The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3390: Locked heart

Chapter 3390 Locking Hearts

“No wind people?”

Cang Jingnian’s eyes are all shocking.

There are no wind people in Ming Xuan collar, and they have become famous for many years.

This guy is also doing nothing, killing innocent people.

Many years ago, Ming Xuan led the three families of the family, and pursued it for a long time.

I thought that no wind people have disappeared for many years.

Unexpectedly, it has already broken through to the peak of life and the secrets of Xuanbing.

The hearts of all people are shocked. It seems that this mysterious soldier is inside the secret.

This time it is a battle for a dragon, a battle between life and death!

Cang Jingnian told Xu Feng about the situation of people without winds.

Xu Feng was a little surprised inside.

This really surprised him a bit.

It seems that this time the mysterious secrets, many strong, will come.

"Ha ha ha ... good, I can't think of the old man hiding for many years, Ming Xuan collar is born a lot of good genius!"

The eyes of the unmanned people swept across the lake, and their eyes were on the floating son, Guan Hao and others, and stayed for a while.

With the arrival of people without winds, the atmosphere at the scene became dignified.

Of course, the top ten arrogances of Ming Xuan Ling are also coming.

Can become the top ten arrogance.

The combat power of these people is not weak.

And the practice of the Holy Spirit is not unusual.

"The head of the house, Ming Xuan led the top ten of the top ten arrogances, all of them are amazing!"

"The third floating son, you have seen it before."

Cang Jingnian said to Xu Feng.

The floating son is only the third place in the top ten Tianjiao.

The five-year-old round of life was able to cope with the attacks of several of them in Cang Jingnian.

Although I could not beat a few people, I was not taken by a few people.

It can be imagined that the strength of the floating son is not weak.

"Do you see that big man over there?"

Cang Jingnian pointed not far away, a big man, the skin is a little red, Danfeng eyes are extremely sharp.

The whole person is a burly figure, so standing there, it seems to be a mountain, generally vast and stalwart.

"This person is ranked second in the top ten Tianjiao, but one of the three strongest geniuses of Ming Xuan Ling, Guan Guan!"

"It is rumored that this victory is hateful and hateful, and the character is just right. Everywhere you go, you will find the road to help you!"

Cang Jingnian introduced these people to Xu Feng.

He is very clear that Xu Feng has entered the mysterious secrets and is very likely to meet.

The so-called knowing ourselves and knowing each other is not a battle.

At least know who the other party is.

Finally, Cang Jingnian introduced Xu Feng to the top ten Tianjiao.

"Li Pinghe is the master of the Lijia family in Ziyuan City. Although he was born into a family of alchemists, his martial arts talent is detached."

"Li Pinghe's sword method is famous in the Ming Xuan collar. This person has topped the Ming Xuan collar Tianjiao for the first time. It has been four years."

"Even if it is the second-ranked Guansheng, it is not the opponent of Li Pinghe!"

When Cang Jingnian said about Li Pinghe.

Xu Feng is a heart inside.

Before he was in Ziyuan City, he killed Li Denghai.

Xu Feng said: "Hey, this Li family is a talented person. If I remember correctly, does Li have a nine alchemy genius?"

Xu Feng remembered that when he was in Ziyuan City, Cang Jingnian and others said it.

Li Jialian's most powerful genius is Li Dengxuan.

"Yeah! Li Dengxuan is also one of the nine great alchemy geniuses issued by Ming Xuan Ling Soul Guild Headquarters."

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Is this Li family really a talent?"

Next to Zhou Wei heard the words, the skin could not help but pumped.

In contrast, Zhou Jia is also the three major families.

But only a single seedling was heard on Monday, and I was able to get a little on the counter.

If it weren't for Xu Feng's appearance, I was afraid that it would be removed by Tianxinmen.

"The owner, you must be careful when you enter the mysterious secrets!"

"Before Ziyuan City, although Li Jiayu traveled to the old strength."

"Don't dare to act rashly on you, but enter the mysterious secrets, and the old can't follow."

Cang Jingnian and others looked at Xu Feng and were somewhat worried.

I have to say that the people Xu Feng has provoked are really quite a lot.

Xu Feng nodded and his eyes were dignified.

He knows that the crisis of entering the mysterious soldiers is in jeopardy.

However, Xu Feng is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

If there is no means to save his life, he really does not dare to enter the mysterious secrets.


Seeing the mysterious spirits of the mysterious soldiers gathered together, the more and more breathful atmosphere, filled out.

Many people can't help but feel excited. They know that the entrance to the mysterious secrets is about to open.

Seeing that the mysterious secrets are about to open, dozens of figures, quickly came to the leisurely lake.

Xu Feng’s eyes are all condensed, and there are more than a dozen figures. He is really familiar.

The man headed by him is not the lord of the lock collar, is Dongye looking three?

The eyes of Higashino Masahiro locked Xu Feng in an instant.

The corners of the mouth rise, and the eyes are deep and cold.

He would like to see, this time Xu Feng entered the mysterious secrets, can you still survive?

The four gray-haired men who are next to Dongye Wangsan are all high-ranking players.

The rest of the youth, the body is not weaker than the previous Guan Hao and others.

It means that these young people are the true arrogance of the lock.

The eyes of several young people looked at Xu Feng.

Deep in the eyes are disdain and disdain.

In their view.

If Xu Feng does not have the help around him, it is a waste.

"I didn't expect the lock to lead the lord, even to the mysterious secrets, it is incredible!"

"It seems that the temptation of the mysterious secrets is still very large, leading to Dongye Wangsan to bring people personally."

"I don't know if the lords of our Ming Xuan collar will come to the mysterious secrets here?"

"But I guess, maybe it won't come! After all, the lords of our Ming Xuan collar don't like the excitement!"


Looking at Higashino, many people are daunting.

The life of the soul and the life of the wheel seem to be a word difference.

However, the two realms are different.

It’s easy to kill the soul.

However, even if the dozens of people join forces, they may not be able to deal with a life.

Higashino looked at the crowd and smiled. "You, today, I am looking forward to helping you!"

"If you can help me hold Xu Feng, that is, the young man!"

"My Dong Yewang three owes him a big man, and at the same time, he can get 10,000 yuan in the middle of the product, and a drop of purple moon fairy!"

I heard the words of Ziyue Xianlin, and the atmosphere at the scene became dignified.

In particular, there is a peak of life like a windless person.

Ziyue Xianlin is one of the few spiritual liquids that can help the life of the peaks and the souls.

Ziyue Xianlin is very precious, I did not expect that there is such a spirit in the hands of Tono.

No windsman looked at Xu Feng, his eyes sparkled with light, and smiled: "I can't think of the seven heavens in the district, and I can still have such a high value. The old man is very heart-warming!"

For many years, the windless people are seeking opportunities to unite their souls.

Since Dong Ye Wang San took out Ziyue Xianlin.

He will not miss it naturally!

(End of this chapter)

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