The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3402: That's right, it's playing your old face!

Chapter 3402 is right, it is to hit your old face!

The floating son is full of disbelief and said: "No wind, you can not be fooled, Xu Feng is very cunning!"

"He wants us to lose both in the battle. He takes the advantage of the fisherman."

The floating son does not want to fight the windless people.

He felt that this was Xu Feng’s plot.

What kind of method is so mysterious.

Actually, one person is killed and the other is alive.

The windless people are cold and cold: "It is not too difficult to kill you. I just need to do it."

"As long as you kill you, in the end, Xu Feng is a small beast. Is it lie to me, isn’t it clear at a glance?"

No windsman with a sneer.

The life of the wheel is repaired.

He did not put the floating son in his eyes.

The floating son is full of anger and said: "No wind, you really treat me as a soft persimmon?"

At the same time as the sorrowful color between the sons of the sons and sons, the spiritual power of the body flows, and the five-fold breath of life turns out.

He ranked third as the top ten Tianyao of Ming Xuan, and his strength is not weak. He is naturally not afraid of people without wind.

"Hey! The old man knows that you are a genius, but what about it?" There is a sneer in the look of the people without the wind. "Don't you know that the five-wheeled life and the peak of life are four different realms?"

The spiritual flow in the people without the wind, the clothes are squeaky.

Xu Feng said: "There is no wind predecessor, you only need to kill the floating son, and the array is naturally untied."

Xu Feng’s eyes are deep and filled with cold and murderous intentions. He is not willing to let go of such a good opportunity.

"I quickly recovered the injury, and then I will use the formation method to bring the windless people into a fantasy!"

"I have degraded heart inflammation in my hand. If I use the fallen heart to arrange a magical array, there is a great chance of killing people without wind."

Xu Feng’s heart is secretly determined.

Fallen heart disease is the lowest quality of the world, ranking ninety-seven.

Fallen heart inflammation can make people fall into the illusion and can't extricate themselves.


Xu Feng was almost killed by the windless people.

The body of the destiny has been hit hard.

With his character, it will not be easy to give up.

Immediately, continue to begin healing.

Inside the array.

The windless people originally thought that they could easily kill the floating son.

I know that the strength of the floating son is not weak.

The most important thing is that the floating son even took the opportunity to improve the cultivation of the drug.

His cultivation is forcibly promoted to a big seven-fold life.

I actually fought dozens of rounds with him.

The floating son is just injured.

If you want to kill the son of the floating son, you still need to continue fighting.

It is necessary to take the medicinal power of the medicinal herbs that are taken down by the phoenix, and thoroughly consume them.

"There are no winds, old guys like you, you should have chosen to go to the earth for a long time. It’s a shame to come out and lean on the old and sell old!"

The son of the angry son.

No windy people are full of faces: "The old man does not kill you today, and he does not swear!"

The people without the wind are so humiliated by the son of the wind, full of anger.

However, Xu Feng’s injury resumed seven seven eight eight.

The floating son in the array method suffered heavy losses.

"No wind, I am fighting with you today!"

Drifting son, suddenly took out another remedy.

Wear it toward your mouth.

The whole body is instantly violent.

Xu Feng stood up and was on the palm of his hand.

Fallen heart inflammation emerged.

The flame is constantly integrated into the array.

He is facing the floating son: "Floating son, I can join you to kill this old dog!"

"Do you want me to join you with you?"

Xu Feng’s words rang.

The floating eyes of the son are all condensed, said: "Xu Feng, if you can kill this old dog with me, I will never find you trouble!"

"Our previous grievances have been written off."

The floating son is used by no winds, and is used to suppress.

Caused him to swallow two upgrades to repair the drug.

Even if it can survive, it will take a long time.

Only then can adjust.

The inner hatred of the people without the wind is far more than Xu Feng.

The people without winds are full of faces, saying: "Xu Feng kid, don't look for a dead end, don't you forget that I didn't kill you just now."

There are still some people who are not blinded by Xu Feng.

After all, the ghost knows what this battle will be like.

"Old dog, you just want to help me with your help!"

"Tianhuo Yuanjing is so precious, I will help you get it out. Can you give me a little benefit?"

Xu Feng is angry.

Open the way: "Floating son, then I use the array method to help you contain this old dog."

When the voice fell, Xu Feng manipulated the array and rushed out to the people without the wind.

Immediately afterwards, the fallen heart disease was filled with people without winds, and the formation became more mysterious.

No windy people are worthy of being the peak of the life of the wheel, able to withstand the confusion of the magic array.

The floating sons continue to attack the people without the wind, so that the minds of the people without the wind are scattered.

Fallen heart disease is only a rare fire in the world, but it is not an ordinary flame.

Seeing that the windless people are gradually falling into the illusion, the instinctive madness attacks around, and constantly fights with the floating son.

The depths of Xu Feng’s eyes are filled with light, and the ancient dragon souls are oppressed by the people without winds.

"No wind man, surrender the sky fire Yuanjing, I spare you not to die!"

The windless people are struggling, and the old faces are distorted.

Xu Feng is very eager for Tianhuo Yuanjing.

The floating son is also caught in a fantasy.

The environment of degraded heart disease is extremely terrifying.

After the windless people struggled for a while, they still took out the Tianhuo Yuanjing.

Seeing the moment of Tianhuo Yuanjing.

Xu Feng grabbed it.

No hesitation.

He has already felt that the energy of the array is about to run out.

After all, this Dongfu’s formation has been in operation for so many years.

It is not easy to be able to support this for a long time.

"Old dog! Charge some interest first!"


Xu Feng reached out and turned to the old face of the windless man.

No windsman has come back to God, his eyes are splitting, saying: "Xu Feng, you dare to call the old man!"

Xu Feng disappeared into the formation, and the voice came: "Yes, it is to hit your old face."

The floating son spurted out a blood, and the array gradually collapsed.

No winds are cracked.

"Xu Feng, I want you to die!"

In the hands of the floating son, a sign appeared suddenly.

When you crush it in an instant, it disappears in front of the person without a wind.

However, no windy people are too lazy to care for the son.

He only wants to kill Xu Feng now.

Even if he does not break the law, he will kill Xu Feng.

The heart is resentment.

He was actually played by Xu Feng.

Tianhuo Yuanjing also did not take Xu Feng away.

Moreover, in the end, Xu Feng also slaps two slaps toward his cheek.

Xu Feng only knows to escape to the depths of Dongfu.

No matter what the wind is, there is no wind.

When he met the formation, he broke the formation.

Xu Feng only feels that the whole body is so powerful that it seems to be exhausted.

However, he appeared in a large hall.

The atmosphere of the hall looks a bit quaint.

(End of this chapter)

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