The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3044: The devil appears

Chapter 3044: The Mozu appears

They are in the inner area of ​​the flame battlefield for so long, naturally knowing the existence of the Mozu.

The legend of the entire flame battlefield has a great relationship with the Mozu.

It is said that the flame battlefield is where the Mozu and the Terran fight, leaving so many caves and opportunities.

However, aren't the demons killed? How can there be magic?

"Little brother, is it really magic?"

A man looks at Xu Feng, his eyes are unbelievable, he feels that the magic is too horrible.

Ming Ming Jiang and his own cultivation are almost the same strength, the demonized Jiang shape, but can easily hurt him.

It can be imagined how terrifying the magic is.


Xu Feng also nodded with a dignified expression.

If he is expected to be good, there is a high probability that there will be a demon in the flamefield.

However, the Mozu is not strong enough, and it is only a latent stage.

The faces of the three people all became hard to look at.

If the inner part of the flame battlefield, if there is a demon, it will become very dangerous.

Xu Feng looked at the three people and asked: "Three, can you take me to the place where you met the magic last night?"

The three people heard the words, and they all agreed in the eyes, with some fear.

"Little brother, it's not that we don't take you, but we think it's creepy now."

"Would you tell us the specific position and distance, the little brothers, you are daring, you alone."

All three people are very afraid, a man looks at Xu Feng.

He didn't feel it at all.

If Xu Feng appeared, they are already a dead person.

Today, Xu Feng is alone to investigate the situation.

Xu Feng looked at the expressions of the three people and knew that even if three people followed, they could only be burdened.

They were scared by the previous situation in Jiang, and they didn’t know how to do it.

"Well, you tell me the specific direction!"

Xu Feng said to the three.

"Little brother, from the left hand side, you will see a valley about half an hour."

"Last night, we were resting in that small valley." The man immediately pointed to Xu Feng.

Obviously, they are all eager to leave Xu Feng.

They are afraid that Xu Feng will force them to follow and lead Xu Feng.

Xu Feng shook his head helplessly. The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and looked disdainful. "If you are not a brother, you have already become three bodies, but now you are not willing to lead your brother."

"You are so greedy and afraid of death, is that okay?"

The words of the kitten made the three people somewhat unscrupulous.

"What do you know, the power of the Mozu, and we can contend with it." Here, another person interjected: "Yes, little brother, your strength is good, but it is everyone's business to deal with the Mozu. You are really too dangerous, or just leave with us, it is king."

"Yeah, little brother, you go to marry a hero alone, don't be killed by the Mozu at the time, it won't pay for it."

In the words of the three people, all they revealed were timid and afraid of death.

Xu Feng can only shake his head helplessly.

He didn't even talk to the three more, and went quickly toward the place they pointed at.

He felt that the three men continued to talk nonsense, and he would have the urge to kill them.

Such greed and fear of death can still be justified, and it really makes people feel great.

Seeing Xu Feng ignore the three of them, heading for the valley last night.

The three are not only worried.

Instead, he ridiculed and said: "This kid is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He is simply looking for a dead end."

I am afraid that if Xu Feng saved their lives, their taunting words would be even more difficult to hear.


"Brother, those three people are really hateful!"

The kitten stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and said something aggrieved.

Xu Feng gently touched the kitten's head and said: "Kitten, this is human nature. It is the heart of most people to be afraid of death."

"Therefore, such people will always be able to live in mediocrity and incompetence. They will never know that the strong is not only strong but also strong, understand?"


The kitten nodded heavily. He was never a cat who was afraid of death.

On the contrary, the kitten is moving forward.

Xu Feng and the kittens traversed the jungle. As the three said, it was indeed a small valley.

The center of the valley is still faintly visible, and it is the flame that came out last night.

"Let's go see!"

Xu Feng also really wants to see if there is any existence of the Mozu.


Xu Feng does not think that the demons that appear will be very powerful, if they are really strong.

The four people are absolutely impossible to leave alive, and it is impossible for only one person to be infected with magic.


The three people walked and walked, and suddenly there was a burst of cool breeze in their ears, which seemed a bit gloomy and terrifying.

The faces of the three people all became pale, and they all looked fearful and said: "No, the strange yin wind last night?"

Not far away.

A dark figure appeared suddenly.

Under the figure, it seems to cover the devil.

"Oh... this is are all greedy and afraid of death, but you die faster!"


The eyes of the three men were incredible. They looked at the face that appeared under the black robe, and they were so scared.

"no no……"

"I don't want to die..."

"Do not kill me……"


I heard the three people’s pleading, and the black robes were disdainful and cold. "You three are too junk, so that you are not qualified to be my servant. Your only qualification is to be me." Food, hehe..."

The black robe has a dark glow inside the eyes.


The three people have regrets in their hearts. If they knew this, they should follow Xu Feng.

They are crazy and say: "Help! Help..."

Unfortunately, there is no next Xu Feng to come to save them.

When they die, they finally have remorse in their hearts.

If they leave with Xu Feng, they will not be targeted by this demon, and they may be able to survive.


The black robe screamed in the darkness, and the scent of the body emerged, and the blood of the three people was completely swallowed up.

After the three people were swallowed up, the black robe on his body appeared again, and the darkness of his eyes shone.

"Oh... that kid is very good, let him nourish for a while, become my servant, it must be a powerful character."

The voice of the black robe is cold.

I don't know if Xu Feng knows that he has been stared by the Mozu, will he be surprised?

(End of this chapter)

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