Chapter 3060, Making a Vision

"I don't know how many years of spiritual power accumulated in this cultivation field, so terrible!"

Even Xu Feng is shocked at the moment.

He is only a time of cultivation.

The cultivation of the body will break through the realm of the ten peaks of the virtual world.

He is a step away from the creation of the environment.

He is very clear.

Once he breaks through to the realm of creation, his strength must be an ups and downs.


The spiritual power gathered and moved toward Xu Feng's body. His body was like a melting pot of heaven and earth.

Chenghua Dingyuan's continuous refining and refining of these spiritual forces, integrated into the veins of Xu Feng's body, formed a strong momentum.

Xu Feng looked at the kitten not far away, reminded him: "Kitten, the spirit here is very abundant, you hurry to practice!"

The kitten heard the words and looked up.

"Brother, don't I need to protect you?"

The words of the kitten made Xu Feng's heart touched.

It turns out that kittens feel such a good cultivation place and want to cultivate themselves.

I feel that I need to protect Xu Feng.

Xu Feng shook his head and said: "Reassure, these cultivation fields are naturally formed. We cultivate in it, and people outside can't get in!"


The kitten can't wait to absorb the spiritual power, and the breath of his body is slowly improving.

Oh la la...

Xu Feng's constant refinement of the heavens and the earth, he did not know, how much spiritual power he absorbed, his cultivation is always, no breakthrough to the creation of a heavy.

However, his veins are also close to saturation.

Oh la la...

The spiritual power is still moving towards the thriving dynasty. Xu Feng's eyes are slightly raised. He said: "Since it is impossible to break through to the realm of creation, simply let me improve my own number of souls!"

Xu Feng did not hesitate, and immediately the spiritual power of refining and turning, moving toward his spiritual veins, wanted to condense more spirituality.

In the body of Xu Feng, Chenghua Ding constantly rotates, as if turning Xu Feng’s body into a melting pot of heaven and earth.

Next to Xu Feng, it is the training ground of Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Yuan’s cultivation is going to break through to the seven realms of creation.

Who knows, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Just because the spiritual power of his cultivation field suddenly turned to the side and kept flowing.

However, Zhao Yuanyuan was about to break through the opportunity, so that his life disappeared, and his face became gloomy.

He stared at him and said: "Who is doing a ghost, I dare to bother me to practice."

He walked from the practice ground to the outside, staring at the training ground next to Xu Feng.

"Look, you are not Zhao Yuan? How did he come out of the cultivation field?" Someone looked at Zhao Yuan and made a scream.

Zhao Yuan’s eyes are gloomy. He pointed to a man not far away and said: “You roll me over!”


The man has wide eyes and does not understand where he offended Zhao Yuan, but he did not dare to violate the meaning of Zhao Yuan.

"Zhao Gongzi, are you looking for me?" The man asked Zhao Yuan, some timid.

Zhao Yuan pointed to the training ground of Xu Feng. He slowly said: "You tell me, who is practicing in this cultivation field?"


Many people are surprised and do not understand what Zhao Yuan asked about this.

They think that it may be that Xu Feng offended Zhao Yuan.

"Zhao Gongzi, inside is Xu Feng!"

Said the man.

"Who is Xu Feng?"

Zhao Yuan’s eyes brow, he was the first to hear the name Xu Feng, but he felt familiar.

"Zhao Gongzi does not know, this Xu Feng is not simple. It is said that he has been imaginary and repaired as a smashing environment, and he also won the favor of the first beauty, Yan Yuting, and dared to provoke Zhuang Fengyu."

"Whoever kills Xu Feng can get 10,000 Chinese spirits and Zhuang Fengyu's human feelings."

"In the previous quasi-flame list, I wanted to stop Xu Feng from entering the cultivation field and he was killed by him!"

The man did not miss the word and told Zhao Yuan truthfully.

Zhao Yuan did not mind the search for Zhong.

His eyes are killing, whispering: "No wonder I said this name, I am so familiar with it?"

Zhao Yuan had heard of this before, but he did not care.

He felt that it was Zhuang Fengyu's intention.

Will give Xu Feng an organic ambiguity.

"Hey, I want to see, where is he sacred, dare to disturb me to practice!" Zhao Yuan's voice is low, all killing.

Many people looked at Zhao Yuan, so they stayed in front of the Xu Feng cultivation field.

Among their gaze, there are concerns that are flashing.

Also replaced Xu Feng with a cold sweat.

They are very aware of the strength of Zhao Yuan.

Now Xu Feng provokes Zhao Yuan, I am afraid it is fierce.

However, some people are also very curious, how did Xu Feng provoke Zhao Yuan?


Just at this time……

The training ground where Xu Feng is located has erupted with horrible waves, as if the endless hurricane is surging.

The heaven and earth spiritual power is like a pilgrimage. It is desperately and madly moving toward the training ground of Xu Feng.

"The vision of heaven and earth?"

"What is Xu Feng doing in the end, he actually attracted the vision of heaven and earth?"

Even if Zhao Yuan, the face at this moment has changed.

The other warriors of the practice sites were also affected by the Xu Feng cultivation field. They all rushed out of the cultivation field with anger on their faces.

When they looked at Xu Feng’s practice site, they all felt stunned.

"Who is the cultivation field, what are you doing?" Someone stared at the cultivation field, and all the faces were angry.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng continued to surge, and the spirit of his body was thus condensed by him.

In the moment when his spirituality reached 70, the momentum of his body changed completely.

In the body of the whole person, in the meridians, it seems that the airflow formed by the spiritual power, the impact of a stock.


Xu Feng’s face was a surprise. He did not expect that he would condense the spirit and even touched the breakthrough.

However, the constant spiritual power that converges toward his body is a huge vortex.

The incomparable turbulence of the waves has formed, and the formation of the violent winds and waves is still increasing.

In his body, the spiritual power is like a wave, very abundant.

The role of the creation of Ding, thoroughly revealed.

The pure spiritual power, from the creation of the tripod, permeates out, flows to Xu Feng's meridians, and the body.

He did not know that he broke through to the creation of the realm, and even caused such a big sensation, but also brought the vision of heaven and earth.

The people outside, all of them are angry with faces.

Especially, those who came out of the cultivation field.

Zhao Yuan stood there, his voice was very bright, said: "Everyone has given me a good hearing, Xu Feng is mine, whoever dares to compete with me for the right to kill him, I will kill him!"

Zhao Yuan’s confrontation with Xu Feng is really hateful.

(End of this chapter)

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