The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3396: There is a battle here!

Chapter 3396 has a formation here!

Xu Feng pretended to panic and flee.

Xuan Bing is still chasing Xu Feng.

Cai Jie has a sneer in his eyes.

He didn't mean to catch up.

He wanted to watch, and Xu Feng and Xuan Bing lost both sides. He took the benefit of the fisherman.

Cai Jie’s heart is cold. Just now Xu Feng attracted Xuanbing to attack him. Now it is just a chance to avenge.

Xu Feng’s inner heart was dark and joyful, as he expected.

Cai Jie really did not hurry to chase him.

"The formation is in front!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are deep and ridiculous.

This Cai Jie is really stupid.

I dug a pit here, and when he jumped in, he still didn't know.

Xu Feng felt the position of Cai Jie.

Going inside the seven killing gates.

After he entered the formation, he felt the stalwart.

Immediately, began to fight with the stalwart.

Cai Jie smiled and said: "Xu Feng, have you been attacked by Xuanbing?"

Cai Jie looked at this scene, as if watching the battle between Xu Feng and Xuan Bing, the heart is a smile.

"Cai Jie, you are really mean and shameless, and you have to repair the five-wheeled life. You still want me and Xuanbing to lose both hands!"

Xu Feng screamed at Cai Jie, and his body was insanely mad, attacking Xuanbing.

Cai Jie looked at Xu Feng and went all out. He said in his heart: "Boy, you go all out and want to destroy the Xuan Bing as soon as possible, but do you still want to escape?"

Cai Jie will not give Xu Feng the opportunity to escape.


As the Xuan Bing breaks down, it turns into a pearl.

Xu Feng will make the spiritual income of the pearl.

With these two Lingzhu, he has a hunch, perhaps his own cultivation, there will be a good upgrade.

Before he refining the spirit beads, the cultivation was promoted to the peak of the seven seasons.

If he can go further and upgrade to the destiny of heaven, his strength will naturally become stronger.

"Kid, die!"

Cai Jie looked at Xu Feng and collected Lingzhu.

A sudden violent violent movement.

"Zhen Wu Jianyin!"

This holy spiritual skill is displayed, and when the sword is condensed, the swords are criss-crossed.

The sword shadow is pervasive, as if it is a strong sword seal, from top to bottom, squatting down Xu Feng's head.

However, Xu Feng’s mouth was raised and there was a smug smile in his eyes.

Even if Cai Jie is a little wrong, said: "Boy, are you smiling before you die?"


I know, the Zhenwu Jianyin attack failed.

Xu Feng appeared not far away.

The atmosphere around the whole suddenly changed.

The wind whistled and the killing was filled.


Xu Feng violently screamed, and the seven killings came to the fore.

The entire array is starting to work.

As if the world was killing, it broke out.


In an instant, the array became horrible.

Seven kills the door to run.

A blood-red blade came out against Cai Jie.

"There is a battle here!"

Cai Jie’s spiritual flow, and quickly resisted the sharp edge attack.

The whole person went backwards one after another, and both eyes were shocked.

He does not understand, how can there be a formation here?

However, I think of Xu Feng’s eyes.

He looked at Xu Feng not far away, his face stunned: "Kid, this formation is your ghost?"

Xu Feng heard the words and smiled. "Yes! You are a five-year-old repairer. I can only use the formation to deal with you!"

The words sounded, and Xu Feng’s voice seemed to be helpless.

However, this array of attacks began to attack.


A sword and a man, they continued to attack.

The seven killings of the front line of the battle, blood red killing momentum spread.

A different attack, water, fire and lightning.

Different attacks, madly attacked Cai Jie.



Cai Jie made a roar, and the whole body was insanely flowing, trying to attack Xu Feng.

However, the seven killings of the gates are running, bringing violent momentum and completely suppressing Cai Jie’s attack.

An attack of lightning condensed, slammed into his chest, and a stream of blood spouted.

The body smelled of burnt smell, which was bombarded with lightning and the blood spurted out.

"Damn boy, have the ability to fight with my real knife!" Cai Jie's face was stunned and his eyes were splitting.

Xu Feng heard that he almost didn't smile and vomit blood. He said: "Cai Jie, are you not afraid of blushing?"

"I am just a sacred life. You are a five-wheeler. You let me fight with your real knife. Isn't it ridiculous?"

Xu Feng will naturally not be stimulated by Cai Jie’s radical method.

Such a radical approach, he does not know how much experience.

Immediately, control the seven killings.

A more horrific array of attacks.

Wind, fire and thunder, constantly attacking.

"Ah! I am not willing!"

Cai Jie snorted and his eyes were red.

The five-fold cultivation of his own life was actually killed by a seven-day kid.

He never thought about it, he died in a small hand, and he was suppressed by the formation.

He has a lot of grievances in his heart. He has a strong strength and can easily kill Xu Feng.

However, the formation method made him unable to get close to Xu Feng, and he was only able to be consumed by the formation, and he was slowly dying.


Cai Jie crashed into the ground, covered in blood, and his face was unwilling and angry.

Completely ruined.

Xu Feng manipulated the seven killings and killed the Jie Jie.

The spiritual power of the whole body is also very expensive.

Take a deep breath and take a deep breath.

"It’s a five-fold life, it’s really powerful!"

Xu Feng is very clear.

If it is not the seven killings, he wants to kill Cai Jie, it is difficult to go to heaven.


Xu Feng wants to converge on the breath of the seven killings.

We will collect the spiritual materials that we can use.

I know, it is at this time.

Two figures, coming towards this side.

"Kid, take your life!"

The two heard Cai Jie’s snoring.

I came here and saw Xu Feng killing Cai Jie.

Feel the messy atmosphere of Xu Feng.

It is even more joyful.

Hey you are sick, want your life!

If the two want to kill Xu Feng, they can find Dong Tian Wang San to receive the reward.

"court death!"

Xu Feng has deep eyes and kills.

He only killed Cai Jie and converged.

Just did not pay attention to the surrounding movements.

The two men wanted to attack themselves and they were really looking for death.

You know, he is still in his own arrangement?

"Array! Get up!"

Xu Feng screamed and screamed, and the seven killings were running, and the rich killings were filled with madness.

The killing power broke out, and the attack of wind, fire and thunder and lightning condensed, and they rushed to the two.

The two were shocked. They were all three-year-old in their lives, and they were retrogressive and full of horror.

"Is there a battle here?"

The two men were shocked and thought that Xu Feng and Cai Jie lost both sides.

I know, Xu Feng actually used the array method to kill Cai Jie.

"Oh! Damn!"

Both of them are remorseful.

Xu Feng manipulated the array and was able to kill Cai Jie.

They shot, is not looking for a dead end!

"Xu Feng, don't kill us... we tell you a secret..."

The two looked at Xu Feng with fear.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "I kill you, I can get secrets!"

Seven kills the door to run.

Cai Jie is going to die, not to mention the three lives of the two.

After a while, the two were killed.

(End of this chapter)

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