The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3038: He will kill you on the day!

Chapter 3038 His Day, Will Kill You!


As the fiery red lotus emerged, the whole valley seemed to be burned by the flames.

Countless people have felt that the blood in the body is boiling, the flames are burning, and the void is twisting.

Their faces are incredible, and one by one looks at Xu Feng's palm, and the palm-sized lotus has brought such a terrible power.

"What lotus is that?"

"A horrible lotus, how do I feel that my whole body's blood seems to be burning."

A man of six generations, he looked at the lotus on the palm of Xu Feng, his eyes were shrinking.

The faint changes brought about by the look of the gods, he can not imagine why there is such a terrible spiritual skill.

"What is the level of existence of the sacred spirit of the Holy Spirit?

“Is it a fourth-order holy spirit?”

Someone looked at Xu Feng, and the heart was shocked. I felt that Xu Feng’s “burning Buddha” could be a fourth-order holy spirit.

However, what they don't know is.

Xu Feng’s “burning Buddha” is not a fixed-level holy spirit. As long as he integrates the world’s fires, more and more, his power of “burning the Buddha” will also increase.

"This Xu Feng is really unusual. First, it is a emptiness and a nine-fold situation. It is a sense of gravity."

"It is also a sacred spirit that condenses more than sixty spirits, and the power of the Holy Spirit is so horrible."

"Now, even the sophistication of the Holy Spirit is displayed, as if it were a valley, it is burning."

Everyone has a lot of arguments, they stared at the lotus in Xu Feng's hand, and the look was shocking.

As a member of the 92nd Flame List, Ni Xian is the cultivation of the six peaks of the late stage of creation.

However, he looked at the lotus flower above the palm of Xu Feng, and his heart was actually a vibrating heart.

He could not imagine how Xu Feng did it.

At the same time, in his eyes, there is also greed.

If he can get the spirit of Xu Feng's display, his strength will inevitably increase.

Other Wang Qiping people have also stepped back, they are afraid of the flames brought by the lotus.

However, Zhuang Fengyu’s face suddenly changed.

There is no reason for him.

He felt a very dangerous atmosphere from the lotus flower on Xu Feng's palm, and his palms suddenly stopped.

Yan Yuting the whole person, biting his teeth in an instant, blood spurted out from the mouth, and quickly rushed out toward Xu Feng.

Xu Feng looked at the smoke and rain Ting appeared on his side, his face was awkward, said: "Smoke girl, let you hurt!"

"These remedies, you hurry to take it!"

As Xu Feng’s words fell.

The lotus above his palm, in this moment, almost a few breathful moments, rushed toward the opposite Zhuang Fengyu.

The dangerous momentum that Zhuang Fengyu feels, like the enemy, the spiritual power and the spiritual pulse of the whole body are all insane.

His eyes were arrogant and said: "I have just let Yan Yuting delay the time, is it to use the Holy Spirit?"

"I have to say that the power of your holy spirit is really strong, but unfortunately it is not sure to beat me!"

The tone of Zhuang Fengyu reveals that it is arrogant and overbearing.

His words are also with absolute confidence.

The spiritual power of the body is even more frantic.

The field of his blood, accompanied by the spirit of the eighty, was completely rioted. His entire man, not only did not retreat, but voluntarily rushed out toward "burning the Buddha".

However, Yan Yuting around Xu Feng, she clearly felt.

The power of the "burning Buddha" that Xu Feng showed today is far more than when he played against the high-level flames.

Moreover, it is even more horrible.

When she looked at Zhuang Fengyu and took the initiative to attack the lotus, her heart replaced Zhuang Fengyu and squeezed a cold sweat.

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised, he had long thought of it.

Zhuang Fengyu, who is so proud and conceited, just as he expected, attacked the "burning Buddha".

Zhuang Fengyu wants to completely destroy Xu Feng’s thoughts. He wants to attack Xu Feng from the heart.

It is inevitable to defeat everything in Xu Feng.

However, only Xu Feng himself knows how terrifying his upgraded version of "burning Buddha".

There are two kinds of heaven and earth fires, which are the Promise Flame and the Fire.

At this moment, the power of Xu Feng’s “burning Buddha” cannot be revealed.

In particular, Xu Feng moved a little bit in the "burning Buddha".

Zhuang Fengyu’s face is disdainful. “Xu Feng, I want you to know that the gap between you and me is really too big.”

"The time for you to prepare for a powerful Holy Spirit, how about it? I can destroy you!"


With the attack of Zhuang Fengyu, the moment of falling on the lotus flower, a momentum of destruction of the earth completely broke out.

In the eyes of countless people, all the flashing lights are shocking.


For a moment, in the place around Zhuang Fengyu's body, the flame is like a wave, sweeping in all directions.

The momentum that ruined the earth and the earth made the entire valley and the towering trees instantly become shattered.

"God, what is this holy spiritual skill, the power is so terrible to such a point, can Zhuang Fengyu survive?"

Many people fled at the same time, watching the center of the flame explosion, there seems to be a sea of ​​fire.

Underneath the ground are dense cracks, as if an earthquake occurred, causing the landslide to crack.


Zhuang Fengyu made a miserable snoring, and his eyes were unwilling, and the spiritual power of the whole body was surging.

He could not imagine why the last moment, the two horrible energies, completely exploded.

"Do not……"

The body of Zhuang Fengyu was shocked by the flames, and his handsome cheeks were completely burned.

If it weren't for his armor, he would have to be bad if he didn't die!

"Xu Feng, I want to kill you... kill you..."

"Don't die?"

Xu Feng’s lack of spiritual power, he was facing Yan Yuting, said: “Smoke girl, we immediately escape separately!”

"The strength of this Zhuang Fengyu is really terrible. Under such an impact, he has not died yet?"

Xu Feng said to Yan Yuting, after taking out some of the medicinal herbs and handing them to Yan Yuting, he did not hesitate.

"Zhuang Fengyu, he will kill you!"

After Xu Feng finished, swallow a bunch of medicinal herbs.

He turned and fled quickly behind him.

Yan Yuting looked at Xu Feng's figure. She bit her teeth and eventually did not catch up with Xu Feng.

Yan Yuting is very clear, Xu Feng is the initiative to give him a serious injury to Zhuang Fengyu, she also quickly fled.

The entire valley, where the radius is dozens of miles, has become a sea of ​​fire.

Many people, slower people who fled, died in the shock wave of the flame.

After Ni Xian and others fled, they looked at the sea of ​​fire behind them. Every one of them had a lingering fear, and there was still some fear between them.

(End of this chapter)

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