The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3027: Arrogant price

Chapter 3027, the price of arrogance

"The strength is good, but unfortunately, I am a seven-rehabilitation of the realm of creation. You are only sixfold in the realm of creation. You are not qualified to fight me!"

Among Wang Yu’s eyes, they are all arrogant.

He is a high-ranking and powerful person.

If even a young man who is at the top of the six kingdoms of the world can’t clean up, then he will not be a joke.

Wang Hao’s palms were lifted up, and the clothes on his arms were floating in the wind.

In an instant, the palm of the hand carries the earth-shaking spiritual power, and it is coming to the sword and mans of Yan Yuting.

Yan Yuting bit his teeth, and she showed it the sword of the third-order Holy Spirit.

She is the third member of the flame list, she does not think that she is not the opponent of Wang Hao.

With her swordsmanship, she cuts out and forms the swordsmanship of the sword array.

Wang Hao is still calm and coping. He responded to Yan Yuting's swordsmanship and said: "You are still a young boy. The old man is very interested in you and wants it!"

Yan Yu Ting's pretty face is iron blue, her eyes with a sense of killing, said: "I want you to die!"

Said, the smoke of Yan Yuting's momentum surged, the sword's mystery completely filled out.

Yan Yuting understands the essence of the first-order sword. The meaning of her sword is very mysterious. The most important thing is that her sword is very scary.

"Zi Xuan Sword!"

Along with the long sword of Yan Yuting, a purple light is formed, which forms a strong sword.

The swords and spirits criss-cross, bringing about devastating impact, the incomparable horror of the road.

“The third-order Shangpin Holy Spirit?”

Even Wang Yan’s eyes are all condensed, saying: “Good guys, I don’t think you have cultivated such a deep spiritual skill. This is what the old man did not expect.”

Wang Hao’s voice has become low.

"Just, you may not know that the higher the level of the Holy Spirit, the stronger the strength you need. With your cultivation, how can you exert the power of the third-order superior spirit?"

Wang Shuo’s words were full of confidence, and his eyes sparkled with bursts of light.

His footsteps moved, and the golden light appeared on the palms, and they all became extremely powerful.

In the palm of his hand, the formation of all the momentum that destroys everything seems to be able to crush the void.

"is it?"

Yan Yuting's face is full of self-confidence, and the long sword is more violently impacted, forming a ray of light.


The moment the long sword twitches, the violent swordsmanship is brought.

The purple sword is even more endless.

Xu Feng stood on one side, his eyes slightly picked up, his heart said: "The strength of Yan Yuting is very strong."

"This old thing is very arrogant on the surface, but the heart is not daring. Since you are very arrogant, the young man will let you pay a painful price."

Xu Feng’s inner secret guess.

"I don't know what it feels like to kill and make a living."

Xu Feng does not seem to care about the battle between the two.

However, his heart is an analysis of the situation of the battle.

Wang Hao’s inner thoughts are the same as Xu Feng’s guess.

Yan Yuting's sword method is accompanied by the existence of the righteousness.

Although Wang Hao is a seven-rehabilitation of the realm of creation.

However, he did not realize the meaning of the righteousness.

That is to say, his spirituality is more than that of Yan Yuting, which is a little cheaper.

Nowadays, the purple and sinful swords displayed by Yan Yuting are the advantages that Wang Hao has.


Yan Yuting's long sword has no hesitation, and it is a fierce air wave that comes out in an instant.

The power of Wang Shu’s Holy Spirit is also very powerful. His palms continue to rush out with a violent wave.


Every sword of Yan Yuting contains a strong sword, and she wants Wang to pay the price of life.

"Little girl, good strength, then I will kill this kid first, the old man sees him very disrespectful!"

Wang Hao looked at Xu Feng standing on one side, his spiritual power stirred, and his palm attacked Xu Feng in an instant.

Yan Yuting changed his face and said: "Xu Feng, be careful!"


Xu Feng looked at Wang Hao’s attack, and his spiritual power flowed, and the body of creation showed out.

The golden light hits, his fist is "dry innocent boxing", and a punch is like a red lotus.

"The horrible momentum, this kid is really a virtual world?" Wang Hao felt the fist of Xu Feng attack.


Two violent waves hit, Xu Feng was knocked out and blew, but no injuries.

However, Yan Yuting’s long sword was attacked by Wang Hao at this time.

Wang Hao’s face changed greatly.

"how is this possible?"

Wang Hao could not imagine that Xu Feng could resist one's own hand and was still safe.

"Smoke girl, we both attacked this old thing together and left his life here today!"

Xu Feng sighed at Yan Yuting, his body's spiritual power stirred, and his gravity was filled with gravity.

Wang Hao’s eyes are wide, and his face is full of sorrow. “When the gravity is righteous, the virtual world feels the gravity of the righteousness?”

Wang Wei felt that he could really hit the tofu.

It’s really more people than people.

"I will kill you these geniuses, I will be more fulfilled!"

Wang Hao’s heart is full of resentment.

Why he doesn't have such talent.

that's it.

Yan Yuting and Xu Feng cooperated and attacked before and after.

Wang Hao became a little cramped.

His old face is full of anger, his heart said: "What the **** thing, this vain kid is, why is it so strong?"

"Is it a cohesive body?"

Wang Wei felt Xu Feng's body and contained powerful power.

"Don't fight with these two guys today, wait for opportunities, kill one by one!"

Wang Hao is an old fritter. Since he knows, he can't kill Xu Feng and Yan Yuting. How could it be entangled with the two?

"Smoke girl, he wants to run, don't let him run!"

Xu Feng sighed at Yan Yuting.

"This kid is so smart!"

Wang Hao did not expect that his spiritual power would flow, and Xu Feng would be able to judge that he wanted to escape.

"it is good!"

Yan Yuting's sword method is more rapid, and Xu Feng's fist is also sheltered, not allowed.

Wang Hao’s face changed slightly, saying: “Bad boy, the old man killed you and went!”

Wang Hao sighed at Xu Feng, and he thought Xu Feng would retreat, but did not expect Xu Feng to be more powerful.


Yan Yuting's long sword attacked Wang Hao's back. Wang Hao was caught off guard. Xu Feng's fist slammed Wang Hao's chest, making his whole human bones squeaky.

"you wanna die!"

The king licked his mouth and his face was full of shackles.

The palm of the hand instantly turned to Xu Feng's head and fell down.

However, Xu Feng was prepared and retreated in an instant.

Avoiding Wang Hao’s palm, Wang Hao’s attack fell through.

(End of this chapter)

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