The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3058: Training ground battle

Chapter 3058. The battle for cultivation

They can clearly feel that the power of the Holy Spirit that Xu Feng displayed is really terrifying.

Pessimizing himself also felt the horror from Xu Feng's Holy Spirit. He opened his eyes and his face was incredible.

"how is this possible?"

It is really impossible to imagine that phlegm can be used to show such a powerful Holy Spirit.


With the display of the Honglian hegemony, all the fists that formed were destroyed, and the red lotuses were all filled out.

The strong impact of the waves and waves is a fierce offensive, as if it is a wave of boundlessness.

The whole person is violently violently rushing out, and the blood is sprayed from his mouth.

A bang!

At the moment when he was on the ground, he didn't even have time to manage his own injuries. He only wanted to escape.


It is clear to him that if he does not choose to escape, he will die.

"Want to run?"

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed up and said: "If you want to escape, then look at it, do you have this ability!"


Among the palms of Xu Feng, seven hand-dark arrows emerged, all of which radiated horror and strange momentum.

"Seven Palace Dark Arrows!"

It is the third-order soul sorcerer that Xu Feng obtained before. He just used the phlegm to try the power of the third-order soul stalker.


The seven-handed dark arrows flew out abruptly, and the speed was so fast that it was horrifying, and the waves were white and white.

In an instant, the dark arrows rushed out, bringing with them fierce winds, tearing the void.

The escaping of the escape, he felt the seven-handed arrow that was shot from behind, and his eyes sparkled with fear.

He wants to avoid, but finds it too late.

The seven-handed dark arrow, pierced from his chest, without any blockage, brought a blood hole.

The eyes of the phlegm were unwilling, and the whole person slammed and fell to the ground.

Xu Feng appeared in front of the phlegm and said: "When you wanted to kill me, why did you think about it, what kind of end?"

The rumors of the rumors, the look is unwilling.

In the mouth of the phlegm, blood spurts out.

Completely exhausted.

However, Xu Feng will dispel the hurricane on the body and take it out. He will put away the pieces of the righteousness.

Many people look at the piece of mystery, with expectations and envy. If you can get the pieces of the righteousness, how good.

Xu Feng put away the sinister pieces of phlegm. He knows that in the future, whether it is a fragment of the field or an esoteric shard, it will come in handy.

Xu Feng’s satisfaction with the acquisition of the smashing storage ring is worthy of the existence of the Eighty-eighth Flame List.

Inside the storage ring of phlegm, there are many good spiritual materials, and the number of Lingjing is also quite a lot.

Among them, there are quite a few Chinese products.

These spiritual crystals are all needed by Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s eyes swept around, and many people’s eyes were full of awe, and they dared not look at Xu Feng.

If it weren’t for the first time to go up, some of them would also like to grab Xu Feng and give Zhuang Fengyu a reward.

Now it seems that it is really thanks to the phlegm saved their lives.

Otherwise, if they take the shot, they will die.

Xu Feng and the kitten, so they swayed and left.

Tang Jie looked at Xu Feng and killed him. His heart was shocked. He said: "I didn't expect that the power of the seven-handed arrow was so terrible."

Tang Jie was watching Xu Feng with his own eyes and got seven handles of dark arrows.

I did not expect to play such a great power.

Seeing Xu Feng leave.

In many people's eyes, all that sparkles are expecting.

They are all looking forward to the day when Xu Feng grew up.

There are also some people who are gloomy.

They are so good at Xu Feng.

As Xu Feng and the kitten left, they walked toward the channel on the left hand side.


Walking and walking, a burst of noisy voice came, Xu Feng's eyes condensed slightly, and walked toward the place where the noise came.

Not much time.

He saw a place where there were several cultivation sites, and the spiritual power of those cultivation sites was very strong.

However, in front of the cultivation field, there are more than a dozen figures, all in a crazy battle, apparently competing for the cultivation field.

"This cultivation field is mine. If anyone dares to compete with me, I will let him die without a place to die."

A violent voice sounded, he is Zhao Yuan, but the existence of the flames list seventy-nine.

Seeing Zhao Yuan walking toward the training ground, the rest of the people, one by one, did not dare to block.

The main reason is that Zhao Yuan is not only the flames of the list of seventy-nine, but also the strongest of the six peaks of the creation.

More importantly, Zhao Yuan’s eldest brother is the strongest member of the flame list, Zhao Qingming.

The relationship between Zhao Yuan and Zhao Qingming is very good. To provoke Zhao Yuan, it is tantamount to Zhao Qingming.

Zhao Yuan’s eyes swept across the crowd.

His eyes did not stay on Xu Feng for a while.

He turned and walked toward the training ground behind him.

Xu Feng stared at the cultivation grounds, and his spiritual strength was also eager to move.

"If you say that you can make a breakthrough in the cultivation field, it will definitely be a great benefit for me!"

Xu Feng immediately walked toward the training ground. He stared at one of the training grounds and stepped out.

Then, the second training ground, also the strongest of the flame list, he got a training ground.

Seeing that there are few places to practice, the battle on the spot has become hot with him.

However, no one thought of it.

Xu Feng went to the front of the cultivation field. His eyes were overbearing: "Take me away, this training ground is mine."

"Where is this kid coming out, he is looking for death, and he is so arrogant!"

"He won't think that he is Zhao Yuan. It's really not self-reliant. You can kill him alone!"

"Get out of my way!"

At the end of the day, a man who made a six-pointed peak in the late stage of his career turned to Xu Feng.


The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body, the golden light of his body, is more intense and terrifying.

The two attacks collided together, and the air waves swept around. The power of Xu Feng was completely revealed.

The opposite man, the whole person was shaken backwards, his face became pale and his heart was stunned.

"A young and powerful young man, is this really a virtual reality?" Someone stared at Xu Feng and said quickly.

"It's really amazing. It is said that he has also offended Zhuang Fengyu. I can imagine that his talent is not bad!"

"You said that he is the Xu Feng!"

Many people are shocked.

They never imagined that Xu Feng was so powerful.

The people who attacked Xu Feng, the whole person flew out and flew out.

With a bang, blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Awesome strength, the six peaks of the creation of the realm, is not his opponent." Some people's faces are shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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