The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3071: Tian Zhenli’s killing

Chapter 3071, Tian Zhenli's killing

Outside the enclosure.

There are a lot of people gathered.

These people are all people who find this secret room.

A woman in a blue robe, she stood there, but she was not following her.

She is the ninth existence of the flame list, Tian Zhenli, with her strength, to come to fight for treasures, and indeed does not need to bring people to come.

There are two other groups of people.

They are a group of four people and a group of three people.

The group of four people is headed by a man. His hair is very long. The ears on both sides are really big, at least there are slaps.

He is Yun Zhiming of the flame list nineteen.

The other three-person, the headed man is Yi Jianfeng of the 17th Flame List.

Tian Zhenli looked at Yun Zhiming and Yi Jianfeng.

She said: "What the **** is going on, you two are not saying, will Wenghai definitely come?"

"It’s been a long time now, if he still doesn’t come, I won’t spend time here!”

Tian Zhenli felt that she could not delay time here.

The chances inside the giant palace are everywhere.

She is waiting here to smell the lonely sea, which is tantamount to other opportunities.

If Yun Zhiming said that Wen Guhai would definitely come, she would have left it long ago.

Yi Jianfeng said: "Tian Zhenli, I know very well about the temper of Wen Guhai. Since he said he wants to come, he must come."

"I think he might be looking for a helper. After all, his strength is the weakest among us."

Yi Jianfeng felt that Wen Guhai was going to find a helper. No one knows what treasures there are.

In this way, if Wen Guhai does not find a strong person to cooperate, it is difficult to compete for the treasures inside.

Tian Zhenli stood there, and she slowly said: "I will wait for two more hours. If I still hear the lonely sea, I will not accompany you!"

Tian Zhenli feels that she cannot continue here and continue to consume it.

Yi Jianfeng and Yun Zhiming have become a little anxious.

They are so hard to get the keys.

Nowadays, it is still a little worse, can you open the secret room in front of you, how can you not regret it?

Time passes by one minute.

Two hours passed.

Tian Zhenli stood up and her figure looked a bit bloated. She said: "Yi Jianfeng, Yun Zhiming, I am not wasting your time with you!"

Said, she is leaving.

"Tian Zhenli, no longer waiting..."

However, Yi Jianfeng’s words, Tian Zhenli, are too lazy to go back.


Smell the sea with Xu Feng, they came to the secret room not far away, they saw the anxious Yun Zhiming and Yi Jianfeng.

"Ah! It’s smelling the sea!"

Yi Jianfeng snorted.

Not far from Tian Zhenli, she came back and saw the smell of the sea, her face was full of anger.

However, next to Yun Zhiming, his eyes deep, but there is a strange surprise.

He is very clear.

It’s not that you don’t want to arrive on time.

Instead, he deliberately released the news.

He originally thought that it was not the smell of the sea, but the letter and the pre-small pair with him.

"Smell the sea, you are willing to cooperate and cooperate. If you don't want to, if you say earlier, let us wait for you for so long, what does it mean?"

Tian Zhenli’s voice is condescending and he is angry.

Weng Hai heard the words, and his face was apologetic.

I feel that I am late after all.

I know that Xu Feng said: "If this is the case, then we are all happy, and we are gone!"

Xu Feng said, he will turn away with Wen Guhai.

When Tian Zhenli looked at Xu Feng, her eyes were all condensed. "When is it, we are here to speak, and we have to get you a waste of materialization, and insert it here?"

"Give me a mouth!"

Tian Zhenli may be used to being condescending.

She stepped out in one step and it was extremely fast.

Xu Feng’s heart was shocked and said: “It’s the ninth existence of the flame list, and the strength is really terrifying!”


The golden light of Xu Feng’s body broke out, raising his fist and welcoming Tian Zhenli’s slap.

"This kid is really looking for a dead end, not to talk nonsense!" Yun Zhiming could not help but shook his head.

Tian Zhenli’s strength is there.

In his opinion.

Xu Feng is just a heavy cultivation of the environment, and dare to recruit Tian Zhenli, it is really a dead end.

Even if it is smelling the sea, it is not qualified to protect him.

"You dare to fight back!"

Tian Zhenli did not expect that Xu Feng would dare to take the initiative.

A bang!

The fist collided with Tian Zhenli's slap.


Xu Feng's footsteps are on the ground, and he continually slides out and exits. His heart is shocked and his heart is: "It is the ninth existence of the flame list, and the strength is terrible!"

Xu Feng is sure that even if he is doing his best, the martial arts alone is not the hands of Tian Zhenli.

Of course, if Tian Zhenli really forced Xu Feng to use the Horcruxes like the bliss beads.

Tian Zhenli is also bound to suffer heavy losses.


Tian Zhenli was shocked. Her palm was not blocked by a young man.

What she did not even think about was that Xu Feng was safe and sound.

Her eyes are suddenly contracted.

Staring at Xu Feng, said: "You are Xu Feng?"

When Tian Zhenli’s words are said to be behind, they are all sly.

Wen Guhai quickly appeared in front of Xu Feng and said: "Tian Zhenli, what do you want to do?"

"If you don't want to open the secret room, we will leave now and don't need to be entangled with you here."

When the words of Wenghai sounded, Tian Zhenli still stared at Xu Feng.

"I am Xu Feng, what happened!"

Xu Feng slowly said.

Not far from Yun Zhiming and Yi Jianfeng were shocked, they seemed to understand.

Why did Xu Feng dare to say that Tian Tianli, a prostitute that even Zhuang Fengyu dared to provoke, how could he be afraid of Tian Zhenli?

However, they felt that Tian Zhenli and Xu Feng had a holiday.

Tian Zhenli’s eyes are all killing, saying: “Very good, very good, I can’t think of finding you for so long, I haven’t found it, you actually took it to the door.”

Having said that, Tian Zhenli said: "Are you killing the youth of the 94th list of the small flames and calling it Tanaka."


The other few people were shocked.

Tanaka is the younger brother of Tian Zhenli.

No wonder Tian Zhenli is so angry.

"A waste, he wants to kill me, but I didn't expect it to be easily killed by me. If you don't say it, I almost forgot to have such a person."

Xu Feng’s words are extremely calm.

As if standing opposite him, not the ninth of the flame list, Tian Zhenli.

"In this case, I will let you go to my brother to bury today!"

The momentum of Tian Zhenli broke out.

(End of this chapter)

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