Chapter 3412 Rolling type killing

"Floating son, I Xu Feng never took the initiative to provoke others. Since you want to kill me, don't blame me!"

Xu Feng grabbed the broken knife and the spiritual power of his body flowed.

He broke through to the ten realm of destiny.

The strength has become stronger.

The second-order killing of the righteousness and the first-order knife is full of meaning.

"Fantasy knife!"

The son of the floating son is cold and fierce.

"Xu Feng, killing you, you can exchange Ziyue Xianlin, I really don't understand, where is the life of heaven, and where is the value of Ziyue Xianlin?"

The floating son grabbed the long sword and the sword spreads.

It seems to be an endless stream of swords.

The spiritual power of the body flows.

Among the two eyes, there is a cold and killing.

The floating son of Xu Feng can be described as hateful.

"Do you feel like a son, how many tricks to kill Xu Feng?"

"I don't think Xu Feng is an opponent of the floating son."

"Floating son, but Ming Xuan led the top ten arrogance, ranking third."

"He is a five-year-old repairer, and Xu Feng cannot be his opponent."

Someone looked at the floating son.

They feel that the strength of the son of the son is so powerful.

For everyone.

The floating son is the top ten arrogance.

They never think that someone can be in the destiny of life and kill the five-fold life.

It is almost impossible to kill opponents across five levels.

"Xu Feng is really ignorant of life and death. I dare to fight against the son of the floating son. I have seen him very quickly."

"If he chooses to run away, the floating son may not be able to catch up with him. If he wants to, he will run now!"

A man with a four-wheeled life, his eyes flashing slightly.

He had seen Xu Feng’s wing of Xu Peng before.

Moreover, he also saw the swordsmanship of the floating son.

Therefore, he does not think that Xu Feng is the opponent of the floating son.

"Xu Feng, die!"

The white clothes on the floating son, flying in an instant.

When the sword is dancing, it brings a strong sword.

It seems to be a violent violent wave that swept in an instant.

"This is the fourth-order sword method: 拂柳剑法."

"I don't think it's a floating son. I heard that he will practice the sword and practice it to the realm of getting better!"

"Isn't it? This sword stabbed out, as if the willows had become a sword man, tearing the void."

Someone looked at the sound of the son of the air, could not help but said: "I know that the son of the son, the most powerful is not the sword, but the fifth-order supernatural spirit, purple rainbow cloud sword."

"I don't know how Xu Feng resists the swordsmanship method?"

Someone looked at the long sword of the floating son and attacked.

Jianmang became extremely scary.

Can't help but worry about Xu Feng.

"Fantasy knife!"

Seeing that Jianmang attacked him.

Xu Feng doubles and condenses.

The spiritual power of the body is flowing toward the broken knife.

Many people feel the breath of Xu Feng.

It is shocking.

"Xu Feng Mingming is the sacred peak of the heavens, how can there be such a strong breath?"

"It’s incredible, it’s too strong, it’s incredible.”

Everyone thought.

Xu Feng could not resist the three swords of the son of the floating son.

I know.

The momentum of Xu Feng’s outburst is too strong.

The magical knife method is displayed.

The second-order killing of the righteousness and the first-order knife are the same.


The moment the sword collided, it seemed to be sparkling.

The void was torn by the knife.

The sword is criss-crossed.

No one thought of it.

The floating son went back and forth, and the clothes on his body were all torn by the sword.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "This is why I am worthy of Ziyue Xianlin!"

Xu Feng’s voice is powerful, and many people have eyes that are condensed and their faces are horrified.

The floating son is a glimpse, said: "How is it possible? Why is your spiritual power so strong, are you not the only natural life?"

The floating son can't figure out why, Xu Feng's breath is so horrible.

The moment when the sword collided, not only his sword, but was completely suppressed by Xu Feng’s knife.

And his strength, as well as the strength of spiritual power, have been fully prevailed by Xu Feng.

Xu Feng’s mouth was raised, and his eyes were smiling with evil spirits. “Nothing is impossible, but you can’t do it!”

The floating son died biting his teeth and said: "Xu Feng, you must have won an adventure in the former Dongfu."

"Otherwise, your strength cannot be achieved so much. However, my most powerful swordsmanship, I have not yet applied it?"


The spiritual flow of the floating son, the eyes are firm, he wants to display the most powerful Holy Spirit skills, to deal with Xu Feng.

Xu Feng brows his head and says: "Do you really think that you only have the fifth-order Holy Spirit?"

For the eight-order forces like Ming Xuan, the fifth-order holy spirit is already a precious existence.

"Yes, my fifth-order holy spirit is the best holy spirit!"

He believes that as long as he displays the "Zihongliuyunjian", he will be able to kill Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's spiritual flow, his face is extremely calm, and he does not care about the swordsmanship that comes from the floating son.


The mystery of the sword of the Son of the Son of the Son, broke out to the extreme.

Ling Qingyi looked at this scene and couldn't help but worry about Xu Feng.

Clenched fists.

The heart is more determined and needs to become stronger quickly.

Otherwise, she will be with Xu Feng, and it will only become a burden.

"Three feet!"

Xu Feng did not hesitate to display the fifth-order Shangpin spirit, and the speed of the knife method was raised to the extreme.

I have to say that the swordsmanship of the floating son is indeed very strong, but Xu Feng’s second-order killing is more terrifying.

The three-knife rule is accompanied by the second-order killing, and each knife seems to be close at hand, but far away.

After a knife smashed out, the knives were torn.

The opposite side of the son, the sword mans was broken.


The floating son was completely suppressed by Xu Feng.

The whole person has been regressing one after another.

Among the two eyes, they are unwilling.

It’s incredible between the gods.

"How could this be!"

The son of the floating son is unwilling, he does not understand why he is beyond the five small realms of Xu Feng, but still not Xu Feng opponent.

The most important thing is that he did not expect that he would be suppressed so badly that he could not fight back.

Everyone was dumbfounded and full of mistakes.

I feel it all, and I hit my face in an instant.

They felt before.

Xu Feng did not support the three swords.

I know, Xu Feng completely suppressed the floating son.


Knife Mang instantly smashed out.

The son of the floating son is condensed.

Then Xu Feng’s broken knife disappeared.

"Heaven and earth are killing the boxing method. Heaven and earth are extinguished, and life is endless!"

It’s his own boxing method to punch out.


In an instant, countless fist shadows are bombarded in the chest of the son.

He looked blank and said: "How can you be so powerful?"

The floating son can't imagine how Xu Feng did it?

Boxing and swordsmanship are so powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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