xu Feng spurted out a blood, and he took advantage of the world to carry the fire, carrying a shadow of poison, suddenly rushed into his body.

"Building Ding!"

Xu Feng didn't think much about it. He sent the poisonous and the heavens and the earth to the fire.

As the creation of Ding is up and running, the momentum of the anti-drug is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that even the creation of Ding is bound to be shackled.

However, the fortification of Chenghua Ding was completely revealed.

With the development of anti-virus.


The young men’s eyes are all condensed, and the brows are slightly cramped: “It’s really interesting to be able to refine the anti-virus that I left behind!”

Yan Yuting looked at the pale Xu Feng, her face was full of tension, feeling the body's incomparably relaxed.

"Are you OK!"

Xu Feng heard the words, quickly took out some soul crystals, and medicinal herbs, swallowed down.


His heart is full of fear after a while: "You can put on your clothes, and the next three spirits are for you to nurse your body."

Yan Yuting looked at Xu Feng, and her heart gave birth to some strange emotions.

She had already passed the clothes early.

"I am dressed, you can take the piece of cloth off!"

Yan Yuting said crisply.


Xu Feng took the piece of cloth down. He took a deep breath and looked at Yan Yuting in a strange way. He said: "Smoke girl, the poison in your body is very unusual. You should be careful in the future!"

"What do you mean?"

Yan Yuting looked at Xu Feng with some strangeness.

She doesn't understand what Xu Feng means.

Xu Feng is very clear that if he does not have the existence of the creation of the tripod, I am afraid that his own holy soul will be damaged.

In the end, it is a strong and powerful person, and a film of poison will leave such a powerful power.

"The poison of your body, it should be someone who is planted in it, I am injured, it is attacked by the other side!"

Xu Feng said.


Yan Yuting’s eyes are full of surprises.

Even if it is smoked, I don’t understand what is going on.

She thought before that the toxins in her body were caused because she was in the flames of the battlefield, could she be accidentally poisoned, or was she injured by the injury?

"Smoke girl, three kinds of spirits, you take it separately, your pain will disappear completely."

Xu Feng said to Yan Yuting.

"Thank you!"

Yan Yuting said to Xu Feng, sincerely.

Xu Feng smiled and said, "Don't forget, you tell me the whereabouts of the silver grass, I will treat you, we don't owe each other!"

Yan Yuting's eyes are deep, and suddenly there are some inexplicable downfalls.

She can't hear it.

Xu Feng is going to let her leave.

"Xu Gongzi, outside Qiu Cheng wants to kill you, I will stay in Orange Heart Court, when you want to go to the place of silver silk, I will be with you!"

After Yan Yuting finished, he quickly ran outside the room.

Her face is blushing.

She is so big, is this not an initiative to invite men?

Xu Feng looked at the figure that Yan Yuting quickly ran out. He shook his head.

It is undeniable that Yan Yuting is very beautiful.

However, Xu Feng’s heart is worried about so many women, how can she easily be tempted by her?

He took a deep breath, took out the remedy, and began healing.


Hard Rock City.

"You heard that there is no, the stone city has been disappearing for two days, and it seems that you are missing."

"This thing is full of enthusiasm everywhere. It is said that every night, there will be a horrible sigh of wind."

"I don't know what's going on. Now many people in Stone City are ready to leave the city."

"I have heard about this matter!"

The whole stone city, the things that were discussed in the streets and alleys, were transferred from Yan Yuting to this matter.

No one knows why the people who died in Stone City disappeared.

At night.

Some people will see the yin wind blowing, they will madly avoid, they also can not tell what is going on.


Orange Heart Court!

Wu Xin’s eyes were all scared. “I saw the horrible horror of the night last night. I felt the blood in my body seemed to be solid. It was really terrifying!”

The words of Wu Xin sounded, and Wan’s people were worried about each one.

"You said, the strange yin wind will not be aimed at our Orange Heart Pavilion?" Someone could not help but say.

His words rang and everyone was a little creepy.

Yan Yuting stood not far away, her eyes were slightly picked up.

She knows that this matter, in the city of Stone Rock, is full of trouble.

However, what made her most angry was that some people even rumored that she had an improper relationship with Xu Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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