The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 3414: Why are you doing this?

Chapter 3414 Why are you doing this?

"I can't think of this downfall, it has such an effect!"

Xu Feng is a god.

In other words.

Just hit the ring and defeat the opponent.

You can get all the power of the other party's transformation.

Xu Feng’s current cultivation has just broken through to the ten-day life.

If it is able to kill a five-way opponent of a life.

No, it means that his cultivation can be promoted to the top of the heavens.

You must know that the fate of the opponent’s life has been fivefold, and he has improved a lot.

There have been constant fighting on the ring, and there have been people dying one after another, but always, everyone is happy.

They are very clear that the so-called rich and dangerous insurance, the benefits of defeating the opponent are too great.

Xu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he has no plans to start yet. He is ready to look at what happens.

However, not far from a figure, the eyes looked at Xu Feng, it is from the lock of the heart of Tianyao Xi Haozhong.

Xi Haozhong was the fifth-round cultivation of his life. He did not expect to find Xu Feng for a long time and could not find it.

Instead, here, just met Xu Feng, maybe this is his luck is too good.

"Isn't that Xu Feng? If I want to go up and challenge him, if I kill him, I can get a reward for Tono!"

A man with a four-headed head in his life, his eyes fell on Xu Feng, and his eyes were full of killing.

I know, a man with a gray hair around him, stretched out his hand and pulled the other side.

"You don't want to live?"

The white-haired man’s words sounded, the bald head was a little wrong, and he didn’t understand what the other party meant. He asked, “What do you mean by Lao Zhou? What does it mean that I don’t want to live?”

Lao Zhou looked at the bald head and said: "If you just remind me, I am too lazy to remind you."

"Do you know that this Xu Feng is very strong? If you challenge him, you will find death."

Before the old week, I saw Xu Feng killing the floating son, but Ming Xuan led the top ten arrogance, ranking third.

They were easily killed by Xu Feng.

Nowadays, if this bald head starts, it is tantamount to finding a dead end.

The floating son is a five-fold repair.

That is Tianjiao, and the strength is extremely powerful.

Ordinary life is sixfold, not necessarily his opponent.

However, Xu Feng killed the floating son.

It can be imagined that this bald head, if you go to find Xu Feng's troubles.

I am afraid that it will be very miserable.

"What? His strength is very strong?" The bald head thinks that Lao Zhou is joking. Xu Feng is only a natural life, and can be strong enough to be strong: "Old Zhou, you told me that the destiny is very strong?" ”

The bald head feels that his own world seems to have been subverted.

The old Zhou Hao nodded and said: "I just saw with my own eyes, Xu Feng killed the son of the air?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

The bald felt that he was afraid of hearing it wrong.

Just kidding.

A sacred life is repaired, and it can kill the Ming dynasty and lead the top ten celestial celestial priests.


The bald head was blank and confirmed again to the old week.

Lao Zhou said: "You can rest assured that when someone wants to start with Xu Feng, you will look at it."

The bald head couldn't help but swallow the mouth, and it seemed to have a lingering fear. If Xu Feng could really kill the floating son.

This is simply too horrible.

This kind of talent is unheard of.

Seeing Xi Haozhong walking toward Xu Feng.

Lao Zhou looked at the bald head and said: "There is a good show!"

Xi Haozhong was full of arrogance and killing, and walked toward Xu Feng with irony on his face.

"Xu Feng, I can't think of looking for you for so long, I haven't found your trace, but you took the initiative to send it to the door!"

"I don't know, can you dare to stand on this downfall with me, and die in life?"

Xi Haozhong’s voice is full of self-confidence, but he is a five-fold cultivation of his life. It is easy to kill Xu Feng.

The look is indifferent, Xu Feng can not enter his eyes, in his view Xu Feng is a waste.

Xu Feng heard that his heart is a joy, he just thought about it, who is it to challenge?

After all, this downfall, standing up to kill the opponent, he and others have no enmity, and do not want to kill.

Unexpectedly, Xi Haozhong took the initiative to send it to the door. He smiled at the moment: "Do you want to give someone a head?"

Xi Haozhong naturally understood the meaning of giving the head, immediately cold face, said: "Xu Feng, relying on your destiny to repair, but also want to kill me, don't you think this is an idiotic dream?"

Xi Haozhong did not know, just a short time ago, Xu Feng just killed a more powerful son than him.

"What is your reason?"

Xu Feng couldn't help but shake his head.

Immediately, I have not waited for Xi Haozhong to react.

Step out and go to the ring.

"Since you want to kill me, then hurry up!" Xu Feng fell on the ring, his eyes fell on Xi Haozhong, he naturally knew this Xi Haozhong, but followed the lock of Dongye Wangsan.

Xi Haozhong did not expect that Xu Feng dared to be so arrogant, and even took the initiative to provoke himself.

"It seems that you know that you are dead, but it is also a happy one. I will give you a good time!"

Xi Haozhong felt that Xu Feng must have thought that he would die, and he would be so successful.

Xi Haozhong’s life-threatening five-fold momentum broke out and rushed toward the ring, making it magnificent.

Many people look at this scene, and the people on the scene are divided into two conclusions.

The first conclusion: Xu Feng will die.

The second conclusion: Xi Haozhong is looking for a dead end.

Some people here, but watching Xu Feng killing the son of the air.

They are more aware of how strong Xu Feng is.

Ling Qing’s eyes are deep and the light is shining.

Although I know that Xu Feng's strength is very strong.

However, she still couldn't help but worry.

"Xu Feng, you can get Ziyue Xianlin when you kill you. Your life is really worth it."

Xi Haozhong's spiritual power flowed, bringing the violent winds, and the momentum was extremely arrogant.

In the void, a strong wave of volatility is constantly erupting, and both eyes are arrogant and disdainful.

Xi Haozhong simply looked down on Xu Feng. In his opinion, the destiny of the district is just a matter of circumstances.

"I am afraid that you will not kill me with this qualification!"

After the spiritual flow of Xu Feng broke through to the tenth of heaven, his breath became very strong.

You must know that Xu Feng is the strongest road, the ordinary warrior, as long as it breaks through the tenth heaven.

Will get a lot of strength improvement, not to mention Xu Feng, each realm has broken through to the tenth heaven.


The clothes made a squeaking sound, and inside the eyes, there was a lot of sensation, and the waves continued to roll.

Xi Haozhong took the lead, hands on the palm of his hand, and gathered together to form a silver-white palm print.

Bringing violent waves and waves, the spiritual power is constantly rolling, and the void becomes a vortex.

I have to say that the power of this Haozhong is somewhat powerful.

Unfortunately, standing opposite him is Xu Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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