Chapter 3409 is full!

"A group of wastes, how about together?"

Xu Feng’s eyes are filled with hegemony.

He is this time.

Since coming to the lock collar.

It was suppressed by Dongye Wangsan.

His heart is depressed.

Look at the opposite Tang Long and others.

Xu Feng’s inner hegemony was completely released.

Among the eyes, with the killing.

Very terrible.

The killing of the body broke out.

"Second-order killing?"

Tang Long and others were shocked.

Immediately, Tang Long said: "Everyone should be careful, but don't underestimate the enemy. This kid is not simple."

Tang Long is very clear that he can be killed by Dong Ye Wang San, who wants to kill.

This Xu Feng is certainly not a leisurely generation. His strength is undoubtedly unquestionable.

In particular, Xu Feng’s cultivation is to enhance the destiny of life.

The talented Xia Baocheng was easily killed by Xu Feng.

Moreover, Xu Feng also showed the second-order killing.

"Tang Long, are you too small to marry us all?"

"There are only nine wastes in the area, and we are not the garbage of Xia Baocheng."

I don't know if Xia Baocheng is still alive. If I hear this sentence, will it vomit blood?

It’s not that Xia Baocheng is rubbish, but Xu Feng is really too bad, and the power is terrible.

"Do it, don't talk nonsense!"

Xu Feng’s eyes are overbearing.

He is sure to win the red soul.

"Boundless boxing!"

"Fisting is like the end!"

"Fisting is like the sea!"

"There is no fist!"

"There is me in the boxing!"

"Fisting is boundless!"


The second-order killing of Xu Feng’s body has completely erupted, and the blood-red light is filled with strong momentum.

The horror of the second-order killing of the righteousness, filled out, killing the upright wrapped Xu Feng's fist.

The fist spreads blood, bringing a strong shock wave, and the void seems to be trembled.

"The fourth-order Chinese spirit is holy!"

"This kid has actually cultivated the Holy Spirit to the realm of fire!"

"Even if the realm is high, and in the face of absolute strength, there is no place to die."


However, the battle has just begun.

A man who lives at the top of his tricycle is kicked out with a punch and a slap.

Blood sprang from the man's mouth, "How is it possible!"

The man felt that the whole body was broken.

It was actually killed by Xu Feng.


With the boundless boxing method displayed.

After several figures, they were all shaken out.

Even Tang Long.

At the moment when the Holy Spirit and Xu Feng collided together, the whole person was shaken out and swelled.


Xu Feng gave a violent drink, the whole body's spiritual power burst, and it was swollen in the meridians and instantly expanded.

The next moment, as if there is endless fist shadow, is accompanied by the first-order gravity.

"Gravity is righteous, this kid realizes two kinds of ambiguity."

"How is it possible that he will be able to comprehend two kinds of ambiguity?"

"I don't see such a genius at the very least, it should be a thousand."

"Kill this kid!"

Seeing Xu Feng shows talent.

Two kinds of esoteric forces.

The opposite Tang Long and others are all wrong.

"Great Sadness!"

A punch filled with golden light.

The pupils of the eyes contracted, saying: "When you want my medicine, I didn't give it to you, you want to kill me!"

"People like you should die!"


The Great Compassion is smashing out.


The man who had just started to work on Xu Feng’s life is a triple-peak man. He burst into a loud voice and said, “Save me...”

No one expected that Xu Feng’s combat power was so strong.

Still thinking about his life and death.


A punch was shaken out and a blood spurted out.

The three rounds of life and death were repaired, and Xu Feng was shot and killed.

Some of the two-wheeled warriors are stunned.

"This Xu Feng is too strong!"

"It's no wonder that Higashino looks at the third, using Ziyue Xianlin, which makes people kill Xu Feng."

"So small, so talented, not limited."

"Fortunately, I didn't do it, or I don't know how to die."

With Xu Feng's gravity, and the second-order killings broke out.

The people on the opposite side, the people on the side, are shocked.


The fist madly attacked.

"The fifth-order best spirit of the Holy Spirit?"

"Damn, this Xu Feng is very strong!"

A man of four lives, suddenly reversing, but was bombarded in the chest by Xu Feng’s fist.

The chest is instantly sunken, and the power of the fifth-order supernatural spirit is so terrifying.

The man went backwards, blood squirted, fell to the ground, and died completely.

"Fire Thunder Umbrella!"

Xu Feng started at the same time.

The fire thunder umbrella is also a man who directly bombards the death.

"It's your turn to be three!"

The spiritual power of Xu Feng is surging wildly.

In a blink of an eye, there are only three people left.

That is, three men with five lives.

Tang Long’s face was blue and green, biting his teeth, and said: “Together, the spiritual power of this kid is about to be consumed.”

"Yes, as long as we consume it slowly, we can kill this kid!"

I know that Xu Feng’s mouth is rising.

"It’s ridiculous to rely on your three wastes and want to kill me!"

Said, Xu Feng head.

The dense veins emerged.

"More than two hundred spirits?"

"how is this possible!"

"Heavenly life is ninefold, more than two hundred spirits!"

"No wonder this guy can easily kill the four-wheeled life!"

Xu Feng’s mouth was slightly upturned and said: “With your three wastes, can you kill me?”

The number of Xu Feng's spiritual pulse is too much. It is necessary to know that the more the number of spiritual veins, the more the spiritual power is stored.

"Heaven and Earth are killing the boxing method!"

"The world is gone, life is endless!"

A punch hit Tang Long.

The second level of killing on the body is agglomerated.

With the destruction of the world of birth and death boxing.

Xu Feng’s boxing rumors reached its peak.

This boxing method is his own boxing method.

Exhibited, the power is simply shocking.


Tang Long had not had time to react, and he was surrounded by a lot of boxing.

A spurt of blood, his face is full of sputum, and the twinkles are flashing with unwillingness.

However, Xu Feng’s eyes are deep, with a sense of killing, saying: “Want to run?”

"The bliss bead!"

The bliss beads flew toward Tang Long’s back.

Tang Long did not expect that Xu Feng’s Lingbao was so much.

First, the fire and thunder umbrella, and the bliss bead.

Blood ran from his mouth, and he fell to the ground like this.

The remaining two lives are five-fold men, all of them are white.

Xu Feng brows and picks up, said: "You two want to kill me, just hurry!"

Broken life knife emerged, with the gravity of the righteousness, killing the righteousness, the knife of the righteousness, the power of three kinds of righteousness.

The two men on the opposite side were mourning in their hearts. They did not expect that Xu Feng was metamorphosed to such a point.

It’s unheard of to understand the three forces of the righteousness.

(End of this chapter)

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