The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3392: The benefits of Xuan Bing

Chapter 3392 The Benefits of Xuan Bing

"The owner, enter the mysterious secret, you be careful!"

Cang Jingnian is somewhat worried about the safety of Xu Feng.

First is the Li family.

It is also Dongye Wangsan.

There are other people who are watching.

After a trip to Dongye Wangsan.

Estimated a lot of people, I was impressed by Xu Feng.

He looked at him and wanted to arrest him immediately.

"Do not worry! Everyone is careful, all kinds of remedies are also ready!"

"In the mysterious secrets, everyone must be in trouble, don't give up any one, know?"

Xu Feng is facing the people of Cang Jingnian.

He had previously refining his own medicinal herbs to Cang Jingnian.

The medicinal herbs of Xu Feng refining are much faster than their medicinal herbs.

"Let's go!"

Xu Feng, they went to the mysterious secrets.

Xu Feng can feel that countless eyes like snakes look at him.

However, he did not care.

This transmission of the mysterious secrets is a random transmission.

Xu Feng is very clear, unless his luck is very poor.

Otherwise, it is impossible to transfer it to anyone.

Even if it is transmitted together.

Those people may not be able to kill him.


With Xu Feng, they went to the entrance of the mysterious secret.

The spiritual power of the body flows.

The transmission array will take them and roll them into it.

Xu Feng felt a force pulling himself.

With a burst of confusion.

The spirit of heaven and earth has become abundant.

Finally, his eyes fell around.

"Sure enough, the spirit is very strong, and practicing in such an environment can at least improve the speed of cultivation by five times!"

Xu Feng felt the richness of the heavens and the earth, with a smile on his face.

Such a strong heaven and earth spiritual power, used for cultivation, is not too cool.

Xu Feng sat down on his knees and began to practice.

In a short time, his cultivation has improved a lot.

"Not bad!"

Since this is a mysterious secret, Xu Feng wants to see it.

What is the sacred soldier in the mysterious secrets?

Xu Feng took a step and walked toward the front.

"Brother, the spirit here is so strong!"

The kitten is excited about Xu Feng.

Xu Feng nodded and said: "You should practice well, don't be lazy, you must hurry to improve your strength!"

Xu Feng knows that the kitten is a guy who has been improving.

Since the kitten awakens the memory.

The strength of this guy has become much stronger.

"Yeah! Brother, I know, you can rest assured!"

The kitten patted his chest and said.

Immediately he said: "But the white-haired bird is definitely a lot better than me. When she returns to their family, she will definitely get a lot of resources."

The kitten thinks about the fire.

Xu Feng’s heart is also a feeling.

The fire was taken away for a long time.

I don't know how it is growing now.

"Brother, there is a breath in front!"

The kitten immediately recovered his mind.

Xu Feng also felt the breath.

Immediately, it is also moving, going out to the front.

Xu Feng and the kitten are very fast.

After a short time, I saw the front.

A burst of spiritual power surged, and a sword was floating.

Xu Feng’s heart is full of surprises. Is this the Xuan Bing?

He can feel that this sword seems to have consciousness.

With the arrival of Xu Feng and the kitten, Xuan Bing gave a strong breath in an instant.

Li Jian turned around and attacked Xu Feng and the kitten, bringing the breath, very strong. ,

The attack of this sword is like the swordsmanship left by the warriors.

The spiritual flow of Xu Feng’s body felt that when the sword hit, it greeted the sword with a knife.

The sword collided and it was a squeaky sound, as if the void was torn apart.

Xu Feng’s eyes were full of surprises. I didn’t expect the fighting power of this Xuan Bing to be weak.

Above the Xuan Bing, the ray of light erupted constantly, and the strong breath shocked open, forming a fierce sword.

The spiritual power of Xu Feng’s body continued to surge and moved toward the constant impact of the Xuan Bing.

Xu Feng discovered that the combat power of Xuan Bing, as the battle continued, was weakened.

At the end of the battle, Xu Feng discovered that the fighting power of Xuan Bing completely disappeared.

However, Xu Feng went out with a knife.

Xuan Bing was shattered.

A crystal clear sphere generally exists.

Appeared in the void.

Xu Feng stayed up and caught the beads of this heaven and earth.

Feel the pure spiritual power.

"If I absorb this bead, I will be promoted and refined, and I will have good spiritual power!"

Xu Feng did not expect that the spiritual power of this bead was so pure.

Just at this time.

A cold voice sounded.

"Xu Feng, hand over the beads in your hands, I can spare you not to die!"

A man with a peak in his destiny, he suddenly rushed out.

He did not find that Xu Feng raised his mouth.

Xu Feng has long discovered his existence.

If the other party knows the current affairs, he is too lazy to kill each other.

Of course, since the other party does not know the sky is thick.

If you want to come out and be cheap, he will not be polite.

"Do you think you can kill me?"

Xu Feng is not surprised that this person can call his name directly.

Before Dongye Wangsan was in this kind of person, he gave him a killing order.

Presumably, from that time on, many people know Xu Feng.

"There are seven repairs in the area, and I don't know what Dongye is looking at, why spend so much to kill you!"

The man has disdain in his eyes.

Xu Feng said: "You know, why Dongye looks at it, and at such a high cost, I want to kill me!"

Xu Feng looked at the opposite man, clutching the broken knife in his hand, and his heart was disdainful.

The area is destined to be the top of the mountain, and he can kill the other party with a single knife. There is no need for a second knife.

"Looking for death, fulfilling you!"

The man attacked Xu Feng.

The palms are swept, bringing them to the majestic momentum.

Only Xu Feng was calm and said: "If you don't open your eyes, you really think that Dongye Wangsan is as stupid as you! Force!"

"If I am a weak garbage, will Dongye hope that it will cost me so much to kill me? You are an idiot!"


At the moment when the knife fell, the opposite man opened his eyes.

Hearing the analysis of Xu Feng, he suddenly realized.

Unfortunately, regret it.

Xu Feng easily killed this person.

Put away the other's storage ring.

Xu Feng walked to a place not far away, sitting cross-legged.

He wants to try, first refining the beads of this heaven and earth to try.

"Kit, you give me protection!"

Xu Feng sits cross-legged.

The spiritual power of the body flows.

This bead was sent to the building.

Chenghua Ding refines the beads and transforms them into pure spiritual power.

Then, the spiritual power flows into Xu Feng's body.

Xu Feng's breath is constantly improving.

"Heavenly life is in the middle of the seventh!"

Xu Feng’s cultivation was upgraded to the middle of the seven-day period.

He did not expect to encounter a spirit soldier, there is such an effect.

The heart is more expecting, and then kill more soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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