The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3385: I need time!

Chapter 3385 I need time!

"Don't threaten me, the last thing I fear is the threat!"

Xu Feng's hands changed.

The array of voices whispered.

It seems as if the wind is tumbling.

Endless spiritual power, frantically surging in all directions.

A circle of air waves spread out like this.

The blood-red array has become horrible.


The old man with dead leaves has wide eyes and feels Xu Feng’s body.

His face was unwilling, his heart was remorse, and his heart said: "What do I have to do to find myself unhappy, but also want to break the array?"

"If I fight this kid directly, what fight does he fight with me? It is not necessary to die."

The old man with dead leaves feels a strong array of attacks, and the inner remorse is almost vomiting blood.

"Don't kill me... little brother, hurry up and stop, I tell you a secret..."

Among the old leaves of the dead leaves, they are all fearful.

"A person like you, you should have died!"

Xu Feng has no hesitation.

Control the array.

The array of voices made a loud noise.

The formation became terrible.

It seems to be blood red blood, condensed into a sword.

The sharp blade pierces the void and brings the momentum that shocks the world.

A sword ran away from the chest of the old man with dead leaves.

The old man with dead leaves has wide eyes, and it is really dead.

He did not expect that he would die under the law.

Moreover, this array is still arranged by him.

After Xu Feng killed the old man with dead leaves.

Put away the other's storage ring.

He found that the old man with dead leaves is really rich.

There are quite a few fifth-order spiritual materials in the hand.

There are also some polylites.

And some cherished spiritual materials.

Xu Feng did not stay in the valley.

Go to the place where the battle was fierce.



Sun Yuan spurted out a blood, and his face was full of cockroaches.

Looking at the opposite Zhou Qian and Zhou Wei, eyes with anger: "Do you guys join hands to deal with me, don't you feel shameful?"

Zhou Qian and Zhou Wei are both life-threatening peaks, and Sun Yuan is also the peak of his life.

As the battle continued, Sun Yuan gradually fell into the breeze and was bombarded by Zhou Qian.

"Sun Yuan, you become a running dog of bloodthirsty, everyone can be stunned!"

"Would you like to have a fair fight with you?"

Zhou Yanchong's old face, with a cold and fierce.

"If it is ok, I can't wait, everyone will kill you together!"

Zhou Wei looked at the battle around.

Tianxinmen has a lot of warriors.

Yes, after all, it is not Zhou Jia, and opponents of other forces around Dalang City.

You must know that there are many forces around the city of Dalang, and you are looting.

"Zhou, Zhou Qian, everything is forced by me. Even if I am seriously injured, I will kill you!"

Among Sun Yuan’s eyes, there is madness.

The blood of the body burst out.

In the hands of Sun Yuan, a blood Dan suddenly emerged.

The violent momentum broke out.

Many people are taking a breath.

"You all have to die!"

Sun Yuan's eyes became blood red, swallowing blood Dan.


Sun Yuan’s momentum is constantly improving, and the violent blood makes Sun Yuan seem to have changed.

"A terrible atmosphere!"

Zhou Hao’s face became dignified.

Surprised inside the eyes.

The blood of Sun Yuan’s eyes is extremely scary.


Sun Yuan went to attack Zhou Wei and Zhou Qian, and took a shot, as if the world was shaking.


Zhou Wei was born and flew out of the palm of his hand, and the blood ran out of his mouth. His face was blank.

Then, Zhou Qian is constantly regressing.

After Sun Yuan took the blood Dan, the repair was skyrocketing.

"not good!"

Zhou Qian is dignified in his heart.

Sun Dan’s blood Dan is too fast.

Xu Fenggang came to the battlefield.

I saw Sun Yuan flying Zhou Qian and Zhou Yuzhen.

"Old ancestors, you run fast! With the Zhou family's people running, Sun Yuan's current cultivation is comparable to the half-step life!"

Zhou Qian rushed out to Sun Yuan and wanted to win time for Zhou Wei.

However, how can Zhou Yu leave Zhou Qian.

Still rushing out.

Xu Feng came to the two people in an instant.

"You are holding me, I am responsible for killing him, but I need time!"

Xu Feng stared at Sun Yuan and felt the violent breath of the other person. His eyes were deep and cold with a killing intention.

Sun Yuan stared at Xu Feng, full of grievances: "The kid, is that you refine my blood lotus?"

Xu Feng heard the words, did not expect Sun Yuan to feel so clear, said: "Yes, it is me!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Sun Yuan was desperate and attacked Xu Feng.

Zhou Qian and Zhou Wei, both shot at the same time.

"You two give me time to fight, I need to use the Holy Spirit skills, you can kill him!"

On Xu Feng’s body, the hot air waves began to float, and the surrounding flowers and trees began to burn.

"There is no flame."

"Degraded heart disease."

"There is a fire in the world."

Before Xu Feng’s display of burning fire lotus, they all condensed two kinds of heaven and earth, and the power was terrible.

This time, Xu Feng wants to condense three kinds of heaven and earth, and integrate the flame into the palm of his hand.

The spiritual power of the whole body is madly rushing toward the hands, and the hot waves of the body are filled out.

Some of the warriors who are close to Xu Feng have quit, and the skin is burning.

Feeling the hot air of Xu Feng, Zhou Wei and Zhou Qian did not know what Xu Feng was doing.

But now, they have no choice but to fight desperately to resist the opposite Sun Yuan.


Sun Yuan’s hands were slammed into Zhou’s chest and his bones were torn apart.

An old bone was really crushed by Sun Yuan, and the whole face was pale.

He bit his teeth and can only stand up and continue to move toward Sun Yuan.

Zhou Qian was also very fierce, and his left hand was interrupted, and all of them were traces of blood.

"You two want to use your life to stop me from killing this kid, I will kill you first!"

Sun Yuan's eyes are red, blood is like a sword, able to wear a void, full of violent anger, filled with madness.

Zhou Qian and Zhou Wei, both of them glanced at Xu Feng.

The fire on Xu Feng was gradually derived.

They all look at each other.

Feel the body of Xu Feng, the looming, can destroy the atmosphere of the world.

I know in my heart that Xu Feng still needs time. If they are dead, they must fight for time.

Otherwise, it is not the two of them who died here, but everyone on the scene, including Xu Feng.

Sun Yuan felt the devastating breath of Xu Feng, and the pores of his body seemed to stand upright.

"You are looking for death!"

I don't know why, Sun Yuan has a bad feeling.

If you continue to give Xu Feng time.

He may also die without a place of burial.


The moment the palms condense, the whole body is exhausted.

Going to Zhou Wei and Zhou Qian, while suppressing.

Both of them had a smile on their faces.

Just because they felt that a devastating breath emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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